Category: Inflammation

Why We Should Eat More Cherries

I love cherries! Dried, fresh, frozen, tart or sweet…in smoothies, on salads, even in main courses. They are an excellent sweet healthy snack full of antioxidants, and fat burning ingredients.

Cherries contain some unique and pretty awesome bioactive components that can help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and other inflammatory diseases—as well as prevent muscle soreness, and help you sleep. Not only that, cherries are an extremely effective treatment for arthritis pain, gout, hemorrhoids, and allergies.

Cherries have boatloads of antioxidants in them that fight free radical damage and protect our cells’ DNA. Free radicals are linked to many diseases including cancer, heart disease, and dementia. Cherries also contain the super-nutrients quercetin, hydroxycinnamates, potassium, carotenoids and melatonin. Even sweet cherries have a healthy low glycemic index of 22, making them a healthy food for people trying to keep their blood sugar stable.


Cherries are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat. These little red powerhouses contain phytochemicals called “anthocyanins” that give them their deep red color. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University found that the powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins in tart cherries were as effective at decreasing inflammation as the anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, aspirin and Tylenol. Another study published in the Journal of Natural Products showed that anthocyanins and cyanidin isolated from tart cherries worked better than aspirin. And many studies have shown that Tylenol and Ibuprofen can be extremely harmful to the liver and very toxic, so eating foods that are anti-inflammatory is far better for your health.

In fact, cherries can even help your workouts. Cherries have been proven to get rid of the aches and pains from an intense workout. They can actually reduce muscle soreness as well. This study published in Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition looked at cherries’ power to reduce muscle damage and soreness from working out.  54 runners ran a 16 miles race, while drinking tart cherry juice or a placebo. The group drinking the cherry juice reported a significantly smaller increase in pain compared to the placebo group, which was attributed to cherries’ anti-inflammatory effect.

Arthritis and Gout

Over 33 million Americans have osteoarthritis. Arthritis can physically affect the joint, creating friction and lots of pain when the cartilage wears down. In one study done at the Osteoarthritis Research Center with 58 osteoarthritic patients who drank two 8-ounce bottles of tart cherry juice for six weeks, Western Ontario McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores decreased significantly after the tart cherry juice treatment. The WOMAC index is standardized questionnaire used by health professionals to evaluate patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, including pain, stiffness, and physical functioning of the joints.

Gout is another type of arthritis that is extremely painful, usually affecting the big toe. Uric acid crystals build up in the toe joint, causing major inflammation, swelling, redness and serious pain. High uric acid levels in the body can also be associated with diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. A large study of 633 people with gout were treated with cherry extract over a two-day period showing a 35% lower risk of gout attacks. When cherry intake was combined with allopurinol, a prescribed medication for gout and kidney stones, the risk of gout attacks was 75% lower.


Anthocyanins from cherries, especially sour cherries have such strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, they inhibit tumor development in mice and the growth of human cancer cells. On a study done with mice with a genetic risk of colon cancer, a diet of tart cherries and anthocyanins helped prevent colon cancer and tumor growth. This study also showed that these two compounds from cherries reduced the growth of human colon cancer cells as well.

One other study done on humans with cherry extract showed a reduction in the growth of colon cancer cells and human breast cancer cells as well.

Sleep Better After Eating Cherries

Cherries also help you sleep more soundly because they are one of the only foods that contain a natural substance called ‘melatonin’. Melatonin is a hormone in the body that regulates sleep cycles and helps you sleep deeply. Tart cherries contain the highest levels of melatonin. It only takes two tablespoons of concentrated tart cherry juice to promote good quality, deep sleep necessary for healing and repair of the body.

Melatonin contains powerful antioxidants that helps reverse aging as well. What’s more, a good night’s sleep helps to reduce cortisol which helps you burn fat better as well! In a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, 20 volunteers consumed either a placebo or tart cherry juice concentrate for seven days. As a result of this treatment, total melatonin content was significantly elevated in the cherry juice group.

Healthy Hearts

Tart cherries can also protect the heart and reduce the risk of strokes. Research done at University of Michigan shows tart cherries activate something called PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activating receptors) in the body. These receptors are connected to glucose and fat metabolism and can help reduce heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. There are prescribed medications that do the same thing, but they come with serious side effects, such as increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke!

While sweet cherries are effective, tart cherries contain even more of the powerful antioxidants that burn fat, help with muscle aches and soreness and help you sleep more soundly. Enjoy cherries in your next smoothie, on top of your breakfast oatmeal, throw in a salad, or just plain for a sweet, satisfying snack! One of my favorite snacks is frozen organic cherries mixed with raw almonds, and sprinkled with a little bit of cinnamon.  Give it a try!

(Cherry-infused cocktail: I have a sour cherry tree in my yard, so I get literally 1000’s of tart cherries every July… My favorite way to use all these sour cherries is to fill a bunch of mason jars with cherries and then add rye whiskey to the top of each jar, so that the sour cherries are infusing in the whiskey.  I let the jars sit at least for a couple weeks before I start drinking the cherry-infused whiskey, although many of the jars will soak for months before we get around to beginning to drink them.  

Each night after dinner, I like to take 1 shot of the cherry-infused whiskey, add a few shakes of organic digestive bitters, and a splash of sweet vermouth, and enjoy a super-healthy cocktail that’s a healthier version of a Manhattan. The antioxidants and natural melatonin get extracted very effectively from the cherries by the alcohol (the cherries become white over time as the whiskey extracts all the phytonutrients) and help you fight inflammation, joint pain, and can help to get me to fall asleep easier from the natural melatonin.  I used to have knee pain years ago, but I think this combination of having 1 drink per day of my cherry-infused whiskey and my 1 mug per day of bone broth has completely eliminated my knee pain.  My joints have never felt better since I’ve been doing this nightly ritual!)

And some more tips on sleeping better, using tart cherry syrup and other tips too:
Drink tart cherry syrup and THIS tea to sleep deeper (plus 5 tips for insomnia)

Now you know cherries are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat. They are as effective in decreasing inflammation as those anti-inflammatory drugs you buy over the counter.

The Above Article By: Catherine Ebeling & Mike Geary
Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning KitchenThe Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix

Garlic – Protecting you Against Brain Cancer

Making and Using Genuine Colloidal Silver



Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh. Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends. Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.

The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic, anti-viral, and as an anti-microbial. Nothing worked better then, and nothing does now. The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products in the 1930’s, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be patented; but the organization’s antibiotic and vaccine industry partners were able to patent their wares. Under the Food and Drug Administration’s original name, the Bureau of Chemistry, its real mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic chemicals to be “generally recognized as safe”, and to eliminate the chemical industry’s competition through regulations. This history has likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the truth can be found in materials from its early period.

Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature. The official Pharmacopeia (physician’s desk reference book) listed dozens of medicinal silver compounds prior to the mid-1930’s; but thereafter, all mention of silver disappeared. Newer books report that it never really happened. Before the history was rewritten, silver was like the nuclear weapon of medicine. No human pathogen of any kind survived it. This was the gospel of medicine. Pure colloidal silver is still the most comprehensive and potent antibiotic and anti-viral known, which is actually safe for human consumption, and it is absolutely safe for everyone in every condition. It is natural, has no side effects, and it was killing the worst viral diseases in the 1930’s, long before it became impossible to kill viruses with medicine.

Over the past two centuries, silver has been used by both allopathic and alternative medicine. In addition to being used for routine ailments, silver has been used effectively against some of the most notoriously hard to kill illnesses, including tuberculosis and syphilis. It has been used as an anti-bacterial agent that was added to bandages and disinfectant sprays. It has been embedded into clothing to prevent bacteria from producing foul odors from sweat, and it has been merged into cloth that is used in burn centers. Attempts are still being made to lace hospital counter tops with silver, to prevent the growth of bacteria. Silver-lined containers are actively being used to disinfect water in third world countries.

Silver is remarkable because it is an extremely powerful natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent, yet it does not impair overall health like antibiotics do. It kills viruses, fungi, and parasites in cases where the parasites live in a symbiotic relationship with a bacterial agent. This is surprisingly common, especially in the case of blood-borne parasites, such as those of U.S. bio-weapons like Lyme disease. Because of the way that silver kills with an electrical charge, no pathogen can be found or engineered to be immune to it. No life can develop an immunity to electricity.

Since the late nineteenth century, colloidal silver has been the safest and most effective way to medicate with silver. Colloidal silver is manufactured by electrically combining silver with pure water. The colloidal manufacturing process uses no chemicals. While silver is now labeled as an alternative medicine, it was once used widely in hospitals as the premiere antiseptic and antibiotic. It is still used in hospital burn centers for its incredible ability to heal burns more rapidly than steroids. We were astounded when witnessing it eliminate a sunburn in the span of just an hour, and a burnt tongue within minutes.

Removing silver from the market was one of the first actions of the Food and Drug Administration when it changed its name in the 1930’s. It has gradually changed its name from the Bureau of Chemistry, to the more publicly palatable, Food and Drug Administration. In 1999, after a re-emergence of silver, the F.D.A. completely banned it in any form from being sold in over-the-counter health products, despite the fact that silver has safely been used as a medicine for millennia.

The devastation of the polio epidemic was largely caused by how the Food and Drug Administration suppressed silver to promote its new antibiotics and vaccine industries. By removing silver from the lists of approved medicines, it effectively removed the only treatment that reliably kills polio, which in-turn unleashed the full epidemic of polio. The F.D.A. later claimed a victory over polio in boasting that the new generation of vaccines had saved us. The agency cunningly waited until the epidemic was in its natural decline to release the vaccine, in order to ensure that people saw a connection between the vaccine’s release date and the disappearance of the disease. The public, and quite a few doctors, were distracted away from the fact that silver medications were a safe treatment, which effectively kills polio quickly, as well as virtually every other virus known. Prior to this entire smoke-and-mirrors routine, silver was recognized for doing what the establishment now claims is impossible. Had silver medicine not been stripped from the market, the polio epidemic would have never occurred. Today’s huge vaccine and antibiotics markets would have never come into being. Silver had to go. Just to stack the dishonest vaccine marketing even more, the F.D.A. and the American Medical Association began promoting tonsillectomies for all children at the same time, while knowing that the tonsils are the only organ in the human body that produces polio antibodies.

The Food and Drug Administration now admits that antibiotic drugs are useless for most of the conditions that they have been prescribed during the last seven decades. The common cold, flu, and the most common type of pneumonia are all now believed to be caused by viruses for which antibiotics are useless against. However, silver is effective against viruses, so untold people have died as a result of silver being replaced with antibiotics.

Another suppression campaign against silver began around the time of the Second World War, when germ warfare agents were being increasingly studied as the new generation of warfare. Silver has the ability to neutralize every bio-weapon that has ever been created, because of how it attacks pathogens electrically. This is one of the primary reasons why it has been suppressed and maligned so aggressively. There are groups within the U.S. Government who do not want anyone to be resistant to U.S. Military bio-weapons, so silver medications have been repressed throughout the world for the sake of a covert military weapons program that is forbidden by international laws. If silver medicine was still being distributed officially as the top tier of medicine, then the bio-weapons program would be rendered impotent, because victims could simply use colloidal silver to recover from any germ warfare agent.

How Silver Medicine is Believed to Work

There are theories about how silver works. The leading one is that silver kills bacteria and viruses electrically, which would make it impossible for pathogens to become resistant to it. Indeed, it is true that there is no evidence of pathogens developing any resistance to colloidal silver. This hypothesis is impossible to prove (or disprove), because we cannot examine a single colloidal particle and its relation to a bacterium, or view the mechanism through which silver kills the latter. We can merely put colloidal silver and bacteria together, and see that all of the bacteria dies rapidly.

It is believed that each particle retains an electrical (ionic) charge, and that each particle of the same metal stores a charge of the same polarity. The charges ensure equal distribution of the particles throughout the solution. The theory is similar to that of magnetism, wherein the same poles of magnets are repelled by each other, and attracted only to their opposites.

