Tag: Heart disease

The many Benefits of Watermelon Seeds


We all enjoy consuming watermelon. But, we throw out the tiny seeds without to realize their health advantages.

These seeds consist of nutrients like fatty acids, essential proteins, minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and are full of vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate. Also, they offer 600grams of calories.

Watermelon seeds have citrulline substance which acts an antioxidant, which has a positive effect in the case of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina and erectile dysfunction, thus promoting the expansion of blood vessels.

These seeds are useful for treating diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Make a tea from fresh watermelon seeds in order to remove the stones and sand in the kidneys.

Cook, grind or bake them in order to take the maximum advantage of its medicinal properties.


You need 20-30 watermelon seeds. Grind and boil them for 15minutes in 2l water. Consume this for 2 days and make a pause the third day.

The procedure needs to be repeated for several weeks but is very important to pause every third day.


  1. Protect heart health

The seeds which are full of magnesium save the heart so it could work normally. Also, they maintain the blood pressure level and enhance the metabolism process. They are amazing to avoid heart diseases and hypertension.

  1. Prevent aging

The seeds have antioxidant content which helps you to avoid aging, strengthen your skin, and keep it healthier and young.

  1. Clean acne

Clean your acne, dirt, and dead skin cells by taking a cotton bud and dipping it in watermelon seed oil. This oil is suitable for every kind of skin and will help you to deal with the aliment of skin.

  1. Strengthen hair

These seeds have high protein and amino acid content which will easily strengthen your hair. Also, roasted watermelon seeds will make your hair shiny because of the copper they contain which produce melanin – a pigment that gives color to your hair.

  1. Treat itchy scalp

Watermelon seed oil has a mild texture which can be absorbed easily. You can use the oil as a moisturizer for dried, itchy scalp.

  1. Prevent hair damage

The seed has essential fatty acids which will help to avoid hair damage.

  1. Blood pressure regulation and coronary heart disease prevention

Arginine will help you to deal with coronary heart disease and will balance the blood pressure. Arginine also helps in preventing narrowing of blood vessels. Tryptophan and lysine are other amino acids which are present in these types of seeds.

  1. Rich source of magnesium for better immune system

The advantages of consuming watermelon seeds make a lot of supply of magnesium which is present in food like wheat, rice, oat and cocoa powder. Pantothenic acid is known as vitamin B5 which is essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy.

  1. Dietary management of beriberi caused by vitamin B6 deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause a condition referred to as Beriberi. B6 is a complex vitamin B which helps to convert carbohydrate into energy.

  1. Provides essential amino acids

The body needs amino acids as argnine and lysine to perform in the perfect way. The latter is effective for the assimilation of calcium for strengthening the bones and the tissues.

  1. Gives unsaturated healthy fats to the body

80% of the watermelon seeds fats are unsaturated and healthy fats with an addition of omega 3 acids. These seeds are a great source of energy to the body with no additional calories and they will fulfill half of the needed health fats per day.

  1. Hair and nails

The seeds include a good amount of protein which keeps our hair healthy and glossy, and our fingernails long and robust.

  1. Magnesium source

The seeds have a great amount of magnesium which is well for maintaining the functions of the body in a perfect manner. It strikes a balance between the blood pressure levels and helps in the perfect functioning of the heart.

  1. Watermelon seeds can cure edema

Toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in a teaspoon of honey, and then put it in a ¾ cup of warm water. Mix it well and consume it immediately – 2 times daily. It will help you to control edema problem

  1. Enhances male fertility

Watermelon seeds have lycopene antioxidant which is an excellent and efficient remedial method to boost the male potency levels in men.

  1. Recovery benefits

If you want to properly recover from an illness, utilize watermelon seeds in the diet. Within a couple of days, you will see the effects. Also, for those who have memory issues, the seeds will help to recover and sharp the memory once again.

  1. Treats diabetes

To control diabetes, put a handful of watermelon seeds in 1l water for 45minutes. This is a worthy benefit due to the prevalence of diabetes within the population.

  1. Moisturizes the skin

The watermelon seeds have fatty acids which are a perfect use for soft, supple and moisturized skin. Also, it helps to prevent skin conditions and acne issues.

  1. Keeps the hair black

The seeds have minerals like copper which helps in promoting the creation of melanin in the body liable for providing color to the hair. Also, it offers the color to the skin.

  1. Prevents hair breakage

The watermelon seeds have essential fatty acids which deeply nourish the hair strands. This gives strength to the hair and causes it to be a point that hair breakage is kept at bay. Combine the oil with a carrier oil and massage the scalp once in a week.

