Category: Alzheimer’s

Why We Should Eat More Cherries

I love cherries! Dried, fresh, frozen, tart or sweet…in smoothies, on salads, even in main courses. They are an excellent sweet healthy snack full of antioxidants, and fat burning ingredients.

Cherries contain some unique and pretty awesome bioactive components that can help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and other inflammatory diseases—as well as prevent muscle soreness, and help you sleep. Not only that, cherries are an extremely effective treatment for arthritis pain, gout, hemorrhoids, and allergies.

Cherries have boatloads of antioxidants in them that fight free radical damage and protect our cells’ DNA. Free radicals are linked to many diseases including cancer, heart disease, and dementia. Cherries also contain the super-nutrients quercetin, hydroxycinnamates, potassium, carotenoids and melatonin. Even sweet cherries have a healthy low glycemic index of 22, making them a healthy food for people trying to keep their blood sugar stable.


Cherries are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat. These little red powerhouses contain phytochemicals called “anthocyanins” that give them their deep red color. Scientists at Johns Hopkins University found that the powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins in tart cherries were as effective at decreasing inflammation as the anti-inflammatory drugs Ibuprofen, aspirin and Tylenol. Another study published in the Journal of Natural Products showed that anthocyanins and cyanidin isolated from tart cherries worked better than aspirin. And many studies have shown that Tylenol and Ibuprofen can be extremely harmful to the liver and very toxic, so eating foods that are anti-inflammatory is far better for your health.

In fact, cherries can even help your workouts. Cherries have been proven to get rid of the aches and pains from an intense workout. They can actually reduce muscle soreness as well. This study published in Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition looked at cherries’ power to reduce muscle damage and soreness from working out.  54 runners ran a 16 miles race, while drinking tart cherry juice or a placebo. The group drinking the cherry juice reported a significantly smaller increase in pain compared to the placebo group, which was attributed to cherries’ anti-inflammatory effect.

Arthritis and Gout

Over 33 million Americans have osteoarthritis. Arthritis can physically affect the joint, creating friction and lots of pain when the cartilage wears down. In one study done at the Osteoarthritis Research Center with 58 osteoarthritic patients who drank two 8-ounce bottles of tart cherry juice for six weeks, Western Ontario McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) scores decreased significantly after the tart cherry juice treatment. The WOMAC index is standardized questionnaire used by health professionals to evaluate patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, including pain, stiffness, and physical functioning of the joints.

Gout is another type of arthritis that is extremely painful, usually affecting the big toe. Uric acid crystals build up in the toe joint, causing major inflammation, swelling, redness and serious pain. High uric acid levels in the body can also be associated with diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. A large study of 633 people with gout were treated with cherry extract over a two-day period showing a 35% lower risk of gout attacks. When cherry intake was combined with allopurinol, a prescribed medication for gout and kidney stones, the risk of gout attacks was 75% lower.


Anthocyanins from cherries, especially sour cherries have such strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, they inhibit tumor development in mice and the growth of human cancer cells. On a study done with mice with a genetic risk of colon cancer, a diet of tart cherries and anthocyanins helped prevent colon cancer and tumor growth. This study also showed that these two compounds from cherries reduced the growth of human colon cancer cells as well.

One other study done on humans with cherry extract showed a reduction in the growth of colon cancer cells and human breast cancer cells as well.

Sleep Better After Eating Cherries

Cherries also help you sleep more soundly because they are one of the only foods that contain a natural substance called ‘melatonin’. Melatonin is a hormone in the body that regulates sleep cycles and helps you sleep deeply. Tart cherries contain the highest levels of melatonin. It only takes two tablespoons of concentrated tart cherry juice to promote good quality, deep sleep necessary for healing and repair of the body.

Melatonin contains powerful antioxidants that helps reverse aging as well. What’s more, a good night’s sleep helps to reduce cortisol which helps you burn fat better as well! In a study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, 20 volunteers consumed either a placebo or tart cherry juice concentrate for seven days. As a result of this treatment, total melatonin content was significantly elevated in the cherry juice group.

Healthy Hearts

Tart cherries can also protect the heart and reduce the risk of strokes. Research done at University of Michigan shows tart cherries activate something called PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activating receptors) in the body. These receptors are connected to glucose and fat metabolism and can help reduce heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. There are prescribed medications that do the same thing, but they come with serious side effects, such as increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke!

While sweet cherries are effective, tart cherries contain even more of the powerful antioxidants that burn fat, help with muscle aches and soreness and help you sleep more soundly. Enjoy cherries in your next smoothie, on top of your breakfast oatmeal, throw in a salad, or just plain for a sweet, satisfying snack! One of my favorite snacks is frozen organic cherries mixed with raw almonds, and sprinkled with a little bit of cinnamon.  Give it a try!