There is evidence that silver interferes with copper and iron in the body, by binding with both electrically to chemically form new metallic compounds. People who are using a large amount of colloidal silver regularly may begin to crave foods that are rich in iron, such as beef. It is wise to satisfy these cravings, since they are caused by a deficiency of an important nutrient. Copper can be safely supplemented through the use of chlorophyll, but virtually every other oral source of copper supplementation is dangerous, because it is so trivially easy to overdose with it and cause liver damage. Due to colloidal silver’s ability to neutralize iron, men over the age of 30 will benefit from occasional colloidal silver supplementation. Iron accumulation in the bodies of men is believed to be one of the key reasons why women live longer than men do, and excessive iron is a major contributor to heart disease in men.

The Different Silver Products

There are many different types of silver solutions, including silver nitrates, ionic silvers, colloidal silvers, silver chlorides, and silver proteins. The only completely safe medicinal silver product, and the kind that we officially recommend, is colloidal silver.

Silver nitrate is produced by the pharmaceutical industry by combining silver with nitric acid. It can damage the liver and kidneys like most pharmaceutical drugs. It is the terrible side effects of silver nitrate that the establishment often uses to justify its attacks upon colloidal silver, in more slight-of-hand tactics. Pharmaceutical silver nitrate has a long history of turning patients’ skin a bluish-gray color. Nitrates are the poisonous compounds that are added to meat products which cause cancers. In other words, the F.D.A. pushed the poisonous and carcinogenic nitrate compounds on the public, and blamed the consequences on silver.

Ionic and colloidal silver are almost identically produced. The main difference between them is the size of the silver particles. In ionic silver, the particles are atomically small, to such a degree that even testing for their existence is difficult. It is possible that the particles in ionic silver are so small that the water itself becomes a different substance, because the silver particles are no longer completely autonomous. In colloidal silver, the particles are still microscopically small, but not as small as they are in ionic silver. Ionic silver can be made using very small voltages, over extended periods of time with silver plates. Higher voltages, or decreased resistance in the water produces colloidal silver. For true colloidal or ionic silver, the water must remain pure, so the only way to reduce the resistance of the water is to heat it, which most commercial manufacturers unwisely do.

Colloidal silver is much more likely to have a color, whereas ionic silver is always clear. This is because the larger particles in the colloidal silver provide a greater surface area. Ionic silver particles are so small that they are actually smaller than the wavelengths of visible light, making the silver invisible and colorless in even high concentrations. All colloidal silver solutions are mixtures of ionic and colloidal silver, but ionic solutions can be completely ionic. It is not possible to produce colloidal silver without also producing ionic silver. This is analogous to a construction worker who extracts materials from a brick wall. He might use a grinding tool that yielded only a fine powder, or he could bash the brick wall with a sledge hammer, which would yield a mixture of large chunks and fine powder. The use of higher voltages for colloidal extraction is like hammering the silver. The larger particles that are found in colloidal silver solutions are especially beneficial for external use, including the treatment of burns. Ionic silver is useless externally, and its internal effects have never been studied by independent third parties. Only colloidal silver and silver nitrate have been scientifically scrutinized for effectiveness, and only the colloidal variant is truly safe. Incredibly, colloidal silver is the only type which the pharmaceutical industry has never sold.

Another silver product is silver chloride. It is essentially made in the same manner as colloidal silver, but with the addition of table salt (sodium chloride). It is a cloudy liquid (often whitish) that is extremely photosensitive. Upon illumination or heating, the silver chloride solution separates into silver and chlorine. This instability makes it unsafe for human consumption. When ingested, silver chloride has a tendency to migrate to the outer tissues. Then, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the silver chloride will break down into silver and chlorine. This causes the bluish-gray skin discoloration that has been heavily publicized as damning evidence against silver medicine. Victims of this phenomenon often claim that they drank colloidal silver, but the addition of salt transformed it into a very different substance that was chemically unstable. Conversely, true colloidal silver compounds are extremely non-reactive. Silver chloride has no benefits over colloidal silver, and it comes with risks. The salt is usually added to speed production time, but the same effect can be achieved with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a much safer manner. The addition of sodium bicarbonate will yield especially large particles, which is unwise for internal use, but the resultant solution would nevertheless be ideal for external use. It would be excellent for burn treatments and infectious wound treatments.

Silver proteins contain much larger particles than either colloidal or ionic silver, and they should never be used internally. These were formerly approved of by the F.D.A., and they were preferred by the pharmaceutical industry. The silver particles in silver protein solutions are so large that they simply sink in the water, and the particles never stay evenly distributed without the aid of an added gelling agent. Due to the large size of the silver particles, and the silver’s binding with proteins, there is a dramatically increased likelihood that silver will become trapped in the fatty tissues. Therefore, these thick solutions are likely to produce the infamous bluish discoloration of the skin too.

Dishonest Silver Companies

Misinformation is being spread by most sellers of colloidal silver. Most sellers boast about colloidal silver by showcasing its long history of safe usage, but they simultaneously claim to use a proprietary process that makes their silver superior to all other silver products. Their admitted usage of non-standard manufacturing processes means that they cannot sincerely use the safety history of colloidal silver as an example of their own product’s safety, or honestly declare that their untested proprietary product is as effective. If a different manufacturing process is used, then the result cannot actually be colloidal silver. There is only one way to make colloidal silver, and any other manufacturing process will yield an entirely different product. Hence, the marketing for most colloidal silver is patently dishonest from start to end. This is not an indictment against colloidal silver itself, but its sellers tend to be morally bankrupt, and the product that they sell is a potentially dangerous fraud. Every manufacturing short-cut seems to have consequences.

We are aware from patent applications that some companies are producing silver solutions using fermenting bacteria combined with silver nitrates, instead of using electricity; but we do not know exactly which silver products are manufactured using this deplorable process. Whenever silver products are produced this way, they are inherently tainted with the dangerous nitrate compounds that the pharmaceutical silvers became infamous for. The effects of these toxic impurities can be much more severe than mere skin discolorations. Organ damage is a known consequence of using nitrate compounds, and cancers.

Most sellers of modern colloidal silver advertise that their product contains between 10 and 20 parts per million. They probably seek this concentration due to the research of Alfred Searle. He authored the book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, in 1920. He also ran Searle Pharmaceuticals. His company was respectable in its early history, and Searle was long dead before his company dishonored his memory by selling itself to Monsanto. In his book, Mr. Searle reported that a concentration of just 20 parts per million of silver was proven to be deadly to all known pathogenic life forms, including every known virus. However, these results do not equate to the 10-20 parts per million ratings that can be found on most silver products of today. The reason is that the methods of testing have changed dramatically.

Alfred Searle used a Tyndall meter to measure how many particles of silver were present in a solution. It is a device that uses light to test for hue and reflection, which are used to determine the particle count and their size. These devices use light wavelengths as the means of measurement. Most modern sellers of silver products instead purchase an electronic device that measures the conductivity of the finished product. The conductivity of different solutions will always vary greatly, so these meters cannot possibly do what they are advertised to do. For example, if salt were added to the water, then it would have a different effect on the conductivity than if copper were added, because of their differing electrical properties. Yet the sellers of these meters claim that they are able to get accurate results measuring particle counts regardless of a solution’s ingredients. If salt or another electrolyte exists in the water, the conductivity of the water will increase dramatically, even whilst the number of particles will stay roughly the same. Particle size and the temperature of the solution also effect the conductivity, which the meter has no way of determining. Even a gust of wind will give a different reading, due to the electrostatic effect upon the surface of the solution. In the case of colloidal metals, electrically gauging the concentration is even more futile than it is for other types of solutions, because the metallic liquid is an electrolytic capacitor with a constantly changing capacitance. Electricity cannot be used to measure the amount of metal in a solution when the surface area of the metal cannot be verified, and when the capacitance of the solution is ever-changing. It is like trying to get a consistent light measurement from a fireworks display. The capacitive solution itself will produce its own tiny currents, and it will block currents from the meter, which makes electronic testing an exercise in absurdity. The only way to accurately measure concentration in a metallic colloidal fluid is using light. Thus, the parts per million rating given by most colloidal and ionic silver sellers is meaningless. Since colloidal silver changes the color of the water, clear colloidal solutions are frequently just expensive water, regardless of any measurement that sellers purportedly get. In the case of ionic silvers, it is impossible to measure the particle count, since the particles are too small to reflect light.

TDS Meter, the de facto manufacturer of the new testing equipment, even acknowledges the uselessness of its own meters on its website, in an amusing attempt at damage control:

” …temperature changes by a tenth of a degree may increase or decrease the conductivity. Additionally, the temperature coefficient (what the reading is multiplied by to adjust for temperature differences) changes slightly depending upon the range of ppm… Even a tiny air bubble that has adhered to one of the probes could potentially affect the conductivity, and thus the reading… Electrical charges off fingers, static electricity off clothes, etc. on the meter and lingering electrical charges in the water will affect the conductivity of the water… Plastic cups retain lingering electrical charges more than glass. If the meter touches the side of the glass or plastic, it could pick up a slight charge. If the plastic is retaining a charge, it could also affect the water… The amount of water in the sample may affect the conductivity. Different volumes of the same water may have different levels of conductivity. Displacement may affect the conductivity as well… The depth and position of the probe in the water sample may also affect the conductivity. For example, if a meter is dipped into the water, removed and then dipped into the water again, but in a different spot, the reading may change… “

The expensive methods of testing colloidal solutions that are utilized by modern laboratories are likewise grossly flawed. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is one of the leading laboratory methods for analyzing colloidal solutions. It uses extreme temperatures to destroy a colloidal solution, and then observers rate the colors of the flames, in an attempt to visually gauge the metal concentration. Fire is impossible to control with the precision that is needed for a valid analysis; and of course, the test results are in the eyes of the beholder. These machines cost about $50,000 (U.S), so it is unlikely that anyone outside of the chemical industry actually owns one. There are similar devices that utilize a beam of light that is projected through the flames during the analysis. These devices have the same inaccuracy issues, and they are even more expensive.

True Colloidal Silver

We have been unable to find any sellers of silver solutions whom we could fully trust, so this is intended to assist people in producing their own colloidal silver. The silver solutions sold at retailers are essentially the homeopathic versions of colloidal and ionic silver products, which means that they are merely high-priced water. Some of the retail products that we examined had plenty of impurities (like iron that biologically neutralizes silver), but we found very little silver. Testing was impossible in the case of ionic silvers, which may be convenient for manufacturers. At many locations, the municipal water supply will contain more silver than the fraudulent retail products. The majority of retail products are fake, and these bogus products are the primary reason why so many people who are new to alternative medicine believe that silver is ineffective. The products that retail shoppers typically buy are usually no more effective than water, because they are water. People can either take their best guess in choosing the commercially-available products, or they can produce their own to ensure that it is real and of the best quality.

Manufacturing Colloidal Silver & Video

The most important step in the production of colloidal silver is obtaining the right materials. Using distilled water is vital. Never use tap or spring water, because even minerals that would normally be beneficial can cause health problems once they are electro-chemically transformed through electrolysis. Ensure that the water has been distilled using steam distillation, which should be written on the container. Some “distilled” water containers have, “distilled through reverse osmosis” on the label, and these labels are entirely dishonest. True distillation uses steam to separate the water from its minerals and contaminants, whereas reverse osmosis is simply a type of pressurized filtration that does not render pure water. It is a much cheaper process, so some of the companies lie about their “distillation”. Beware of Food Lion brand distilled water in particular, because our testing during the production of colloidal copper indicated that it is impure, even though it is labeled to have been distilled. Also be forewarned that the formation of black chunks and other strangely-colored precipitates during the electrolysis process is an indication of water impurities. Black is the most common color for these, because they are usually the charred carbon remnants of organic matter and bicarbonates. Grayish chucks may form in the water. These particulates are actually safe and produced by the silver. They are especially beneficial for burns and skin infections, but they should be filtered out of the solution for internal use. A coffee filter works exceptionally well for this, and the solution may be drained by gravity through a coffee maker. Silver particles which have not clumped remain in either a colloidal or an ionic state, and these will pass through any filter. In fact, the particles are so small that wooden spoons and plastic utensils will begin to develop a silvery appearance after several batches. Never use metal utensils. The only metals in the process should be the silver itself and the electrical connection wires.