Source: Family Health Freedom Network


12 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Eggs

Eggs might just be the easiest, cheapest and most versatile way to up your protein intake.
Beyond easily upping your daily protein count— each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams of the muscle-builder—eggs also boost your health. They’re loaded with amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Don’t just reach for the whites, though; the yolks boast a fat-fighting nutrient called choline, so opting for whole eggs can actually help you trim down.
When you’re shopping for eggs, pay attention to the labels. You should be buying organic, when possible. These are certified by the USDA and are free from antibiotics, vaccines and hormones. As for color, that’s your call. The difference in color just varies based on the type of chicken—they both have the same nutritional value, says Molly Morgan, RD, a board certified sports specialist dietician based in upstate New York. Here are 12 incredible effects the mighty egg can have on the human body.


LDL cholesterol became known as “bad” cholesterol because LDL particles transport their fat molecules into artery walls, and drive atherosclerosis — basically, gumming up of the arteries. (HDL particles, by contrast, can removefat molecules from artery walls.) But not all LDL particles are made equal, and there are various subtypes that differ in size. Bigger is definitely better — many studies have shown that people who have predominantly small, dense LDL particles have a higher risk of heart disease than people who have mostly large LDL particles. Here’s the beauty part: Even if eggs tend to raise LDL cholesterol in some people, studies show that the LDL particles change from small and dense to large, slashing the risk of cardiovascular problems.


If you don’t want to play chicken with infections, viruses and diseases, add an egg or two to your diet daily. Just one large egg contains almost a quarter (22%) of your RDA of selenium, a nutrient that helps support your immune system and regulate thyroid hormones. Kids should eat eggs, especially. If children and adolescents don’t get enough selenium, they could develop Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease, two conditions that can affect the heart, bones and joints.

There are three ideas about cholesterol that practically everyone knows: 1) High cholesterol is a bad thing; 2) There are good and bad kinds of cholesterol; 3) Eggs contain plenty of it. Doctors are generally most concerned with the ratio of “good” cholesterol (HDL) to bad cholesterol (LDL). One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, but this doesn’t mean that eggs will raise the “bad” kind in the blood. The body constantly produces cholesterol on its own, and a large body of evidence indicates that eggs can actually improve your cholesterol profile. How? Eggs seem to raise HDL (good) cholesterol while increasing the size of LDL particles.

Just one egg contains about 15% of your RDA of vitamin B2, also called riboflavin. It’s just one of eight B vitamins, which all help the body to convert food into fuel, which in turn is used to produce energy. Eggs are just one of the25 Best Foods for a Toned Body!

B-complex vitamins are also necessary for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. (In addition to vitamin B2, eggs are also rich in B5 and B12.) They also help to ensure the proper function of the nervous system. For more foods full of B vitamins, click here for this list of the essential 40 Best Foods for Muscle and Strength!

Eggs are such a good source of quality protein that all other sources of protein are measured against them. (Eggs get a perfect score of 100.) Many studies have demonstrated the effect of high-protein foods on appetite. Simply put, they take the edge off. You might not be surprised to learn that eggs score high on a scale called the Satiety Index, a measure of how much foods contribute to the feeling of fullness.


Largely because of their satiating power, eggs have been linked with fat loss. A study on this produced some remarkable results: Over an eight-week period, people ate a breakfast of either eggs or bagels, which contained the same amount of calories. The egg group lost 65% more body weight, 16% more body fat, experienced a 61% greater reduction in BMI and saw a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference!


Eggs are brain food. That’s largely because of an essential nutrient calledcholine. It’s a component of cell membranes and is required to synthesize acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Studies have shown that a lack of choline has been linked to neurological disorders and decreased cognitive function. Shockingly, more than 90% of Americans eat less than the daily recommended amount of choline, according to a U.S. dietary survey.


Among the lesser-known amazing things the body can do: It can make 11 essential amino acids, which are necessary to sustain life. Thing is, there are 20 essential amino acids that your body needs. Guess where the other 9 can be found? That’s right. A lack of those 9 amino acids can lead to muscle wasting, decreased immune response, weakness, fatigue, and changes to the texture of your skin and hair.


If you’re deficient in the 9 amino acids that can be found in an egg, it can have mental effects. A 2004 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences described how supplementing a population’s diet with lysine significantly reduced anxiety and stress levels, possibly by modulating serotonin in the nervous system. For more relaxing foods, check out these 20 Foods That Keep You Slim for Life!


Two antioxidants found in eggs — lutein and zeaxanthin — have powerful protective effects on the eyes. You won’t find them in a carton of Egg Beaters — they only exist in the yolk. The antioxidants significantly reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, which are among the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness in the elderly. In a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants who ate 1.3 egg yolks per day for four-and-a-half weeks saw increased blood levels of zeaxanthin by 114-142% and lutein by 28-50%!


Eggs are one of the few natural sources of Vitamin D, which is important for the health and strength of bones and teeth. It does this primarily by aiding the absorption of calcium. (Calcium, incidentally, is important for a healthy heart, colon and metabolism.)


8 Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending


Fingernails and disease don’t go together in most minds… but they should. Your fingernails can give you valuable health warnings and signal the presence of serious disease.