(Cherry-infused cocktail: I have a sour cherry tree in my yard, so I get literally 1000’s of tart cherries every July… My favorite way to use all these sour cherries is to fill a bunch of mason jars with cherries and then add rye whiskey to the top of each jar, so that the sour cherries are infusing in the whiskey.  I let the jars sit at least for a couple weeks before I start drinking the cherry-infused whiskey, although many of the jars will soak for months before we get around to beginning to drink them.  

Each night after dinner, I like to take 1 shot of the cherry-infused whiskey, add a few shakes of organic digestive bitters, and a splash of sweet vermouth, and enjoy a super-healthy cocktail that’s a healthier version of a Manhattan. The antioxidants and natural melatonin get extracted very effectively from the cherries by the alcohol (the cherries become white over time as the whiskey extracts all the phytonutrients) and help you fight inflammation, joint pain, and can help to get me to fall asleep easier from the natural melatonin.  I used to have knee pain years ago, but I think this combination of having 1 drink per day of my cherry-infused whiskey and my 1 mug per day of bone broth has completely eliminated my knee pain.  My joints have never felt better since I’ve been doing this nightly ritual!)

And some more tips on sleeping better, using tart cherry syrup and other tips too:
Drink tart cherry syrup and THIS tea to sleep deeper (plus 5 tips for insomnia)

Now you know cherries are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat. They are as effective in decreasing inflammation as those anti-inflammatory drugs you buy over the counter.

The Above Article By: Catherine Ebeling & Mike Geary
Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning KitchenThe Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix

The Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit resin is a supplement common in ayurvedic medicine. It contains antioxidants and may offer other health benefits for people with some health conditions, though more research is needed.

Shilajit is a sticky substance found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants.

Shilajit is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It’s an effective and safe supplement that can have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being.

Here’s a look at eight ways to use shilajit.

Shilajit benefits

1. Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes problems with memory, behavior, and thinking. Drug treatments are available to improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s. But based on the molecular composition of shilajit, some researchers believe shilajit may prevent or slowTrusted Source the progression of Alzheimer’s.

The primary component of shilajit is an antioxidant known as fulvic acid. This powerful antioxidant contributes to cognitive health by preventing the accumulation of tau protein. Tau proteins are an important part of your nervous system, but a buildup can trigger brain cell damage.

Researchers think that the fulvic acid in shilajit may stop the abnormal buildup of tau protein and reduce inflammation, potentially improving Alzheimer’s symptoms. However, more research and clinical trials are needed.

2. Low testosterone level

Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone, but some men have a lower level than others. Signs of low testosterone include:

  • a low sex drive
  • hair loss
  • loss of muscle mass
  • fatigue
  • increased body fat

In one clinical studyTrusted Source of male volunteers between the ages of 45 and 55, half of the participants were given a placebo and half were given a 250 milligram (mg) dose of purified shilajit twice a day. After 90 consecutive days, the study found that participants receiving purified shilajit had a significantly higher testosterone level compared to the placebo group.

3. Chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term condition that causes extreme tiredness or fatigue. CFS can make it difficult to go to work or school, and simple everyday activities can prove challenging. Researchers think that shilajit supplements may reduce symptoms of CFS and restore energy.

CFS has been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. This occurs when your cells don’t produce enough energy. In a study from 2012, researchers gave lab rats shilajit for 21 days, and then induced CFS by forcing the rats to swim 15 minutes for 21 consecutive days. The results found that shilajit helped reduce the effects of CFS. They think this was the result of the shilajit helping to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction.

Based on these results, naturally boosting your body’s mitochondrial function with shilajit supplements may help improve energy levels.

4. Aging

Since shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it may also protect against free radicals and cellular damage. As a result, regular use of shilajit may contributeTrusted Source to longevity, a slower aging process, and overall better health.

5. High altitude sickness

A higher altitude can trigger a range of symptoms, including:

Altitude sickness can be triggered by low atmospheric pressure, cold temperatures, or high wind velocity. Researchers think that shilajit may help you overcome high altitude problems.

Shilajit contains fulvic acid and more than 84 mineralsTrusted Source, so it offers numerous health benefits. It can function as an antioxidant to improve your body’s immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to remove excess fluid from your body. Because of these benefits, shilajit is thought to help counteract many symptoms associated with higher altitudes.

6. Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia can result from a low-iron diet, blood loss, or an inability to absorb iron. Symptoms include:

  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • cold hands and feet
  • headache
  • irregular heartbeat

Shilajit supplements, however, may gradually increase iron levels.

study divided 18 rats into three groups of six. Researchers induced anemia in the second and third group. Rats in the third group received 500 mg of shilajit after 11 days. Researchers collected blood samples from all groups on day 21. The results revealed that rats in the third group had higher levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cells compared to rats in the second group. These are all vital components of your blood.

7. Infertility

Shilajit is also a safe supplement for male infertility. In one studyTrusted Source, a group of 60 infertile men took shilajit twice a day for 90 days after meals. At the end of the 90-day period, more than 60 percent of the study participants showed an increase in total sperm count. More than 12 percent had an increase in sperm motility. Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm in a sample to move adequately, an important part of fertility.

8. Heart health

Shilajit as a dietary supplement may also improve heart health. Researchers tested the cardiac performance of shilajit on lab rats. After receiving a pretreatment of shilajit, some rats were injected with isoproterenol to induce heart injury. The study found that rats given shilajit prior to cardiac injury had fewer cardiac lesions.

You shouldn’t take shilajit if you have active heart disease.

Shilajit side effects

Although this herb is natural and safe, you shouldn’t consume raw or unprocessed shilajit. Raw shilajit may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungus, and other contaminations that can make you sick. Whether you purchase online or from a natural or health food store, make sure shilajit is purified and ready for use.

Because this is considered an herbal approach to health, shilajit isn’t monitored for quality, purity, or strength by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Carefully research your options of where to purchase it and choose a reputable source.

Don’t take shilajit if you have sickle cell anemiahemochromatosis (too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia. It’s possible to be allergic to this supplement. Stop taking shilajit if you develop rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness.

How to use it

Shilajit is available in liquid and powder forms. Always administer supplements according to instructions. If you buy the supplement in liquid form, dissolve a portion the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid and drink one to three times a day (depending on instructions). Or you can take shilajit powder twice a day with milk. The recommended dose of shilajit is 300 to 500 mg per dayTrusted Source. Speak with your doctor before taking shilajit.

Information Courtesy of

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Deodorant



[1] National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

[2] Ye, X., Bishop, A. M., Reidy, J. A., Needham, L. L., & Calafat, A. M. (2006, December). Parabens as Urinary Biomarkers of Exposure in Humans. Retrieved from

[3] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2007, October 3). Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol Toxicity. Retrieved from

[4] Braun, J. M., Sathyanarayana, S., & Hauser, R. (2013, April). Phthalate Exposure and Children’s Health. Retrieved from

[5] Steckelberg, J. M., M.D. (2017, March 09). Triclosan: Is it safe? Retrieved from

Admin – Cymantra  May 29, 2017

Coconut Oil & Alzheimer’s Disease

Admin Cymantra

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers

Garlic – Protecting you Against Brain Cancer

The Benefits of Fasting for 16 Hours

For example, recent research has shown that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration. Researchers concluded that fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.  (source)Fasting also has shown to have remarkable effects 0n the brain. Here is a TEDx talk given by Mark Mattson about it, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging.  Mark and his team have published several papers that discuss how fasting twice a week could significantly lower the risk of developing both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. You can find some of those papers sourced within this article.Another great place to start if you are looking for an introduction to the science behind fasting is the BBC documentary Eat Fast and Live Longer. It also features more of the world’s top researchers in the field.

Related: What Fasting Does for the Brain


Arjun Walia

Cannabis Oil, gathering an unstoppable momentum as a world class healer

Cannabis Oil_3

Cannabis oil is used in cancer treatment. There are already numerous cases around the world which confirm the healing aspect of cannabis oil.

Cannabis oil has healed some very serious diseases, including anxiety disorders, epilepsy, MS (Multiple Sclerosis), cerebral palsy and cancer.

What’s the difference between cannabis, hemp and marijuana?

First of all, let’s clear up some definitions. Cannabis sativa is the plant and species; hemp and marijuana are both varieties or subspecies of it. Marijuana is actually a Spanish slang term meaning “Mary-Jane”.

Marijuana is simply considered to have a higher THC content than hemp. THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of the unique phytonutrients or plant chemicals of cannabis. However, both hemp and marijuana contain various cannabinoids, a class of chemicals that activate cell membrane receptors.

A brief history of the suppression of cannabis

To those unfamiliar with the beginning of the United States, it may come as a shock to learn that hemp was a big part of the inception.

Not only was hemp (in all of its forms) completely legal, but also it was actually required to be planted by the early colonists! The Founding Fathers made references to it in their writings and grew it themselves.