Using chlorinated tap water is especially dangerous, because when chlorine combines with other materials, it has a tendency to form dioxin compounds. It will also produce chlorine gas during electrolysis, which was used as a chemical warfare agent during World War I. Sodium chloride (salt) in the water will also release chlorine gas, so salt should never be added. As an important side note, tap water should never be used inside vaporizers for the same reason, because chlorine gas will be released into the air to actually worsen lung issues.

We strongly recommend that instead of obtaining silver wire, which is used for most colloidal silver manufacture, people instead use silver bullion bars (pictured). Most of the silver wire that is available comes from China, and it is simply not feasible to check every wire for impurities. Chinese wire should be assumed to be contaminated, since this is normal with Chinese products. When referencing the purity of their metals, companies use an obscure way of gauging it. Whenever a seller of a precious metal refers to it as having a purity of 925, it equates to 92.5 percent, so the given metal would be almost 10 percent impure. Most people will assume that a purity rating of 925 means that the metal contains only 0.925% impurities, and therefore that it would be over 99% pure. Be watchful of this gotcha. A large portion of the silver buyers seem to be ignorant of it. We recommend getting only 99.9% (written by sellers as 999) silver bullion bars.

However, modern buyers should beware even when buying “pure” silver bullion bars. It has come to our attention that the bullion market of the United States has been flooded with counterfeit bullion bars in recent years. Other countries are likely to be experiencing the same Chinese contamination problems. To minimize the risk of buying fakes, bullion bars should never be purchased from Craig’s List, E-bay, or any other source that is not absolutely trustworthy, because the purity of the bullion is absolutely essential for health and safety reasons. We therefore recommend that our readers only purchase bullion bars from banks and other reputable institutions that service the financial market. In the not-so-distant past, bullion bars were an absolutely pure source of silver that were guaranteed to be safe, because they are regulated as an official currency. This once meant that any attempt to sell fake bullion bars would have risked a swift law-enforcement response for counterfeiting, and a plethora of additional charges that would have gotten a man imprisoned for the rest of his life; but alas that safety net has disappeared, for the Chinese have no fear of the law.

Coins contain a variety of metals that should not be consumed, so never use silver coins for colloidal silver manufacture. High purity is vital, because most metals are extremely detrimental to the health. Silver of such extreme purity typically only contains the impurities of copper and selenium, in trace amounts. Both of which are beneficial to health in these small quantities. In fact, both are vital nutrients. The selenium is actually used by the human body to chelate harmful metals.

To avoid any soap or chemical residues, the bullion bars should be soaked in a solution of white vinegar that is nearly saturated with salt for cleaning. They can also safely be cleaned with vodka. It is not absolutely necessary to clean the silver between uses, but we do. Be advised that the silver will never look new again, regardless of the cleaning method.

People may either use three 9V batteries that are interconnected in series, or a 30V DC power supply that has a rated output of at least 3 amps (3,000 mA), to power the electrolysis. A power supply does not have to be exactly 30 volts, but it is the ideal voltage. The range should be kept between 26 and 30 volts, which is also ideal for creating colloidal copper. Those who have no experience with electronics should opt for battery power, instead of using a DC power supply. Serious injury and fire can result from the improper use of a power supply. The electrical danger is elevated because water is being used. For liability reasons, we must officially recommend against using a power supply, and anyone using a power supply does so at his own risk. Batteries must be interconnected, so that the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the negative terminal of another battery. When properly connected, one battery should have an unused positive pole, and the opposite battery should have an unused negative pole. These two remaining terminals should be connected to the two pieces of silver. Most 9V batteries in the U.S. have terminals that can be used to interconnect with other 9V batteries, whereby connection wire is unnecessary for the battery to battery connections. Never use aluminum wire for any of the connections, and we strongly recommend the use of only copper wiring, for the sake of preventing unhealthy contaminants.

To make colloidal silver, fill a completely clean glass or plastic container with distilled water. We suggest cleaning the container with vodka immediately beforehand, to remove soap residues. Connect the batteries to the pieces of silver. Most people do this with alligator clips. We usually make our connections by inserting copper wires through tiny holes in the top of the silver bullion, and then we twist-tie the wires for maximum hold. Never solder the connection to the silver, and it is wise to even avoid soldering the wires to the alligator clips, for solder can leach lead or cadmium into the solution if the metal components become moist. Nobody should be supplementing with lead and cadmium.

The silver bars should be partially submerged in the water, and be about an inch apart. They should never touch, and the wire connections should never enter the water. If the connectors or silver are allowed to touch, the batteries or the power supply will have a dead short. This could cause overheating and an explosion. It could easily mean a quick death for the power supply. The electrical connections to the silver should be clearly above the water, else other metals will become infused into the solution. Nothing except for pure silver should be in contact with the water. We recommend that all other connectors and wires be maintained at least a quarter inch above the water’s surface. We should offer one last reminder of the risks of using solder, which include the introduction of tin, lead and cadmium into the product.

The time needed to produce colloidal silver will vary greatly depending on the purity of water that is used, and no commercially-available water is absolutely pure. One of the first indicators that silver is combining with the water can be seen with a flashlight in a dark room. Shining light through the water at certain angles will show what appears to be smoke coming from one of the silver plates. As time progresses, one of the silver plates will turn a flat gray color, and the other plate will blacken. Tiny bubbles may also form around the silver plates. Those producing a large batch over an extended period should gently stir the solution periodically, using a wooden or plastic spoon. Some people can produce a quart in twenty minutes, but our own experimentation in making 2 quarts required a duration of 4 hours to reach the acceptable strength and color. Due to the fact that silver is extremely non-reactive, a slower process indicates higher purity in both the silver and the water. Pure water and pure silver will both be very resistant to the electrolysis process. Readers may notice that many of the online manufacturing videos show colloidal silver being produced very rapidly, using silver wires that were obtained from China. The short manufacture time indicates the presence of other, more reactive metals, and perhaps impure water too. When producing our own colloidal silver, we add about 3 fluid ounces of existing colloidal silver to speed the production time, without effecting the quality of the resultant product.


To make the silver bars last as long as possible, the polarity should be reversed each time. This means that the silver bar that is connected to the positive (red) wire in one batch should be switched so that it is connected to negative in the next batch. Otherwise, one of the bars will rapidly erode.

If a colloidal silver solution is black, brown, or purple, then it indicates that the silver particles are abnormally large. It may also reflect the presence of impurities. The huge particle size of these products makes it debatable if these solutions can truly be called colloidal. It is how most colloidal silvers from online sellers look. The ugly discolorations can also be caused by heating during production, or from the use of high voltages, which are common shortcuts taken by the commercial manufacturers. We recommend that such solutions be avoided, except as a last resort. These products are significantly less effective internally than properly-produced colloidal silver, and the abnormally-large silver particles are more likely to get forever trapped in the tissues. Most commercial sellers have proprietary processes for production, which cannot be trusted, and there is no way to know what is really in their products. We do know from the color of their products that they are not selling true colloidal silver.

Properly Medicating with Colloidal Silver

High quality colloidal silver, at an appropriate medicinal strength, usually looks slightly yellowish in a brilliant white container, under a fluorescent light. Some batches of colloidal silver will instead have a slight silvery tint. The two colors are an indication of a particle size difference, but there should essentially be no difference in effectiveness. Some batches turn yellow about a day after production. The strength of a colloidal silver solution can be judged by shining a laser pointer through the solution, whilst the silver is being infused. A red laser pointer is best, because it is least visible under normal conditions. As the silver solution gets stronger, it will become possible to see the red beam clearly through the water. As the solution becomes more concentrated, the laser beam will become more solid.

We recommend against making stronger concentrations for most uses, because silver appears to create iron deficiencies with extreme dosages. We do not truly know if the colloidal silver causes the increased excretion of iron, or if it simply neutralizes usable iron by bonding with it, or both. We believe that it is both. Either way, there are no real human toxicity issues, but the proper iron level should be nevertheless maintained for optimal health.

During times of sickness, we recommend using 3 fluid ounces of colloidal silver, twice a day. Best results can be achieved by holding the colloidal silver in the mouth for a minute before swallowing it. This technique allows some silver to penetrate through the walls of the mouth, and directly into the blood stream. Expect for it to have a metallic aftertaste. Due to the wide variety of people who will read this article, we have made the recommended silver dosage very conservative. However, some patients measure their dosages in cups.

Storage of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver may be stored in either plastic or glass. The ideal plastic is the type that is used to store milk. It is high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and it can be identified in the U.S. by a number “2” embossed into the bottom of the container. It is a very non-reactive plastic, but the microscopic silver particles may stain it.

Colloidal silver should be stored at room temperature, and never allowed to freeze. The silver will coagulate into visible chunks at the bottom when frozen, which will make the solution much less effective and create the possibility that it will cause argyria. Therefore, an interesting experiment to verify the presence of silver in the solution is to freeze a small amount of it, and then examine the clumped silver in the bottom of the container after thawing. If a choice must be made between storage in a hot or cold environment, the warmer environment should always be chosen.

Pure colloidal silver should not experience any of the serious breakdown problems that silver chloride solutions do whenever there is light exposure; but we nevertheless store our colloidal silver in a dark location, because darkness might somewhat help to keep it better preserved.

A good batch of colloidal silver should last for years, because the silver itself is a powerful preservative. In fact, we use it as a substitute for water in risky foods that use uncooked ingredients, such as raw eggs (for mayonnaise production). It is used to ensure that all of the bacteria is dead. A minute of blending with colloidal silver is enough to ensure that no bacteria survives.

Patients Experiencing the Blues

The medical establishment and the big media organizations have demonized colloidal silver by parading people who have developed a condition known as argyria. It is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin that is reported to be permanent. However, every case that we investigated involved products that were not actually colloidal silver, and most cases were the result of pharmaceutical-industry silver products. Our exhaustive research could not find a single instance of argyria that was caused by pure colloidal silver. The pharmaceutical silver solutions are the most likely to cause it.

Regulators proclaim that the people who turned blue provide evidence of silver’s toxicity, but the opposite is actually true. It proves that even after a person is so incredibly saturated with silver from 20+ years of misuse that he turns blue, he still does not suffer from any health problems. The blue patients are actually healthier than normal. Take for comparison: a patient who consumes enough aspirin to turn white. Actually, we cannot use this example, because within 20 minutes of such extreme aspirin consumption, the patient would be dead from internal bleeding — long before he ever began changing color.

The National Institutes of Health documented one case of argyria that occurred when a man started producing his own silver solution and consumed 16 fluid ounces of it, three times each day, for a period of years. He measured his silver to contain a whopping 450 parts per million, which is 22 times stronger than is normal. This regimen gave his body the same concentration of silver as if he had consumed 1,056 fluid ounces of standard colloidal silver (8.25 gallons per day). The extreme concentration means that the silver had to be discolored and impure, and it almost certainly had salt added. Otherwise, it would have taken him days to manufacture each day’s batch at such concentrations, so we can be certain that he was using silver chloride instead of colloidal silver. It is a reflection of the stupidity of turning to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes for the practice of alternative medicine, and then using the terrible results to prove that alternative medicine is bad. It is what we see most often in the politics of silver.

The most popularized case of argyria is that of Paul Karason, the so-called Smurf Man. He internally consumed large doses of a homemade silver solution for years, and then began also using silver externally on his face. He too made his silver solution using salt, which resulted in silver chloride. Despite it being a completely different substance, he refers to his solution as “colloidal silver”, as well as the media. We believe that after he noticed some slight skin discoloration, he actually increased his dosage, because he had found a way to become famous and profit from being a freak. He admits publicly to using excessive amounts of his silver chloride both internally and transdermally, daily for 14 years. He still continues to use it, despite his obvious saturation. He further admits that his face turned blue before the rest of his body; and yet he continued to use both silver products, despite the color change. Due to Karason’s self-inflicted and intentional cosmetic alteration, the F.D.A. has used him in a public relations campaign that is intended to convince the public that colloidal silver is dangerous. We can only speculate about how much the media networks and the F.D.A. have paid him for his appearances.

