Category: Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency, the signs and the remedy



Signs of magnesium deficiency are everywhere in the United States and Canada, if you know what to look for. Unfortunately, the symptoms are so incredibly common that they constantly slip under the radar! Hardly anyone, especially doctors, notice that the ailments we suffer from on a daily basis are actually magnesium deficiency symptoms… and we’re all paying for it.
Just about every single person you come into contact with – especially those with a health problem, but even those with only minor complaints – are suffering in some way from this nationwide deficiency. Including you!

What Exactly Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is life. It is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body, right next to sulfur (which is JUST as important).

Along with being a mineral, magnesium is also an electrolyte. “Sports drinks” (aka sugar-filled scams) claim to contain electrolytes such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium because we sweat away these important nutrients during exercise, and their deficiency is what leads to the common problems athletes face, such as muscle cramping! But believe me – electrolytes (especially magnesium) do so much more than treat and prevent muscle cramps.

First off, electrolytes are what allow us to be living, electrical beings. They are responsible for all electrical activity (and thus brain conductivity) in the body. Without electrolytes like magnesium, muscles can’t fire, your heart cannot beat, and your brain doesn’t receive any signals. We need magnesium to stay alive, point blank. As soon as we don’t have enough of it, we start to lose the energy and conductivity that keeps us going. Technically, as soon as we become deficient, we slowly begin to die, getting more aches and pains day by day, feeling worse year after year. I can’t stress it enough… signs of magnesium deficiency are everywhere, if you just look.

Magnesium is a cofactor in over three hundred reactions in the body, necessary for transmission of nerve impulses, temperature regulations, detoxification in the liver, and formation of bones and teeth. However, magnesium shows its true power in cardiovascular health. The Weston A. Price foundation writes, “Magnesium alone can fulfill the role of many common cardiac medications: magnesium inhibits blood clots (like aspirin), thins the blood (like Coumadin), blocks calcium uptake (like calcium channel-blocking durgs such as Procardia) and relaxes blood vessels (like ACE inhibitors such as Vasotec) (Pelton, 2001).”

Nearly EVERYONE has signs of magnesium deficiency but we don’t realize it…

Symptoms include:

  • Constipation
  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Behavioral disturbances
  • Lethargy
  • Impaired memory/thinking
  • Seizures
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Chronic back pain
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Muscular pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Anger
  • Aggression
  • ADHD
  • Brain fog
  • Tension
  • Anxiety disorders such as OCD

“Similarly, patients with diagnoses of depression, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, tremor, Parkinsonism, arrhythmias, circulatory disturbances (stroke, cardiac infarction, arteriosclerosis), hypertension, migraine, cluster headache, cramps, neuro-vegetative disorders, abdominal pain, osteoporosis, asthma, stress dependent disorders, tinnitus, ataxia, confusion, preeclampsia, weakness, might also be consequences of the magnesium deficiency syndrome.”

Amazingly, the article referenced above even mentions neuro-vegetative disorders as a possible result of magnesium deficiency. This would include comas. Stress hormone production requires high levels of magnesium and stressful experiences can immediately lead to complete depletion of magnesium stores; could this be a contributing factor to why we see comas after traumatic accidents/injuries? As I mentioned above, magnesium is an electrolyte responsible for brain signals and conductivity. Without magnesium, people in comas may not be able to come to and resume conductivity. Many people with diabetes also fall into diabetic comas. Diabetes is listed as another possible consequence of magnesium deficiency. Could this be a factor in diabetic comas as well? Something to think about and research further!



Do you crave chocolate? Why, when people are stressed out, do they go for chocolate? Chocolate is one of the highest food sources of magnesium.

Magnesium is associated with so many disorders that Dr. Carolyn Dean of the Nutritional Magnesium Association has devoted an entire book to discussing how she has treated thousands of patients for a wide array of diseases, with magnesium as the primary component. Her book, The Magnesium Miracle, is a must-read if you have any of the magnesium deficiency symptoms above, or any health problems in general – as there is likely a magnesium component to everything. Check out 50 Studies Suggest That Magnesium Deficiency Is Killing Us.


Why Don’t Doctors Find Magnesium Deficiencies In Tests?

Unfortunately, conventional medicine has not woken up to the amount of research that has been done on magnesium deficiency.

One of the reasons Western Medicine is so off base with magnesium is how they test it: with blood tests.

Blood tests do not yield ANY information about magnesium… why? Because the body controls the levels of blood magnesium very tightly. If the magnesium in the blood drops just a little bit, you’re going to have a heart attack. It’s that sample. So to prevent this, the body will rob all of its cells, tissues, and bones of magnesium in order to keep the blood levels constant. If you do a blood test for magnesium, the cells could be completely empty while your blood levels remain constant.