It was widely known that hemp was an incredible plant with a wide variety of uses: textiles, rope, clothing, paper, fuel, nutrition, medicine and recreation. So how did hemp fall from such exalted status to become an illegal “controlled substance”, for which you could be imprisoned due to mere possession of it?

The answer, as with many of aspects of the global conspiracy, comes back to the mega rich and powerful ruling elite families, in this case the Rockefellers. I have written other articles exposing how the Rockefellers invented modern (Western) medicine and created the Big Pharma cartel as a way to sell their petroleum-based drugs.

John D. Rockefeller had the reputation as a ruthless businessman who once said, “Competition is sin.” The prohibition movement of the 1920s to ban alcohol was not really about making America more pure or morally upright. It was about the bottom line; Rockefeller wanted to eliminate competition to oil for fuel for motor-based vehicles. Similarly, the movement to ban hemp was also an attempt to destroy competition to oil-based products. Hemp is a powerful competitor to crude oil in many ways. Thus, the propaganda campaign was launched to demonized hemp and marijuana by inventing the fake phenomenon of “reefer madness”. The brainwashing worked and Congress outlawed the plant in various stages, eventually declaring it a controlled substance in 1970.

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is not to be confused with hempseed oil, which is the nutritional oil made from pressing hemp seeds, and is used as a food not a medicine. Medicinal cannabis oil is made by gathering large quantities of cannabis leaves from female plants, using a solvent to strip off some or all of the THC, and boiling off the excess water to produce a rich, gold or brown-colored concentrate. Depending on who is making it, the final product may have little or no THC, the chemical responsible for getting people “high”. For more information on one way to prepare cannabis oil, see Rick Simpson’s Run From The Cure.

Science has not yet discovered all of the hundreds or thousands of cannabis phytonutrients which are responsible for the healing effects of cannabis oil, but one of the main ones is CBD (Cannabidiol). Excitingly, CBD is being studied all over the world as people are beginning to realize its phenomenal healing benefits. Many clinical studies have shown that CBD is a very effective painkiller – especially for peripheral neuropathy associated with diabetes, arthritis, MS, cancer and other neurodegenerative conditions. CBD is especially brilliant because it prevents and suppresses inflammation. This means it is both a preventative and curative natural medicine. Chronic low level inflammation, as you may know, is the hidden cause of much pain and many diseases, so the potential for cannabis oil to help a lot of people is huge.

How does Cannabis Oil beat cancer?

All of the cells in our body have cannabinoid receptor sites, including cells which have gone rogue and become cancerous. The brilliant thing about cannabis oil is that its THC and CBD connect to these cannabinoid receptor sites, causing the cell to increase ceramide, which then causes apoptosis or cell death. However, normal cells are unaffected by this, so cannabis oil is a targeted killer of cancer cells, leaving healthy cells intact. It reminds my very much of laetrile (or amygdalin or Vitamin B17) which functions in exactly the same way with cyanide as a targeted killer of cancer. As Dennis Hill writes, “Nature has designed the perfect medicine that fits exactly with our own immune system of receptors and signaling metabolites to provide rapid and complete immune response for systemic integrity and metabolic homeostasis.”

The unstoppable momentum of Cannabis Oil in the US

Due to recent changes in State legislation in 2014, marijuana is now legal in 20 of the 50 states in the USA. In 2 of these states (Colorado and Washington), it is fully legalized for recreational use, with Oregon and Alaska to come, while the other states or territories require a medical marijuana license (you can see the state-by-state details here). So it has already come a long way, and will continue to go much further. I predict at one point it will be legal in all 50 states in the US, and eventually throughout the world. There is already legislation pending in other American states, and the US Federal Government just decided in its 2015 spending measure that it would no longer allocate funds to the DOJ (Department of Justice) to enforce marijuana laws. That’s the beginning of the end of Federal cannabis prohibition!

The unstoppable momentum of Cannabis Oil throughout the world

Many countries around the world are leaning towards legalization, including the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Argentina and India, according to this article. Uruguay became the first country in 2013 to fully legalize cannabis. It is also legal in North Korea, believe it or not!