Not one death or serious side effect has ever been recorded for pure colloidal silver, during the century of its existence. There are, however, plenty of horror stories from people who used the chemically-altered silvers, made with various proteins, salts, or fermented bacteria.

Video: How to Make Genuine Colloidal Silver at Home


Purchasing Silver and Colloidal Silver

Some of our readers have had great difficulty in finding a financial institution that sells silver bullion bars, as we recommended in our manufacturing video. Thus, purchasing silver bullion bars online may be the only feasible method of acquisition for some people. In light of the significant problem, and the need to ensure extreme purity, we shall forgo our standard policy of avoiding making recommendations about specific brands and companies. The most trustworthy source for online purchases of silver bullion bars is the JM Bullion company, in our opinion. The company has a spotless reputation. It became prestigious throughout the precious metals industry for producing the Engelhard brand of silver bullion, which became the industry’s standard of purity. We have no reason to believe that the company’s standards have declined.

We have finally found a trustworthy seller of ready-made colloidal silver. His name is Brian Humphreys, and he is currently selling his Purevon Colloidal Silver online under the product name Silver in a Bottle. We spent a year comparing notes with Brian about how to best produce colloidal silver. Brian’s tenacity, his unrelenting research, and his obsession with perfection left us relieved that we had finally found a producer in which we could trust the health of our people. We can now wholeheartedly recommend Brian’s Silver in a Bottle with the cleanest of consciences. He is a newcomer to the market, but he knows colloidal silver backwards and forwards like very few people do. If you must buy colloidal silver, then get it from Purevon. Brian is not only supremely qualified to make the highest quality product; he is refreshingly honest too. We know how difficult it is to find this combination. He does not feed anyone baloney about his silver having special atoms that do not exist elsewhere, or that he has a secret manufacturing process that makes his silver better than silver. Instead, he makes his colloidal silver the old-fashioned way, and he tells the truth about it. An added benefit to choosing Purevon’s colloidal silver is that its prices are lower than what we have seen from any other manufacturer. At the time that this was written, a 16 ounce bottle is being sold for less than 20 dollars. That is unheard of.


Free Books Which Survived the Book Burnings

Use of Colloids in Health and Disease by Alfred Searle (1920)

Practical Colloid Chemistry by Wolfgang Ostwald (1926)

Inorganic Colloidal Chemistry by Harry Weiser (1933)


by Thomas Corriher  August 15, 2013

The Healthiest Fruits on the Planet

Fruits are nature’s treat for humans. They are healthy and sweet at the same time! There are very few fruits that can cause side effects that too when consumed in excess. In moderate to little high proportions Fruitsmost of the fruits can serve up a big portion of your daily requirement of Vitamins, minerals and essential fiber. All fruits are different from each other yet all of them pack a punch when it comes to nutrition and their health benefits(1); the most common of them are:
> They carry strong anti-oxidant properties that help them block the free radical damage, strengthen our immune system and prevent or slow the spread of Cancer;
> Fruits have high water content which keeps the body hydrated and restores the lost electrolyte balance owing to heavy exercises;
> Fruits contain a good amount of dietary fiber that aids digestions, prevents constipation, ensures good bowel movement and cleanses colon;
> Most of the fruits are low in fats and the ones that have fats contain good cholesterol known as HDL (high density lipoproteins) which combats and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body.
> Fruits are good for bones, teeth and reduce the risk of age related degenerative diseases;
> Fruits regulate blood pressure, lower down cholesterol and are therefore excellent for heart health;
> Fruits are better than any cosmetic product for keeping your facial skin youthful, reducing spots and delaying the ageing and wrinkling;
> Fruits promote healthy hair growth, reduce hair fall and prevent premature greying.
With so many basic benefits, there is no reason one cannot have a platter of seasonal fruits everyday. There is such a huge variety that you are bound to find something that suits your taste.
[Note: All nutritional details are per 100 grams of serving]

Top 45 Fruits Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

1. Acai Berries

Nutrition Facts: These beautiful blue black berries are high fiber berries and unlike moAcai Berryst of the fruits have a significant amount of healthy fats. Acai berries are made up of 23% Carbohydrates, 71% of fats and 6% proteins.
Fats 71%
Carbohydrates 23%
Protein 6%
Glycemic load 1/100
fiber 2 gms
Vitamin A 15%
Saturated Fat 1.5 gms
Health Benefits: Great for digestion, Keeps you well hydrated, cleanses colon and encourages good fats in the body.
Trivia: Each branch of Acai palm bears 700-900 Acai berries every year! Acai berries must be packed in an air-tight container immediately as they tend to rot incredibly fast on exposure to air.

2. Apples

Nutrition Facts: Apples is one of the most popular fruit that is grown worldwide and comeapples from the family of rose. A 100 grams of Apple contains 13.81 grams of carbohydrate with 10.39 grams of Sugar, 3.3 mcg of Fluoride and 85% water.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 95%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 2.4 gms
Vitamin C 8%
Phytosterols 12 mg
Water 85.6 g
Health benefits: Highly beneficial for strong teeth and gums, good source for fiber, prevents diabetes especially in women and incidence of gall stones.
Trivia: There are about 10,000 varieties of Apples grown in the world today! A very few people know this that Apples originated in Central Asia and not in the west. A naughty fact about Apple- Tossing an apple at a girl in ancient Greece was meant as a proposal of marriage.

3. Apricots

Nutrition Facts: Apricots come from the species of Prunus Armeniaca and a 100 grams of serving contains
11 grams of Carbohydrates of which 2 grams is Dietary fiber. It is a rich source of ApricotVitamin A (96 mcg), Beta Carotene (1094 mcg) and Vitamin C (10 mg).
Fats 7%
Carbohydrates 83%
Protein 10%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 2 gms
Vitamin A 39%
Vitamin C 17%
Potassium 7%
Water 86.4 g
Health Benefits: It is a strong Anti-oxidant which defies tumors and protects from signs of early ageing. Apricots help in regulating bowel movements, maintain  healthy eyes and are great for your hair and skin.
Trivia: Apricots are natives of Asia, from where they spread to Persia, Europe and finally to the US. In Ancient China they were believed to improve the fertility of women.

4. Avocados

Nutrition Facts: Also known as Alligator pear, Avocados are a high energy fruit with 100 grams serving releasing 160 Kcal. It has a very high content of dietary fiber at 6.7 grams and 9.80 monounsaturated fats.Avaocado
It is a rich source of Vitamin B2, B3, B5, b6, B9, C, E and K! You can also derive a healthy composition of trace metals like Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium and Zinc.
Fats 77%
Carbohydrates 19%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 6.7 gms
Vitamin C 17%
Vitamin E 10%
Vitamin K 26%
Vitamin B2 8%
Vitamin B3 9%
Vitamin B6 13%
Folate 20%
Potassium 14%
Magnesium 7%
Copper 9%
Water 73.2 g
Health Benefits: Avocados are great for Cardiovascular Health, promote digestion, protect eyes, prevent and slow down age related degenerative diseases, help in weight loss and protect from free radical damage.
Trivia: They are perfect for people who are Vegan and are allergic to gluten. Avocado trees do not self-polinate, they need other Avocado trees to bear fruits.

5. Banana

Nutrition Facts: Bananas are typically a tropical fruits though they are widely grown across the world today. They are low fat and are made 22 % of carbohydrates.
Bananas are powerhouse of VitaminBanana B6, b5 and Vitamin C. They have a healthy composition of Manganese, Magnesium and Potassium.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 93%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 8/100
fiber 2.6 gms
Vitamin C 15%
Vitamin B6 18%
Potassium 10%
Magnesium 7%
Manganese 13%
Water 74.9 g
Health Benefits: They lower blood pressure, are great for your heart, protect from diabetes, improves mood and helps in treating diarrhea.
Trivia: Bananas are botanically classified as Berries! There are about 1000 varieties of bananas grown across the world and 100 billion of them are consumed annually making them the 4th largest agricultural product.

6. Blackberries

Nutrition Facts: They come from Rosaceae Family and are a rich source of carbohydrates. You can derive significant amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin K and folate from these berries. They are also rich in Manganese and BlackberriesCopper. Apart from these, it also contains Choline in considerable proportions.
Fats 10%
Carbohydrates 79%
Protein 11%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 5.3 gms
Vitamin C 35%
Vitamin K 25%
Copper 8%
Manganese 32%
Water 88.1 g
Health Benefits: Blackberries have cancer fighting properties, is great for your skin, keeps up the electrolyte level in the body, acts as astringent, helps in treating dysentry and helps in effective diabetes management.
Trivia: When they are unripe, blackberries have reddish pink color. Many varieties of Blackberries are covered in thorns and they taste best in Jams and relish.

7. Blueberries

Nutrition Facts: These are perennial berries and is grown in Europe, Asian, Africa and North America. These berries are low fat and high fiber fruits with a rich composition of Vitamin C and Vitamin K. blueberriesIt is particularly high in trace metal, Manganese.
Fats 5%
Carbohydrates 91%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 2.4 gms
Vitamin C 16%
Vitamin K 24%
Manganese 17%
Water 84.2 g
Health Benefits: Blueberries are excellent anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory agent, rejuvenates your skin, prevents Cancer, delays and protects from age related degenerative conditions and keeps your bladder in a healthy shape.
Trivia: For Native Americans blueberries are nothing less than divine. They believe that god himself made these berries to feed the children  during famine. During the American Civil war, Blueberries were staple food of troops. Blueberries are amongst the rarest fruits that bear the blue color naturally.

8. Cantaloupe

Nutrition Facts: Also known as Musk melon and honeydew, it is a very fragrant andCantaloupe sweet fruit which originated in Ancient Armenia. Cantaloupe has rich composition of Vitamins like Vitamin A, Beta Carotene and Vitamin C. It contains minerals in moderation but has high concentrate of Manganese.
Fats 5%
Carbohydrates 87%
Protein 8%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 0.9 gms
Vitamin A 68%
Vitamin C 61%
Potassium 8%
Water 90.2 g
Health Benefits: Protects lungs health, maintains cardiovascular system, treats insomnia, nurtures pregnancies, rejuvenates skin, keeps the body hydrated and prevents hair loss.
Trivia: Cantaloupe was introduced to America the the great explorer Christopher Columbus. Honey dew, musk melon etc are the different species of same fruit.

9. Cherimoya

Nutrition Facts: Cherimoya is a less known fruit and is considered to have originated in Andes. CherimoyaIt is a high fiber fruit which is rich source of Vitamin B2, B6 and Vitamin C. It contains trace metals and minerals in moderation which makes it a very safe fruit.
Fats 7%
Carbohydrates 86%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 2.3 gms
Vitamin C 19%
Vitamin B6 11%
Potassium 8%
Water 79.4 g
Health Benefits: It is known to for its anti-inflammatory properties, is good for your heart, optimizes immune function, improves bone health and delays appearance of signs of ageing on skin as well as hair.
Trivia: Cherimoya tree is known as Tree of Ice cream; it is all thanks to the creamy and tasty fruit it bears. Cherimoya is a sensitive fruit and gets spoilt really fast because of which it is usually available only locally where it is produced.

10. Cherry

Nutrition Facts: Cherry is a stone fruit from genus Prunus and is popular in its sweet form. CherriesSweet cherries are high energy and high fiber fruits with a very moderate composition of Vitamins and minerals. It mainly consists of Carbohydrates with hardly any fats.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 91%
Protein 6%
Glycemic load 5/100
fiber 2.1 gms
Vitamin C 12%
Potassium 6%
Water 82.2 g
Health Benefits: It helps in controlling diabetes, improves the quality of sleep, known to reduce and delay skin ageing, reduce muscle pain, manages arthritis and prevents cancer.
Trivia: Darker the color of cherry, healthier the fruit. Cherry has thousand varieties but only ten are produced commercially. One tree of cherry can produce almost 7000 cherries every year!