What’s worse is that magnesium is not even in your blood. 99% of the magnesium in the body is stored in the cells that get robbed, while a mere 1% of your body’s total magnesium is in the blood. These tests are a complete waste of time, and they’re not educating doctors to this reality.

“A serum test for magnesium is actually worse than ineffective, because a test result that is within normal limits lends a false sense of security about the status of the mineral in the body. It also explains why doctors don’t recognize magnesium deficiency; they assume serum magnesium levels are an accurate measure of all the magnesium in the body.” – Dr. Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle.


Why Are We So Deficient?

Here’s the short(ish) version: Number one, we’re being poisoned by our food. Number two, we’re increasingly stressed out. We’re running our engines on high to keep up with life and it’s draining us. Stress hormone production requires high levels of magnesium and stressful experiences lead to depletion of magnesium stores. Number three, we’re eating more sugar than ever. For every molecule of sugar we consume, our bodies use 54 molecules of magnesium to process it. Fourth, low levels in the soil and modern farming techniques deplete stores of magnesium. And lastly, magnesium is depleted by many pharmaceutical drugs and estrogen compounds such as oral contraceptives, antibiotics, cortisone, prednisone, and blood pressure medications (“Drug-induced nutrient depletion handbook,” Pelton, 2001). Diuretics in coffee and tea (caffeine) also raise excretion levels. Oh and by the way – flouride competes for absorption with magnesium!

Nowadays, nearly everyone is magnesium deficient – no test needed. Refined/processed foods are stripped of their mineral, vitamin, and fiber content. These are anti-nutrient foods because they actually steal magnesium in order to be metabolized. When consumed, they demand that we supplement with magnesium or we are destined to break down eventually due to severe deficiency. Like I said, sugar is the worst offender. Every single molecule of sugar you consume drags over 50 times the amount of magnesium out of your body.

Well, what if you eat a healthy diet? Processed products are not the only foods that are devoid of magnesium. In general, magnesium has been depleted from topsoil, diminishing dietary intake across the board while our need for magnesium has increased, due to the high levels of toxic exposure we come across in our daily lives (air, water, plastics, chemicals, the list goes on!). The soil is depleted of magnesium because of the pesticides that are sprayed on all conventionally grown plants and worldwide pollution that affects even the cleanest fields. Pesticides also kill those beneficial bacteria/fungi that are necessary in order for plants to convert soil nutrients into plant nutrients usable by humans.


Are You A Cannabis User?

Cannabis has so many positive effects in terms of treating diseases such as epilepsy, cancer, and more (read 1, 2, 3 and Trust me, I’ll be the first to tell you I’m all for it – it’s a safe and effective herb with countless therapeutic benefits that the government has been hiding for years. The only way they want you using it is if they’ve patented one of its’ chemical compounds and can sell it to you for a profit.

However, we should also look at what happens to our body on a cellular level if we use cannabis on a daily basis. Would you take parasite cleansing herbs every day for the rest of your life, or even every few days? Probably not. You’d take them when you’re sick or during a monthly cleanse, or else you’d develop some side effects from overuse. We need to remember that cannabis is a powerful herbal medicine and should be treated in such a way.

It turns out that using marijuana tends to deplete the body’s stores of magnesium, with the result that the person feels more on-edge after coming down from the high.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t safe in moderation. It means that over time, if used consistently without proper balance via magnesium replenishment, it can and will cause magnesium deficiency.


The Best Ways To Get Magnesium

1. Eat magnesium rich foods grown on organic soil.mag-2Bcollage

2. Take ionic magnesium drops. This is my new favorite method, which I’ve learned from The Magnesium Miracle.

3. Apply magnesium oil to your skin! This is the second best way to raise your levels.

4. Soak in Epsom salt baths. This will provide not only magnesium, but sulfur for your liver as well.

Additional References (not linked in the article)

Oxford Journals – Magnesium Basics:

Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD:





The many Benefits of Watermelon Seeds


We all enjoy consuming watermelon. But, we throw out the tiny seeds without to realize their health advantages.

These seeds consist of nutrients like fatty acids, essential proteins, minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and are full of vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate. Also, they offer 600grams of calories.

Watermelon seeds have citrulline substance which acts an antioxidant, which has a positive effect in the case of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina and erectile dysfunction, thus promoting the expansion of blood vessels.

These seeds are useful for treating diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Make a tea from fresh watermelon seeds in order to remove the stones and sand in the kidneys.

Cook, grind or bake them in order to take the maximum advantage of its medicinal properties.


You need 20-30 watermelon seeds. Grind and boil them for 15minutes in 2l water. Consume this for 2 days and make a pause the third day.