The case of Cannabis Oil shows the people have the power

Cannabis can have healing effects not just as cannabis oil; check out this video showing the power of raw cannabis leaves too. Truth be told, the healing power of cannabis has just barely been tapped. And, for those who don’t need to use cannabis medicinally, why not add it to your diet? The nutritional profile of hemp is unparalleled. Its protein profile is similar to that of human blood. It contains all 8 essential amino acids, as well as 2 key globulins, albumin and edestin (the latter of which is found only in hemp seeds). Edestin is so similar to protein found in the human body that it can actually repair your DNA! Additionally, hemp seeds contain the essential fatty acids linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3) – in the ideal ratio for optimal health (3:1). These healthy fats reduce inflammation, boost the immune system and are responsible for strong and shiny skin, hair and nails. Hemp seeds have high quantities of iron, magnesium and zinc, and so combat many ailments resulting from a deficiency in these minerals. Other benefits of hemp seeds include reducing craving for junk foods and boosting memory.

The case of cannabis is a further positive indication to me that the NWO elite, the global conspirators, are not as powerful as they would like to think. We the people ultimately have the power, and the truth will ultimately triumph over lies, just as the powerful medicinal value of cannabis has outrun and outstripped the propaganda of “reefer madness”. Sometimes, though, it does take a long time for truth to prevail.

May 5, 2016

Alzheimer’s & Coconut Oil

natural coconut walnut oil

Image courtesy of

People across the country recently became captivated by  the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge” to raise money for ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease, awareness, but what if there was a simple solution available right now to help sufferers?

While there is currently a lack of “official scientific research” on using coconut oil to heal symptoms of degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and ALS, there is a ton of anecdotal evidence that it really can have a dramatic effect on improving the quality of life of many people, or even to reverse these diseases entirely as part of a regular routine.

Coconut oil is seen as so promising for these patients that a $250,000 grant was given by a private donor to the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in Florida recently to study its beneficial effects.

Doctor Sees Incredible Changes with ALS Thanks to Coconut Oil

Dr. Mary Newport’s husband Steve suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease, so much so that he could barely make a simple drawing of a clock when asked to do so, as the picture below shows.

Mary Newport's husband Steve drew the following pictures of a clock; at right is the one drawn after taking coconut oil for Alzheimer's symptoms. PHOTO:

Mary Newport’s husband Steve drew the following pictures of a clock; at right is the one drawn after taking coconut oil for Alzheimer’s symptoms. PHOTO:

But after just two weeks of being given coconut oil by his wife, Steve’s symptoms began to dissipate and “the fog was lifted,” as Dr. Mary Newport told

Since then, Mary Newport has gone on to author the book ‘Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?’ and to blog about coconut oil, neurological disease healing, and other holistic health topics.

She posted the story of one person who was diagnosed with ALS in 2007, and since then has battled the disease with the help of coconut oil and a magnesium chloride solution (at least 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day is recommended if not more; Dr. Bruce Fife recommends 6-8).

In her personal blog on the subject, Mary details the changes that have taken place in the person’s ALS thanks to these supplements, including the following:

-Gained the ability to raise her toes in front of her foot upward and to tap her right foot along with music

-Normal feelings restored to her right leg

Increased muscle strength and size in the her upper right leg, as well as her left leg

She now has the ability to pivot her right foot forward and inward

-Bruising in her right ankle has been reduced

…and much more. The full list of changes they’ve  experienced since adding coconut oil and Mg chloride to her routine can be viewed here. These changes may seem relatively minor but just imagine how difficult everyday life tasks could be without them.

Coconut oil is thought to help sufferers of neurological diseases by providing an alternate source of fuel to the brain, ketones, which helps fill the gaps when not enough glucose is being supplied or absorbed by the brain for use as fuel. Coconut oil has also been shown to aid metabolism, assist in killing viruses, and to be excellent for cooking at high temperatures compared with vegetable oils that are often genetically modified and not capable of standing up to high temperatures safely.

Man Reverses ALS with Coconut Oil in Video

Butch Matchlin, an American man who lives in Mexico City, was recently one of three people suffering from neurological diseases profiled by CBN for a segment on how they’ve been healing since adding coconut oil to their daily routines.

In the video below, Matchin demonstrates how he is now able to pick up objects, such as the snow globe you’ll see in the video, and fully grasp them with ease in a way he couldn’t in the past. Matchlin has been suffering from ALS for over five years, but as shown in the video (from 2013), his symptoms have reversed. A report on coconut oil for use in such diseases was seen by over 5 million people on CBN’s website.

You can help spread the message by sharing this post and tagging it #ALSicebucketchallenge on Facebook to get the word out and help more ALS sufferers (disclaimer: this post is for informational purposes and not medical purposes). The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is currently being used to raise awareness for research, but this potential natural solution is one that more people should know about.

Watch the video below to find out more (and please note that I personally don’t recommend microwaving the coconut oil at all).

P.S. This was shared on March Against Monsanto, a non-religious movement that welcomes people of all faiths.

Cymantra – Admin