11. Choke berry

Nutrition Facts: It is native to North America and belongs to the family of Rosaceaea. ChokeberriesThey come on three colors- Black, Red and sometimes in purple. It is low in calories and high in dietary fiber. Chokeberries have a well balanced composition of Vitamin A, C, E, K and folate. The mineral density of chokeberries mostly include Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Manganese and Zinc.
Fats 6%
Carbohydrates 87%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 9/100
fiber 17 gms
Vitamin K 37%
Vitamin B6 10%
Potassium 9%
Manganese 10%
Water 61.5 g
Health Benefits: Chokeberries help in controlling blood cholesterol, chronic inflammation, cancer, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevent ulcers and maintain liver health.
Trivia: Chokeberries boast of one of the highest concentrate of anti-oxidants in fruits. The term chokeberry comes from the fact that this berry leaves a sensation in the mouth and throat making it feel dry like partial choking!

12. Cranberries

Nutrition Facts: Cranberries grow on dwarf shrubs and are white when unripe. Completely ripe Cranberriescranberries have deep red color and they are high on carbohydrates with very significant amount of dietary fiber but very low in fat composition. It is particularly rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E. In trace metals, it has high quantity of Manganese.
Fats 2%
Carbohydrates 95%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 4.6 gms
Vitamin C 22%
Vitamin E 6%
Vitamin K 6%
Manganese 18%
Water 87.1 g
Health Benefits: It has strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, keeps your body well hydrated, is great for your facial skin, has anti-cancer properties, protects liver and its juice cures UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
Trivia: Cranberries are used by Native American as color dye and used stewed cranberries to cure arrow wounds! Thanksgiving in America and Canada is incomplete without serving of this sweet sour tarty berries.

13. Dates

Nutrition Facts: Dates are one of the oldest cultivated edible fruits and are believed to have Datesoriginated somewhere around Iraq. Dates are high energy, dietary fiber and high sugar fruit. But its use as a substitute to sugar is considered far healthier than the artificial Sugar itself. It is a rich source of Vitamin B5 and B6. It is particularly known for its trace metal composition which has Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorus.
Fats 0%
Carbohydrates 98%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 39/100
fiber 6.7 gms
Vitamin B3 8%
Vitamin B6 12%
Potassium 20%
Magnesium 14%
Manganese 15%
Copper 18%
Water 21.3 g
Health Benefits: It alleviates constipation, prevents Anemia, provides instant energy, is good for heart, controls diarrhea and is generally good for regulating digestion.
Trivia: Dates Palm are national symbols of Arabia and Israel. They have a rare specialty which allows them to be irrigated with Ocean water and need at least 100 days of strong sunshine to flourish in the best way. They are sturdy and very tolerant to nature’s elements.

14. Durian Fruit

Nutrition Facts: This fruit belongs to the Genus Durio and has hard thick and thorny coveringDurian. The fruit itself is soft, creamy, juicy and emits strong odor. This fruit is a high energy and high carbohydrate fruit. It contains significant amount of Vitamin B1, B2, B6, Folate and Vitamin C. It also has a rich composition of trace metals like Manganese, Magnesium and Potassium.
Fats 30%
Carbohydrates 67%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 10/100
fiber 3.8 gms
Vitamin C 33%
Vitamin B1 25%
Vitamin B2 12%
Vitamin B6 16%
Potassium 12%
Folate 9%
Copper 10%
Magnesium 8%
Manganese 16%
Water 65 g
Health Benefits: It aids digestion, improves blood flow, boosts healthy cholesterol, prevents anemia, improves metabolism and nourishes pregnancy.
Trivia: Durian is not a great fruit if take in excess by those who want to shed weight but is a great addition to a weight loss regimen in limited quantities. The smell of this fruit is hated by a lot of people and is termed as “worst smelling fruit in the World”!

15. Figs

Nutrition Facts: Figs are from the family- Moraceae and genus Ficus. It is a native of FigsMiddle East and Western Asia. Fig is powerhouse of energy and has a high sugar and fiber content. It has a complete composition of Vitamins in form of Vitamin A, B2, B5, B6 and Vitamin K. It also contains a rich combination of trace metals- Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus and Zinc.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 94%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 2.9 gms
Vitamin K 6%
Vitamin B6 6%
Potassium 7%
Water 79.1 g
Health Benefits: Figs can provide a lot of energy almost instantly. They are high in antioxidants, cure constipation, prevents gastrointestinal disorders, is good for skin, reduces the risk of Colon cancer and regulates blood pressure.
Trivia: The blossoms of figs are inside the fruit which give rise to so many tiny seeds that are edible and make it crunchy. Earlier Olympic athletes used to eat figs as a part of special diet recommended to them. Half cup of Figs have calcium equal to half glass of milk!

16. Goose Berries

Nutrition Facts: Gooseberries come from the same species as currants i.e Ribes. It is native tGooseberrieso Europe and has bitter sour taste. Goose berries are made up majorly of carbohydrates with high amount of Dietary fiber. It is a very rich source of Vitamin C and Manganese. Other nutrients are in moderate quantities in these berries.
Fats 11%
Carbohydrates 82%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 4.3 gms
Vitamin C 46%
Manganese 7%
Water 87.9 g
Health Benefits: Goose berries enhance digestion, have strong anti-oxidant properties, improve the quality of hair, boost calcium absorption in the body, relieve from menstrual cramps and is very effective in controlling diabetes.
Trivia: If you consume water right after chewing on a gooseberry, it gives it out a sweet aftertaste. These berries are usually consumed in form of chewies, pickles and preserves and are rarely eaten in their natural form.

17. Grapes

Nutrition Facts: Grapes are berries and come from the Genus Vitis. Grapes have high sugarGrapes nutritionand healthy water content. They are a rich source of Vitamin B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin K. It is a safe fruit to consume because the composition of trace metals in this fruit is moderate.
Fats 2%
Carbohydrates 94%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 0.9 gms
Vitamin C 18%
Copper 6%
Water 80.5 g
Health Benefits: They keep you well hydrated, flush toxins from the body, help in managing asthma, prevents heart diseases, reduce fatigue, aids digestion and is good for bone health.
Trivia: Grapes are new to America and were brought here some 300 years ago. About 2.5 pounds of grapes go into making one bottle of wine. Grapes come in green, black , red, yellow and even blue color! Raisins are sun dried grapes.
Know More:  Grapes Health Benefit

18. Grapefruit

Nutrition Facts: Though it has “grape” in its name but grapefruit is not related to them inGrapefruitanyway and look more like oranges. Grapefruits have a rich water content and contain carbohydrates with a high sugar proportions. It has a very high Vitamin C content and rest of Vitamins and minerals are found in smaller quantities.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 91%
Protein 6%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 1.6 gms
Vitamin A 23%
Vitamin C 52%
Potassium 4%
Water 88.1 g
Health Benefits: Grapefruit is known for its antioxidant properties, keeps you well hydrated, gives radiant skin, reduces risk of stroke, controls high blood pressure, has cancer preventing characteristics and prevents Asthma.
Trivia: Grapefruit actually evolved from another fruit which is native to Indonesia and Malaysia. Grapefruit is made 75% of water and if freshly squeezed juice is frozen immediately then it retains all its goodness for up to a week!

19. Guava

Nutrition Facts: Guava is a tropical fruit and the most common variety is called an Apple guava. Guava nutrition factsGuava is high energy and high sugar fruit with an impressive proportion of dietary fiber. It has the highest amount of Vitamin C, more than oranges! It also contains Vitamin B3, B5, B6 and Folate. It also has a healthy combination of Magnesium, Manganese and Potassium.
Fats 12%
Carbohydrates 75%
Protein 13%
Glycemic load 8/100
fiber 5.4 gms
Vitamin A 12%
Vitamin C 381%
Folate 12%
Potassium 12%
Copper 11%
Water 80.8 g
Health Benefits: It is a very rich anti-oxidant, is good for teeth and gums, is good for digestion, helps in diabetes management, improves vision, nurtures pregnancy and balances electrolyte levels in the body.
Trivia: The leaves of Guava have a toxin which discourages the growth of any other plants near a Guava tree. Guava is used as a popular salad ingredient and in fruit punches all around the world.

20. Jackfruit

Nutrition Facts: Jackfruit comes from Mulberry family and is a native of South and SouthJackfruitEast Asia particularly India. It contains high proportion of Sugar and dietary fiber. It is a rich source of Vitamin B1, B6 and Vitamin C. Amongst the trace metals, it contains high quantities of Magnesium and Potassium.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 92%
Protein 5%
Glycemic load 10/100
fiber 1.6 gms
Vitamin C 11%
Vitamin B2 6%
Potassium 9%
Copper 9%
Manganese 10%
Water 73.2 g
Health Benefits: It optimizes immune function, provides instant energy, maintains blood pressure, ensures healthy cardiovascular system, improves digestion, is good for eyesight and slows down the process of ageing.
Trivia: Jackfruit is the largest tree borne fruit and can weigh up to 50 kilos when completely grown up and reach up to a size of one meter! The smell and appearance of Jackfruit is akin to Durian but they are not a related species.

21. Kiwi Fruit

Nutrition Facts: Kiwi is a berry and is native to Northern China with some species originatingKiwi health benefits n nutrition factsfrom India and Siberia as well. Kiwi has a good amount of dietary fiber and is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Folate and Vitamin E. They contain significant amount of Potassium with other metals in moderate quantities.
Fats 7%
Carbohydrates 87%
Protein 6%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 3 gms
Vitamin C 155%
Vitamin K 50%
Potassium 9%
Water 83.1 g
Health Benefits: Kiwi protects from free radical damage, is anti-cancer, alleviates symptoms of Asthma, maintains cardiovascular health, slows down macular degeneration and controls diabetes.
Trivia: Kiwi does not self pollinate and needs one male and female variety to reproduce. The largest producers of Kiwi fruit are New Zealand, Italy and Chile. Kiwi tree produces fruit for over 30 years and can survive for up to 50 years.

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22. Kumquat

Nutrition Facts: Kumquat belongs to the family Rutaceae and resembles oranges closely in Kumquatterms of appearance and taste. Kumquat has a very high fiber content in raw form and is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B2, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese and Calcium.
Fats 10%
Carbohydrates 81%
Protein 9%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 6.5 gms
Vitamin C 73%
Manganese 7%
Water 80.8 g
Health Benefits: Kumquat increase immunity, Protects from cancer, improves Cardiovascular health, protects from Diabetes, is an anti-inflammatory agent, delays ageing, expedites healing and improves bone health.
Trivia: Kumquat has a sweet skin so it can be eaten whole including the skin. The flesh of this fruit is quite sour. They do not belong to citrus family but have their very own genus!

23. Lemon

Nutrition Facts: Lemon is native to Asia and is extremely sour fruit. Lemon has an impressiveLemon amount of Dietary fiber and almost equal amount of Sugar content. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and has rest of the Vitamins and minerals in moderate quantities.
Fats 13%
Carbohydrates 63%
Protein 14%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 4.7 gms
Vitamin C 128%
Copper 13%
Water 87.4 g
Health Benefits: It strengthens immunity, protects from common diseases like cold and flu, aids weight loss, regulates ideal blood pressure, improves digestion, alleviates fever, brightens skin tone, restores electrolyte balance and application of skin removes scars and spots gradually.
Trivia: Lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent. The tree is in bloom the entire year and one tree can produce over 200 Kgs of lemons in a year! 5%-6% of lemon is made of Citric acid which makes it very sour and tarty.

24. Loquat Fruit

Nutrition Facts: Loquat belongs to family Rosaceae and is a native to South- Central China. LoquatLoquat is a very safe fruit as the nutritional composition of this fruit is very moderate. It is high in dietary fiber and is rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Manganese.
Fats 4%
Carbohydrates 93%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 1.7 gms
Vitamin A 31%
Potassium 8%
Water 86.7 g
Health Benefits: Loquat protects from Colon Cancer, improves skin health, maintains blood pressure, increases blood formation, strengthens bones, improves eye sight and protects from Cancer.
Trivia: Loquat is a popular Ornamental plant and bear fragrant flowers. They need sunny days to grow well and are drought tolerant.