The procedure needs to be repeated for several weeks but is very important to pause every third day.


  1. Protect heart health

The seeds which are full of magnesium save the heart so it could work normally. Also, they maintain the blood pressure level and enhance the metabolism process. They are amazing to avoid heart diseases and hypertension.

  1. Prevent aging

The seeds have antioxidant content which helps you to avoid aging, strengthen your skin, and keep it healthier and young.

  1. Clean acne

Clean your acne, dirt, and dead skin cells by taking a cotton bud and dipping it in watermelon seed oil. This oil is suitable for every kind of skin and will help you to deal with the aliment of skin.

  1. Strengthen hair

These seeds have high protein and amino acid content which will easily strengthen your hair. Also, roasted watermelon seeds will make your hair shiny because of the copper they contain which produce melanin – a pigment that gives color to your hair.

  1. Treat itchy scalp

Watermelon seed oil has a mild texture which can be absorbed easily. You can use the oil as a moisturizer for dried, itchy scalp.

  1. Prevent hair damage

The seed has essential fatty acids which will help to avoid hair damage.

  1. Blood pressure regulation and coronary heart disease prevention

Arginine will help you to deal with coronary heart disease and will balance the blood pressure. Arginine also helps in preventing narrowing of blood vessels. Tryptophan and lysine are other amino acids which are present in these types of seeds.

  1. Rich source of magnesium for better immune system

The advantages of consuming watermelon seeds make a lot of supply of magnesium which is present in food like wheat, rice, oat and cocoa powder. Pantothenic acid is known as vitamin B5 which is essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy.

  1. Dietary management of beriberi caused by vitamin B6 deficiency

The deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause a condition referred to as Beriberi. B6 is a complex vitamin B which helps to convert carbohydrate into energy.

  1. Provides essential amino acids

The body needs amino acids as argnine and lysine to perform in the perfect way. The latter is effective for the assimilation of calcium for strengthening the bones and the tissues.

  1. Gives unsaturated healthy fats to the body

80% of the watermelon seeds fats are unsaturated and healthy fats with an addition of omega 3 acids. These seeds are a great source of energy to the body with no additional calories and they will fulfill half of the needed health fats per day.

  1. Hair and nails

The seeds include a good amount of protein which keeps our hair healthy and glossy, and our fingernails long and robust.

  1. Magnesium source

The seeds have a great amount of magnesium which is well for maintaining the functions of the body in a perfect manner. It strikes a balance between the blood pressure levels and helps in the perfect functioning of the heart.

  1. Watermelon seeds can cure edema

Toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in a teaspoon of honey, and then put it in a ¾ cup of warm water. Mix it well and consume it immediately – 2 times daily. It will help you to control edema problem

  1. Enhances male fertility

Watermelon seeds have lycopene antioxidant which is an excellent and efficient remedial method to boost the male potency levels in men.

  1. Recovery benefits

If you want to properly recover from an illness, utilize watermelon seeds in the diet. Within a couple of days, you will see the effects. Also, for those who have memory issues, the seeds will help to recover and sharp the memory once again.

  1. Treats diabetes

To control diabetes, put a handful of watermelon seeds in 1l water for 45minutes. This is a worthy benefit due to the prevalence of diabetes within the population.

  1. Moisturizes the skin

The watermelon seeds have fatty acids which are a perfect use for soft, supple and moisturized skin. Also, it helps to prevent skin conditions and acne issues.

  1. Keeps the hair black

The seeds have minerals like copper which helps in promoting the creation of melanin in the body liable for providing color to the hair. Also, it offers the color to the skin.

  1. Prevents hair breakage

The watermelon seeds have essential fatty acids which deeply nourish the hair strands. This gives strength to the hair and causes it to be a point that hair breakage is kept at bay. Combine the oil with a carrier oil and massage the scalp once in a week.

Source: Family Health Freedom Network


12 Signs Your Health Problems are Actually Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

magnesium-12Could your health problems actually be magnesium deficiency symptoms? The symptoms can be anything from headaches to PMS.   Chances are you’re deficient in this mineral as more than 80% of the population is not getting enough magnesium.


Low magnesium is often overlooked, especially by doctors who rarely consider the role of nutrition and vitamins. Yet, there are hundreds of magnesium deficiency symptoms that this can cause, in addition to many diseases that can be exacerbated.

Almost a year ago, I went to my family doctor because I was having painful menstrual cramps every month.  I asked him what could be causing this and what I should do about it. His response was that it was genetic; there’s nothing that can be done. His only suggestion was to take an over the counter medication to deal with the pain. But, after researching this online, I found that menstrual cramps are one of the common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Eager to try this, I corrected my ratio of calcium and magnesium and within a month voila! No more cramps!