Take a good long look at your nails. Hold a hand level with your nose about a foot out from your face and scrutinize each one.

Look at the curves, dips, ridges, and grooves. Check out how thick or thin they are and if your nails are chipped or broken. Make a note of the color of the nail itself, the skin under it, and the skin around the nail.


Check your memory – have your nails always looked like this? Changes to your fingernails and disease onset are linked, so note any new developments. With this fresh view, compare what you see with this list of eight potential fingernail health warnings.



 1. Discolored nails

A healthy fingernail should be pink with a touch of pinkish white (moons) near the base. If your nails are a dull color or streaked with other colors, you may have a serious hidden health problem.

    • -Green nails are a sign of bacterial infection
    • -Red streaks in your nail bed are a warning of a heart valve infection
    • -Blueish nails signal low oxygen levels in your blood
    • -Dull nails mean a vitamin deficiency
    • -White nails may signal liver disease, such as hepatitis
    • -Dark stripes at the top (Terry’s nails) are associated with aging and congestive heart failure


Scrub those nails clean and really look at your nail color! Given the “rainbow” of potential health challenges, you want to be sure you see what your fingers are saying.


2. Thick nails

Thick nails are not natural. You want your nails to be strong, but if they resemble talons or claws more than traditional nails watch out!

    • -Thickened nails that are otherwise normal can signal lung disease
    • -Thick and rough-textured nails can signal a fungal infection
    • -Thick and separated nails may mean thyroid disease or psoriasis
    • -Unusual thickness may also be a symptom of a circulation problem


Thickening nails are a change that should tune you in to other health symptoms you may be ignoring. Also watch out for allergic reactions to new medications which can show up as suddenly thick nails!


3. Split nails

Split nails aren’t just occasionally chipped or shut in doors. Instead, these nails seem to flake away in layers. Don’t blame frequent handwashing or nail polish for everything, especially since:

    • -Split nails result from folic acid, Vitamin C, and protein deficiencies
    • -Split nails combined with a pitted nail bed (base) can signal psoriasis, which begins in nails 10% of the time according to WebMD
    • -Split nails may result from chronic malnutrition


Watch what you eat and check the psoriasis connection to fight back and pay more attention to your health overall.

4.Concave (Spoon) nails

Spoon fingernails signal a number of internal issues. To be considered full spoons, nails will be soft and curve up, forming a dip that is often big enough to hold water. Spoon nails signal:

    • -Iron deficiency (usually from anemia)
    • -Hemachromatosis, a liver disorder – your body absorbs too much iron
    • -Heart disease
    • -Hypothyroidism


Your fingernail and health challenges go hand in hand – for many people, clearing up their health issue results in their spoon nails returning back to normal.


5. Pitted nails

Small dips or holes in your nails can be a result of banging up your hands – or they could be a sign that you need to look more closely at your health. Nail pitting can signal:

    • -Psoriasis
    • -Connective tissue disorder
    • -Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss
    • -Zinc deficiency (when the pit seems to form a line across the middle of your nail)


Watch your hand to separate natural dents and dings from real, lasting pits. The first will clear up quickly, but pits linked to disease linger.


6. Ridges

Nails should have smooth surfaces with almost imperceptible lines. Obvious ridge lines are a signal that something is up with your body. Some of the most common conditions associated with heavy ridge lines are:

    • -Iron deficiency
    • -Inflammatory arthritis
    • -Lupus (for red lines at the base of your nails)


Don’t just buff away your ridges – hear their warning!


7. Dry, brittle nails

You don’t need lotion or cuticle oil. If your nails are dry and brittle, you should check your hormone levels and bacterial health.

    • -Thyroid disease leads to brittle, dry fingernails that crack and split easily
    • -Fungus can make nails dry or even crumbly, affecting 12% of all Americans according to the American Academy of Dermatology


Both thyroid and fungal issues take time to treat, so you won’t see a difference in the look of your fingernails for a full growth cycle.


8. Clubbed nails

If you have plump skin that seems to swell around the nail, or if your nails seem to have puffed around your fingers, they are said to be “clubbed”. Clubbed nails can mean:

    • -Lung disease, especially if you already have trouble breathing
    • -Inflammatory bowel disease
    • -Liver disease
    • -AIDS


Your fingernails won’t be the only signs of these diseases, but they can provide confirmation or motivation to seek medical care.


Don’t ignore your hands or the health warnings they send. Fingernails and disease are more closely related than you think – check your nails often to protect your health!




Trimarchi, M. Top 5 Things Your Nails Say About Your Health. Discovery Health.

Mayo Clinic. Slide Show: 7 Fingernail Problems Not to Ignore. 2011 Dec 8.

Rauh, S. Healthy Fingernails: Clues About Your Health. WebMD.

Danoff, R. Can Fingernails Indicate a Health Problem? MSN Health.