25. Lychee

Nutrition Facts: It is the only member of genus Litchi in Soapberry family. This fragrant, juicy lycheeand very sweet fruit is healthy source of Sugar, dietary fiber and is rich in water content. It has high amount of Vitamin C and has other vitamins and minerals in low but complete composition.
Fats 6%
Carbohydrates 90%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 5/100
fiber 1.3 gms
Vitamin C 119%
Copper 7%
Water 81.8 g
Health Benefits: It strengthens immunity, protects from free radical damage, boosts blood production and purification, optimizes metabolism, great for skin and takes care of your Cardiovascular health.
Trivia: Lychees do not ripe after being harvested. Lychee is also used in perfume and it has a classic combination with Rose perfume and rose flavor.

26. Mango

Nutrition Facts: Mango is supremely tasty fruit which belongs to the genus Mangifera and is aMango native of South and South East Asia. It is high on sugar and dietary fiber. Mango is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, folate and Vitamin C. The nutrients in form of mineral and trace metals are present in strictly moderate quantities.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 94%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 5/100
fiber 1.8 gms
Vitamin A 15%
Vitamin C 46%
Vitamin B6 7%
Copper 6%
Water 81.7 g
Health Benefits: Mango is rich in anti-oxidants, improves eye health, lowers cholesterol, improves digestion if taken in moderation and boosts immunity.
Trivia: Mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and Philippines. Mango tree is national tree of Bangladesh. It is a summer fruit and has over thousand varieties. They are close relatives of Cashew and Pistachios!

27. Mangosteen

Nutrition Facts: Mangosteen is evergreen and is believed to have originated in Indonesia. MangosteenIt has significant amount of fiber and is a rich source of Vitamin B9 and has considerable amount of Vitamin B1, B2 and Manganese. Rest of the other nutrients are found in smaller quantities in Mangosteen.
Fats 7%
Carbohydrates 91%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 5/100
fiber 1.8 gms
Vitamin C 5%
Folate 8%
Manganese 5%
Water 80.9 g
Health Benefits: It is a low calorie fruit which has impressive antioxidant properties, improves blood flow, lowers bad cholesterol in the body, is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal in nature, expedites cell repair and aids weight loss.
Trivia: It is national fruit of Thailand and is known for its amazingly delicious taste. The Mangosteen tree can grow up to 75 feet and it takes about 10 years for the tree to bear its first fruit!

28. Mulberries

Nutrition Facts: Mulberries cover 10-16 species of deciduous trees collectively called Mulberry.Mulberries It is a rich source of Carbohydrates and contains high quantities of Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Copper and Iron. It also has phytonutrients like beta Carotene and Lutein-zeaxanthin.
Fats 8%
Carbohydrates 81%
Protein 11%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 1.7 gms
Vitamin C 61%
Vitamin K 10%
Iron 10%
Water 87.7 g
Health Benefits: It slows down ageing, prevent cancer, treats anemia, controls diabetes, improves cardiovascular health, boosts immunity, promotes hair growth, purifies blood and cures chronic constipation.
Trivia: White Mulberry plants are used in Sericulture which means rearing of silk worms. Black mulberries are known to have the best taste. The largest trees of this species can reach up to 75 feet in height!

29. Olives

Nutrition Facts: Olives come from the family Oleaceae and is widely cultivated for its fruit as Oliveswell as their oil. Olives are high energy and are majorly made up of mono-unsaturated fats which makes them super healthy. They are a powerhouse of Vitamin E and sodium.
Fats 88%
Carbohydrates 10%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 1/100
fiber 3.3 gms
Vitamin E 19%
Sodium 65%
Copper 6%
Manganese 13%
Water 75.3 g
Health Benefits: Olives control the bad cholesterol in the body, regulate high blood pressure, aid weight loss, delay the onset of degenerative diseases, prevent Anemia and improve fertility in women.
Trivia: 11 pounds of olives need to be pressed to produce 32 ounces of Olive oil. It is one of the healthiest oils in the world. Burning olive oil reduces its goodness significantly, this is why unlike other oils you can add the vegetables for cooking when olive oil is still heating.

30. Orange

Nutrition Facts: Orange belongs to Citrus species and they account for about 70% production Orangesof the fruits of this species. Oranges have a high content of water and an impressive composition of Dietary fiber and Sugar. Oranges are particularly rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B5 and Folate.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 93%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 8/100
fiber 2.6 gms
Vitamin C 15%
Vitamin B6 18%
Potassium 10%
Magnesium 7%
Manganese 13%
Water 74.9 g
Health Benefits: Oranges are rich in antioxidants, purify blood, fight free radicals, build up the immunity of the body, reduces risk of developing Cancer, boosts heart health and regulates healthy heart function.
Trivia: The color orange is derived from this fruit and the flavor of orange assumes the coveted third place as world favorite after chocolate and Vanilla. In Victorian Britain Oranges were gifted dueing Christmas.

31. Papaya

Nutrition Facts: Papaya is the sole species in the genus Carica and is a native to tropics ofpapayaAmerica. It is a low fat, high carbohydrate and high fiber fruit. It has a high content of Vitamin A, Folate, Vitamin C and Magnesium.
Fats 3%
Carbohydrates 92%
Protein 5%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 1.8 gms
Vitamin A 22%
Vitamin C 103%
Folate 10%
Potassium 7%
Water 88.8 g
Health Benefits: Papaya is beneficial in bettering the eyesight and maintaining eye health, lowers cholesterol, aids healthy weight loss, boosts immunity, controls diabetes, improves digestion, reduces menstrual cramps and pain, promotes healthy skin and is good for hair growth.
Trivia: The flowers of Papaya can contain both male and female organs. Papaya leaves are used for treating Malaria and their stems and bark are used for making ropes!

32. Passion Fruit

Nutrition Facts: Passion fruit comes from species of Passion flower which is native ofPassion fruit Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Vitamin B2, B3, B6 and Vitamin C. It also contains trace metals like Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium in significant quantities.
Fats 6%
Carbohydrates 86%
Protein 8%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 10.4 gms
Vitamin A 25%
Vitamin C 50%
Vitamin B2 8%
Iron 9%
Potassium 10%
Water 72.9 g
Health Benefits: It protects from Cancer, lowers blood pressure, acts as a colon cleanser, improves eye sight, increases hemoglobin, aids digestion, boosts immunity, ensures cardiovascular health and alleviates the symptoms of Asthma.
Trivia: Botanically, Passion fruit is a berry and have four common varieties viz. Yellow, purple, Panama and Banana. Best passion fruits have smooth to slightly wrinkled skin and are heavy for their size.

33. Peaches

Nutrition Facts: Peaches belong to genus Prunus and are native to North West China. It is rich inPeaches dietary fiber and is a healthy source Vitamin B3, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. The mineral and trace metal composition is present in moderate quantities.
Fats 5%
Carbohydrates 87%
Protein 8%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 1.5 gms
Vitamin A 8%
Vitamin C 11%
Potassium 5%
Water 88.9 g
Health Benefits: Peach is a perfect snack for weight losing diet, reduces hair loss, acts as natural de-worming agent in the intestines, is a natural diuretic, control diabetes, inhibits tumor growth, strengthens kidney function and improves the quality of sleep.
Trivia: There are about 700 varieties of Peaches available. Peach oil is an excellent moisturizer and ancient Romans used to call them Persian apples. A peach plant can take up to four years to bear the first fruits.

34. Pears

Nutrition Facts: Pears come from genus Pyrus and family Rosaceaea. Pears have a high dietaryPears fiber and sugar content. Pears are a very safe fruit with moderate composition of Vitamins and minerals in them that make up 1-4% of dietary requirement with a 100 grams serving.
Fats 2%
Carbohydrates 96%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 3.1 gms
Vitamin C 7%
Phytosterols 8.0 mg
Water 83.7 g
Health Benefits: Pears have anti-carcinogen agents that make it anti-cancer. It is good for controlling blood pressure, cleanses colon, lends instant energy, is anti-inflammatory, aids faster healing, prevents Osteoporosis, controls blood sugar level and reduces bad cholesterol in the body.
Trivia: About 3000 varieties of pears are grown world wide and China is their largest producer. Pear leaves were smoked in Europe before Tobacco was introduced in the continent. Pear juice is considered to be safe as first juice for infants.

35. Persimmon Fruits

Nutrition Facts: Persimmon belongs to genus Diospyros and is botanically classified as aPersimmonberry. It is a high carbohydrate ingredient with a lot of dietary fiber and is low on fats. Persimmon fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C. It is particularly loaded with Manganese.
Fats 2%
Carbohydrates 95%
Protein 3%
Glycemic load 5/100
fiber 3.6 gms
Vitamin A 33%
Vitamin C 13%
Magnesium 7%
Manganese 18%
Water 80.3 g
Health Benefits: Persimmon fruit promotes weight loss, protects eye sight, nourishes eyes, improves digestion, fights cancer, delays ageing, boosts immune function and is great for cardiovascular health.
Trivia: The cream colored flowers of Persimmon are female whereas pink are male! Persimmons have astringent properties and the unripe one can leave a dry trail in your mouth like acid.

36. Pineapple

Nutrition Facts: Pineapple is a tropical fruit and finds its origin in area between Brazil and PineappleParaguay. It is a rich source of dietary fiber along with Vitamin B1, B6 and Vitamin C. It also boasts of high concentrates of trace metal- Manganese.
Fats 2%
Carbohydrates 94%
Protein 4%
Glycemic load 3/100
fiber 1.4 gms
Vitamin C 80%
Vitamin B6 6%
Copper 6%
Manganese 46%
Water 86 g
Health Benefits: Pineapples strengthen immunity and thus build better body defenses. They slow down degenerative diseases particularly Macular degeneration, ensure healthy gums, has anti-cancer properties, aids digestion, regulates blood pressure, keeps your body hydrated and is very effective against acne.
Trivia: Pineapples hardly ripen after harvesting and a single pineapple takes almost three years to fully mature! Pineapple leaves are used to produce the textile fiber Pina which is widely used in weaving cloth for formal clothing in Philipines.

37. Plums

Nutrition Facts: Plums come from genus Prunus and are a high sugar and high fiber fruit. PlumsThey contain water, Vitamin C and Vitamin K in considerable quantities whereas other vitamins, minerals and trace metals are present in moderation.
Health Benefits: Plums restore lost electrolyte balance, relieve from constipation, good for eye sight, have anti-cancer capabilities, lower cholesterol levels, acts as laxatives, lowers blood glucose levels and detoxifies the body.
Trivia: Only those Plum trees that bear white flower produce plum fruit whereas the other species which is laden with pink flowers is essentially a flowering plant. Plum seeds have a chemical compound which turns into Cyanide in the human body!

38. Pomegranate

Nutrition Facts: Believed to have originated somewhere in the area of present day Iran. PomegrenateThey are very rich in dietary fiber and provide your body with important Vitamins like Vitamin B5, Folate, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. They also contain considerable quantities of Manganese, Phosphorus and Potassium.
Fats 12%
Carbohydrates 81%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 4 gms
Vitamin C 17%
Vitamin K 21%
Folate 10%
Potassium 7%
Copper 8%
Water 77.9 g
Health Benefits: Pomegranates lower high blood pressure, Protect from heart diseases, reduce the risk of developing cancer, boosts immunity, hydrates your body, lowers anxiety and stress and keeps plaque from building on your teeth.
Trivia: The term pomegranate is from latin and means “Apple of many seeds”. One fully grown and matured pomegranate contains over hundred of edible seeds. They can be stored in refrigerator for up to two months without going bad.

39. Quince Fruit

Nutrition Facts: It is the sole member of genus Cydonia and are a powerhouse of Vitamin C. Quince fruitThey have healthy amount of Dietary fiber and hardly any fats. In trace metals, Iron and Potassium are found in considerable quantity whereas other nutrients are present in lower to moderate concentrates.
Fats 1%
Carbohydrates 97%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 1.9 gms
Vitamin C 25%
Potassium 6%
Water 83.8 g
Health Benefits: Quince are known for their antioxidant properties, aid weight loss, control bad breath, is anti-bacterial, fights cancer, strengthens immune system, protects from free radical damage and is good for blood purification.
Trivia: Quince look like Golden apples and cannot be eaten in their raw form because of their extreme astringent quality. They are natives of Middle East. Quince just like Apples, oxidize very fast on exposure to air.

40. Raspberry

Nutrition Facts: Raspberries are from genus Rubus and belong to Rose Family. Raspberries Raspberryare high energy fruits with very high concentrate of Dietary fiber. It has a rich composition of Vitamins and are specifically high in Vitamin B5, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. It contains Manganese in high levels and other metals in moderation.
Fats 10%
Carbohydrates 82%
Protein 8%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 6.5 gms
Vitamin C 44%
Vitamin K 10%
Manganese 34%
Water 85.7 g
Health Benefits: Raspberries increase immunity, slow down ageing, protects from Cancer, arrests the growth of tumors, maintains eye health, control inflammation and helps in Diabetes management.
Trivia: There are over 200 varieties of Raspberries but only two are grown. Raspberries are more adapted to colder climates but a few varieties tend to grow in tropical climate as well.

41. Sapodilla

Nutrition Facts: Sapodilla is a sturdy evergreen growth native to Mexico, Central America andSapodilla Caribbean. They contain very high amount of Dietary fiber and are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin B5. Trace metals and minerals are present in moderate quantity with the highest being Iron.
Fats 11%
Carbohydrates 87%
Protein 2%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 5.3 gms
Vitamin C 24%
Potassium 6%
Water 78 g
Health Benefits: They make for high energy fruits, are anti-inflammatory in nature, boost blood production, boost metabolism, protect from cancer causing toxins, cures digestion related disorders especially acid reflux, good for your skin and helps in treating diarrhea.
Trivia: A naturally growing Sapodilla can grow up to 100 feet! They are sturdy and can stand salt water and need a lot of sunshine. They can grow even without regular watering.

42. Star Fruit

Nutrition Facts: Star fruit is native to South East Asian countries and is also known as Carambola. StarfruitThey are known for their high fiber content, Vitamin C and Vitamin B5. All trace metals and mineral are present in low composition in this fruit.
Fats 9%
Carbohydrates 80%
Protein 11%
Glycemic load 6/100
fiber 2.8 gms
Vitamin C 57%
Copper 7%
Water 91.4 g
Health Benefits: It optimizes immune function, allays inflammation, has anti-cancer properties, aids healthy weight loss regimen, maintains blood pressure, Protects your heart, improves iron absorption, aids digestion and boost milk production in lactating mothers.
Trivia: Starfruit needs warm humid climate for best growth. They germinate throughout the year but need only 5-7 days in summers whereas take almost 12-18 days to germinate in the winter season.

43. Strawberry

Nutrition Facts: Strawberry is a hybrid species of genus Fragaria and botanically does notStrawberriesbelong to the Berry classification. Strawberries are rich in Carbohydrates, folate, Vitamin C and trace metal Manganese. It has a high water content and is moderately composed fruit as far as other vitamins and minerals are concerned.
Fats 8%
Carbohydrates 85%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 2 gms
Vitamin C 98%
Folate 6%
Manganese 19%
Water 90.9 g
Health Benefits: Strawberries are great for your skin, Boosts memory, help in digestion, lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduce inflammation, good for your eyes and promote strong immune function.
Trivia: The tiny seeds appearing on strawberry skin are actually a type of Dry fruits and contain their own seeds! Strawberries do not ripe after being plucked. They are known to increase libido and are considered natural aphrodisiac.

44. Tangerine

Nutrition Facts: Tangerine is a variety of Citrus fruit and looks closely like an Orange. TangerineIt is a high energy and high sugar fruit which is a rich source of Vitamin B1, B6 and Vitamin C. The trace metals are moderately contained in this fruit with richer concentrates of Calcium and Potassium.
Fats 5%
Carbohydrates 90%
Protein 5%
Glycemic load 4/100
fiber 1.8 gms
Vitamin A 14%
Vitamin C 44%
Potassium 5%
Water 85.2 g
Health Benefits: Tangerine is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, heals wounds faster, restrict cholesterol absorption, improves digestion, is good for skin, boosts bone health, slows down ageing, gives a brighter skin and delays hair greying.
Trivia: Tangerine have intensive cleansing properties and are extremely beneficial for removing toxins from the body. Mandarins are highly respected in China and have been termed after the imperial officials of the Chinese royal court.

45. Watermelon

Nutrition Facts: Watermelon is a Vine fruit with origins in Southern Africa. They are very rich in Watermelonwater content and are a high sugar fruit. It is a very safe fruit for Children and adults alike as it contains all vitamins and minerals but in moderation. The only vitamin they have in substantial quantity is Vitamin C which is a water soluble Vitamin.
Fats 4%
Carbohydrates 89%
Protein 7%
Glycemic load 2/100
fiber 0.4 gms
Vitamin A 11%
Vitamin C 13%
Water 91.5 g
Health Benefits: Watermelon is excellent for your heart, improves bone health, shaves off the fats, boosts immunity function, expedites cell repair and soothes muscles.
Trivia: Watermelons have a lot of seeds inside but there are hybrids created some 50 years back to give out seedless melons. Watermelon has 92% water, one of the highest percentages in any fruit.

18 Fantastic Uses For Aloe Vera

Aloe plants naturally grow in tropical areas, but you can bring tropics in your own home, and grow the plant in your garden. There is no fuss regarding the growing process, and you should follow only a few simple rules.

Aloe vera plant requires little care. It likes warm weather, occasional watering, and slight fertilization.

Keeping an aloe vera plant in the house will make you feel like a herbalist. Wonder why? Aloe vera is known for its amazing healing properties. They are concentrated in the thick, meaty leaves, right in the oozing gel.Aloe vera juice is available in every healthy food store, but making your own is a lot cheaper and safer. Always cut of the largest leaves, as they have the highest concentration of gel.

The plant has derived from Northern Africa, and the first known records of its healing power are 12 distinctive recipes using aloe vera. They are provided in ebers, the ancient Egyptian Papyrus. This marked the new era of natural healing, and since this period aloe vera was used as decorative plant and herbal remedy.

9 health benefits of taking Aloe Vera orally

1. Strengthens heart, and improves blood count

2. Relieves heart burn and treats indigestion

3. Relieves arthritis-induced inflammation

4. Enhances the function of the urinary tract

5. Strengthens and heals gums

6. Increases immunity

7. Stimulates the production of leukocytes and healthy cells in patients diagnosed with cancer

8. Regulates blood sugar

9. Treats digestive disorders, including upset stomach, constipation, IBS, colitis, and bloating

9 health benefits of using Aloe Vera topically

1. Relieves itching caused by bug bites

2. Heals burns and sunburns

3. Moisturizes and nourishes skin

4. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles

5. Shampoo substitute

6. Shaving gel substitute

7. Speeds up the healing of wounds

8. Soothes rashes, boils, and similar skin problems

9. Treats acne and eczema


Admin – Caymantra


Turmeric Is A Potent Inflammation & Cancer Fighter. How Much Turmeric Should You Take & How Often ?

Here’s everything you need to know about the health benefits of turmeric including how to take it, how much to take and how often…


Historically, spices are treasured for the unique flavors they bring to food and for their healing properties.

Most spices provide some health benefits.

But one spice that shines for its medicinal benefits is turmeric.

You may have seen turmeric in the news as a potential treatment for diseases as diverse as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, psoriasis, and Alzheimer’s.

But does this spice live up to its press?

And can you get the benefits of turmeric from food alone or should you take a turmeric supplement?

Turmeric and curcumin are often used interchangeably. What’s the difference between them?

Here’s everything you need to know about the health benefits of turmeric.

Traditional Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of Curcuma longa, a beautiful flowering tropical plant native to India.

Turmeric has been used for healing for thousands of years going back to Ayurveda, India’s 5,000-year-old natural healing system. (1)

Cooking residue found on pottery shards shows that people in parts of Asia cooked with turmeric 4,500 years ago. (2)

It is one of several spices used to make curry powder, an essential ingredient in south Asian cuisine.
It’s usually used dry, but the root can also be grated fresh like ginger.

This versatile spice was used traditionally to improve digestion, dissolve gallstones, relieve arthritis, and alleviate symptoms of allergies and colds. (34)

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It was applied externally for wounds and skin conditions.

It was also used as a beauty treatment. (5)

Soaps and creams containing turmeric are experiencing a surge in popularity today.

Turmeric paste is still applied to the skin of both the bride and groom in a ceremony before marriage in some parts of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan to beautify skin and as a form of good luck.

The Relationship Between Turmeric and Curcumin

Many websites, even authoritative medical sites, incorrectly use the terms turmeric, curcumin, and even curry powder interchangeably.

This makes it hard to understand the information on turmeric.

Let’s clear up any confusion.

Curry powder is a mix of many spices including the spice turmeric.

Turmeric contains hundreds of compounds, each with its own unique properties.

But of all the compounds in turmeric, curcumin is by far the most promising and is the most widely studied.

Curcumin is not unique to turmeric, it is also found in ginger, another spice with a long history of medicinal use.

You can find many websites that make unrealistic claims about turmeric.

A few natural health websites boldly state that turmeric has been proven beneficial for over 600 ailments.

But the vast majority of studies were done on the isolated compound curcumin, not turmeric.
Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See for best selection and value
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health says this about turmeric studies: “… there is little reliable evidence to support the use of turmeric for any health condition because few clinical trials have been conducted.” (6)

Why would this be?

It’s easier to study a compound like curcumin which can be isolated and standardized and acts more drug-like than spice-like.

But the overriding reason may be that there is little monetary incentive to research a spice that’s already found in millions of kitchens worldwide unless it can be transformed into a substance that can be patented.

Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric

As we’ve seen, the majority of studies have been done on curcumin — not turmeric — and it looks like there aren’t many health conditions this compound won’t help.

Proven health benefits of curcumin include alleviating allergies, breaking up the brain plaques of Alzheimer’s, easing the pain of arthritis, treating depression, controlling diabetes, and decreasing risk of heart attack. (7, 8, 9, 10111213)

But what about turmeric — what is it good for?

So far, turmeric has been found to contain at least 20 compounds that are antibiotic, 14 known cancer preventatives, 12 that are anti-tumor, 12 anti-inflammatory, and at least 10 antioxidants. (14)

Turmeric is considered a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer agent. (1516)

And studies point to a few specific conditions that turmeric can help.

Turmeric for Alzheimer’s

One of the most exciting benefits of turmeric is that it may prevent Alzheimer’s.

Elderly villagers in India who eat turmeric as a regular part of their diet have the lowest rate of Alzheimer’s in the world. (17)

Over 200 compounds have been identified in turmeric and curcumin is not the only one being studied for Alzheimer’s. (18)

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Another compound in turmeric, turmerone, stimulates the production of new neurons and seems to encourage the brain to repair itself. (19)

This property could make it a useful treatment for a variety of degenerative brain diseases besides Alzheimer’s, including Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, and stroke. (20)

Turmeric for Arthritis

Arthritis and other inflammatory diseases are extremely common.

Over $650 million is spent in the United States every year on natural remedies for treating chronic inflammation.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory and has been found to be beneficial for arthritis when taken internally and when applied topically. (21)

Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See for best selection and value
The Arthritis Foundation reports that turmeric can provide long-term improvement in pain and function for those with osteoarthritis.

Their suggested dosage for osteoarthritis is to take one capsule (400-600 mg) three times per day or 0.5-1.0 gram of powdered turmeric root up to 3 grams per day.

Turmeric for Cancer

Curcumin is a promising candidate as a cancer treatment. (22)

It selectively kill tumor cells while leaving normal cells unharmed and works synergistically to increase the effectiveness of both chemotherapy and radiation. (23)

Dr. Saraswati Sukumar is a medical oncologist at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and has been involved in hundreds of studies on the effects of turmeric on cancer. (24)

She has found that eating turmeric prepared in food provides more benefits than taking either curcumin or turmeric supplements. (25)

Turmeric Is Better than Prozac for Depression

Turmeric has impressive antidepressant properties.

In fact it’s been found to be more a more potent antidepressant than fluoxetine, the generic name for Prozac. (26)

It is believed to work by reducing the stress hormone cortisol while increasing serotonin, the neurotransmitter associated with happiness.

This is great news for the millions who have tried antidepressants without success or for those who experience unacceptable side effects (27)

Antidepressant Supplements See for best selection and value
Unlike antidepressant drugs, turmeric either in food or as a supplement can used indefinitely.
It can also be safely combined with other natural remedies for depression such as St. John’s wort and SAM-e. (28)

Enhancing Turmeric Naturally

Unfortunately, turmeric’s main active ingredient curcumin is not very well absorbed.

Unless the right steps are taken, it largely passes through the intestines unutilized.

You can greatly increase absorption by adding black pepper, as is done in curry powder.

Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See for best selection and value
The compound piperine found in black pepper increases curcumin absorption by a whopping 2,000%. (29)

Since curcumin is fat soluble, its bioavailability is enhanced when turmeric is cooked in oil. (30)

Again, tradition has this covered.

Indian cuisine liberally uses peanut, sesame and coconut oil, and butter-derived ghee. (31)

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea is a great compromise between to trying to get enough turmeric into your daily diet and taking supplements.

Boiling turmeric in water for 10 minutes increases the solubility of curcumin up to 12 times. (32)

The people of Okinawa, Japan are the longest-lived in the world, with an average life span of 81.2 years.

And they drink large amounts of turmeric tea. (33)

To make basic turmeric tea, put 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 cup of water and simmer for 10 minutes.

Strain if needed and serve.

If you actually enjoy it, you’re in luck because not everyone is crazy about it.

It’s very bitter and medicinal-tasting.

I’ve been experimenting to find a recipe that’s both healthy and delicious.

Turmeric Tea See for best selection and value
This recipe is tasty and assures maximum bioavailability by both heating and adding coconut oil, a top brain-healthy fat.

Liquid Gold Turmeric Tea

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • Honey or stevia to taste

Bring water to a boil. Add turmeric powder and simmer gently for 10 minutes.
Add coconut milk and coconut oil. Heat until warmed through.
Sweeten with honey or stevia to taste.

Feel free to experiment with the ingredients and proportions to create the brew that is just right for you.

You can substitute almond milk or regular milk for coconut milk, as long as it contains some fat.
Ghee, traditional clarified Indian butter, works great instead of coconut oil and adds a rich buttery flavor.

Turmeric Dosage

Most of us in Western countries are familiar only with the turmeric found in the dried spice section at the grocery store.

But you can buy turmeric root in some produce sections — it looks a lot like ginger, a plant cousin that’s another source of curcumin.

According to the University of Maryland’s Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide, here are suggested turmeric dosages for adults:

  • Cut root: 1.5-3 grams per day
  • Dried, powdered root: 1-3 grams per day
  • Fluid extract (1:1): 30-90 drops per day
  • Tincture (1:2): 15-30 drops, 4 times per day

Their recommended curcumin dosage for a standardized powder supplement is 400-600 mg, 3 times per day.

Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See for best selection and value
Look for products standardized for 95% curcuminoids that also contain piperine or black pepper extract.

When unsure, follow the dosage instructions on labels. (34)

Turmeric Supplement Side Effects

Turmeric consumed as a spice in food is considered safe.

There are almost no known turmeric side effects except for an increased risk of kidney stones in those susceptible. (35)

But I was somewhat surprised to learn that turmeric supplements carry a large number of possible side effects, interactions, and warnings.

While clearly turmeric and curcumin are not identical, their respective side effects and reactions are treated as one on sites like,, and the National Institutes of Health’s MedLine.
All three sites were in agreement that you should not take either curcumin or turmeric supplements if:

  • You are pregnant. Curcumin stimulates the uterus and raises the risk of a miscarriage. The safety of this spice while breastfeeding has not been established.
  • You are trying to conceive. If you are having trouble conceiving, turmeric could add to your difficulties.
  • You have a hormone-sensitive condition. Turmeric can act like estrogen so should be avoided if you have reproductive cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.
  • You have gallstones or gallbladder disease. Turmeric can make gallbladder problems worse.
  • You are scheduled for surgery in the next two weeks. Turmeric increases the risk of bleeding.
  • You take medications that slow clotting such as aspirin, clopidogrel, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and warfarin. Turmeric increases the risk of bruising and bleeding.
  • You have GERD, ulcers, or other stomach problems. Turmeric can make GERD worse and cause gastric irritation, stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • You take drugs to reduce stomach acid. Turmeric can interfere with the actions of medications like Zantac, Tagamet, and Nexium, increasing the production of stomach acid. (36)
  • You take diabetes medication. Turmeric increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • You have an iron deficiency. Turmeric can prevent the absorption of iron.

Turmeric + Curcumin Supplements See for best selection and value
According to, 70 drugs interact adversely with turmeric and curcumin supplements.
You can find a complete list of turmeric interactions here.

Turmeric Benefits: The Bottom Line

Turmeric is a traditional healing spice with a long history of safe and effective use.
While there are turmeric capsules and turmeric tinctures available, their bioavailability is questionable.

They are also significantly more likely to cause side effects than cooking with turmeric which has no downside.

Some experts believe that the liberal use of turmeric in cooking is all you need to get therapeutic amounts.

We agree that it’s prudent to start first with turmeric in food and tea for that sweet spot of maximum benefits with virtually no risk of side effects.

And if you don’t get the results you want, you can try turmeric supplements.

If that still doesn’t bring the relief you’re looking for, then you can try curcumin supplements, staying mindful of interactions and side effects.

Got Health Problems? Drink Frankincense Water. Here is How to Make It.

PicMonkey Collage

Frankincense water has been a traditional drink in the Middle East for Centuries. People in Oman and Yemen usually soak 4 or 5 pieces of this resin in water overnight and drink the water. According to their doctors, only few people over there have cancer.

Frankincense is a fragrant plant resin that comes from the Boswelllia sacra tree found in Africa and the Arabian peninsula, including Yemen and Oman.  Frankincense possesses analgesic, anti-arthritic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, tonic, vulnerary properties.

Scientists have found that there is some agent within frankincense which helps stop spreading of cancer. It induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. According to the latest studies,

“Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted. It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. “Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.”]

Benefits of Frankincense Resin Water

  • Prevents digestive problems
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Works As A Natural Diuretic
  • Strengthens, tones, and lifts the skin, muscles, and internal organs
  • Promotes skin and tissue regeneration
  • Helps the body to read of  toxins
  • Helps with stress relief and inflammation
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Eases Fever And Headaches
  • Penetrates the blood-brain barrier
  • Helps with bronchitis
  • Helps relieve sore throats

How to Make Frankincense Water


One bag Frankincense resin (where to find)

One quarter of clean purified water

A one quarter glass jar



Place Frankincense Resin in the bottom of the jar. Boil Water. Pour water over resin until the jar is full. Cover with a glass plate or towel. Let the water sit overnight.

How to Use it

Drink a few ounces throughout the day.  If it’s your first time drinking the water, make sure to introduce this drink to your body slowly.
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Frankincense Essential Oil

One of the oldest known medical records from the sixteenth century B.C., the Ebers Papyrus, mentions frankincense oil. The ancient Egyptians listed the oil on hundreds of prescriptions and recipes.

Frankincense oil is one of the most highly prized essential oils in the world and one of the best oils you can use for your health.  The astringent property of frankincense oil can help strengthen gums, stop the bleeding from wounds and cuts, help with skin health, reverse signs of aging, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Frankincense oil can break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can relieve bronchitis-related congestion. It can suppress the production of key inflammatory cells, helping to prevent the breakdown of cartilage tissue in patients with arthritis.


Quality frankincense oil is hard to find.  Make sure you are getting the real oil. This is why I recommend Doterra Essential oils. (where to find)


4 Surprising Health Benefits of Juicing Raw Marijuana

By Healthy Holistic Living

Did you know that marijuana is a vegetable? Yup – it’s true.

The marijuana plant’s leaves and buds are actually loaded with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer compounds. These compounds are known as cannabidiols (CBD) and they make marijuana, cannabis, or whatever you want to call it, a superfood.

Yup – it’s true.

Don’t Get Dazed And Confused

But when heated, all of that goodness evaporates – it goes up in smoke and is blown away. Instead, be blown away by the health benefits of juicing the raw marijuana plant.

When heated the psychoactive compound – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)  – is released from the plant. Most people don’t want medicine to get “high” though. Our bodies were made to receive cannabidiols and the plant does not need to be heated to get these healing properties.

We have cannabinoid receptors built-in to our bodies. Getting CBD into your body can normalize functional systems like cell communication and immune functions. This means that the systems that make up your body, from cells to organs, will talk to each other better, have a better understanding of what’s going on, and help to clean things up.

Whole Lotta Love

It’s like a good relationship – both people should talk to each other and work with each other to keep the house clean.

And with cannabinoid receptors in our brains and pretty much no other way to get cannabidiol, marijuana seems to be the perfect medicine to ensure our bodies are working at peak performance. Major league sports would disagree.

CBDs bridge the gap of neurotransmission in the central nervous system by providing a two-way system of communication that completes a positive “feedback loop” says Dr. William Courtney, a medical marijuana expert and founder of Cannabis International. This is instead of a one-way transmission which promotes chronic inflammation.

CBDs mimic the body’s natural two-way communications system.

Stairway To Heaven

“The endogenous cannabinoid system acts as a modulator in fine-tuning a lot of these systems, and if something is deranged biochemically in a person’s body, it may well be that a cannabinoid system can bring things back into balance.” – Dr. Ethan Russo, a Seattle area physician, Senior Advisor to GW Pharmaceuticals.

Juicing marijuana ensures you’ll get the healing benefits of the plant without the high. No smoking, no high, and you can ingest higher doses of the drug, which will inevitably have your system running more smoothly and you feeling better. Juicing the plant also offers versatility: you can add other fruits and veggies to make delicious juices and incorporate cannabis into your diet.

Communication Breakdown

Smoking promotes inflammation which leads to infection and potential dysfunction or communication breakdowns in your body. While lots of doctors suggest vaporizing over smoking, most promote edibles over vaporizing. But you still need to heat up the drug to make edibles. That’s why, medically speaking, juicing the plant works best.

4 Health Benefits To Juicing Marijuana

Dr. Courtney and others are working hard to legalize the drug and work it into mainstream diets. They’ve found that using cannabis as a food (instead of a smokeable) it can help prevent, diminish, and fix:

  1. Autoimmune Disorders
  2. Cellular Dysfunction
  3. Chronic Inflammation
  4. Cancer Cells


You Can Have Up To 30 Pounds Of Poison In Your Colon. Here is What You Can Do

colon cleanseThe colon is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body. It plays a role in digestion, in your immune system, and in maintaining the water balance in your body. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. A colon that is not working properly will hold toxic waste longer than is good for you. An unhealthy colon is one that does not move the waste along efficiently enough. It  results in this toxic waste being absorbed by the wall of the colon and into the bloodstream. For a healthy colon, it takes less than 24 hours for food to transit through our body. But with modern eating habits (processed food that lacks enzymes, fibers and nutrients) the transit time slows down to 70 hours.  This results in a toxic colon and up to 30 pounds of accumulated waste.

And the most common sign of having a toxic colon is a condition called constipation.   Constipation occurs when waste materials move too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and/or painful elimination.

Toxic colon Symptoms:

-Digestive symptoms
Constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, stomach pain

-General health
Joint pain, muscle pain

-Behavioral symptoms
Depression, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, poor memory

-Immune system
Weak immune system, recurrent vaginal or bladder infections, skin rashes

Bernard Jensen DC, ND, PhD is one of the pioneers who used colon cleansing to improve a person’s quality of life. In his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, he explains the importance of colon cleansing: “the heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefication. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.”


The Easiest Homemade Colon Cleanser

Master Cleanse is a 10-16 day cleansing program developed in 1940 by alternative health practitioner, Stanley Burroughs. In 1976, Burroughs presented his cleansing program to the world through a book titled The Master Cleanser.


(single serving):

-2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)

-2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup some use on pancakes) – you can find it here here

-1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder

-Ten ounces of filtered water


Mix everything together. Drink this mixture 5 to 8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days.