Sadly, doctors today know little to none about the importance of magnesium in the body and the resulting magnesium deficiency symptoms. Your best hope is to be your own doctor and research  magnesium deficiency symptoms to find out if this could be the cause.


Why Are we not Getting Enough Magnesium?

It is very hard to get enough magnesium through your diet, no matter how healthy you eat. This is because modern farming processes have depleted our soil of adequate natural magnesium. Also, there are many other factors that significantly decrease the amount of magnesium absorbed in our bodies. These include:

-Stress: Many of us experience high levels of stress on a daily basis. When we experience stress or anxiety, this causes our bodies to deplete our magnesium.


-Diet: Certain foods can also result in a decrease in magnesium such as caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. It has been estimated that it takes 287 molecules of magnesium to metabolize one glucose molecule.


-Medications: There are many over-the-counters and prescription medications that deplete magnesium. These include: birth control pills, diuretics, insulin, and antibiotics.


Why You Need Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that is responsible for numerous bodily processes. It is the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies and is essential for carrying out over 300 reactions within the body.


Magnesium is commonly known for helping relieve constipation, but that is just one of it’s many crucial roles in the body. Magnesium is important for the functioning of your heart, muscles, kidneys, and balancing many other nutrients such as calcium and potassium. Having adequate magnesium levels has been found to ward off diabetes, prevent osteoporosis, and improve blood pressure.


12 Common Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms:

1. Anxiety
2. Weak Bones
3. Low Energy
4. Weakness
5. Inability to Sleep
6. PMS and Hormonal Imbalances
7. Irritability
8. Nervousness
9. Headaches
10. Abnormal Heart Rhythm
11. Muscle Tension, Spasms, Cramps
12. Fatigue


These are just a few of the most common magnesium deficiency symptoms. Additional  magnesium deficiency symptoms include: constipation, vertigo, stiff and achy muscles, insomnia, and muscle weakness. There are many more health problems that having low magnesium can cause. If you think you may be experiencing a magnesium deficiency symptom, but it’s not listed above, make sure to do a thorough search online.


Additional Conditions/Diseases Associated with Magnesium Deficiency:

Much research has found that individuals with magnesium deficiency are at an increased risk for developing diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s, kidney stones, and restless legs syndrome, just to name a few.


How to Find Out if You’re Truly Deficient in Magnesium

When comes to determining if you have a magnesium deficiency, unfortunately, there is not a great way to find out, such as from a test. There are blood tests that can be used to check the level of magnesium in your body to evaluate if you have magnesium deficiency; however, they have been found to be inaccurate. This is because the blood serum tests only give a reading of the level of magnesium in your blood and only one percent of the magnesium in your body is distributed in your blood. Thus, you have to rely on making a diagnosis for magnesium deficiency based on magnesium deficiency symptoms, not a blood test.


It is best to look at the symptoms your experiencing and try supplementing with magnesium and evaluate whether it helped or not.


For me, after looking at the list of magnesium deficiency symptoms, I knew there were at least 3 that I had and it was likely that I had a magnesium deficiency. I also have some anxiety and I’m sure that was contributing to my decreased magnesium.


How to Increase Your Magnesium:

There are several ways you can increase your magnesium.

1. Use Epsom salts – Add Epsom salts to your bath or make a foot bath. Magnesium is highly absorbed through the skin (transdermally) .


2. Apply magnesium oil – Similar to Epsom salts, magnesium oil is made from adding the magnesium flakes (see them here) to water. You can add them to your bath, make a small mixture and spray it on your skin or rub it on with a washcloth. You can also, buy it pre-made.


3. Eat foods high in magnesium – such as leafy green vegetables and nuts. (however, with magnesium deficiency, it would be tough to raise your levels enough solely through diet) This is a helpful chart that lists foods high in magnesium.


4. Take a magnesium supplement.


My Experience with Treating Magnesium Deficiency:

After I started researching magnesium deficiency, the more I explored it, the more I thought I found the cause of my health issues. However, my doctor ignored me when I brought up the fact that magnesium deficiency may be behind my anxiety, menstrual cramps, or difficulty sleeping, so I had to find out for myself if my self-diagnosis was right. I started to increase my magnesium slowly, first by adding more green vegetables into my diet and taking baths with Epsom salts. This did make a great improvement and decreased the occurrence of my magnesium deficiency symptoms; however, I still felt that I wasn’t getting an adequate amount. So, I started making and applying magnesium oil, once every morning and this helped very much. After a full month, nearly all of my symptoms had been resolved.


When trying to increase your magnesium levels, you may need to use a combination of ways to ensure you’re getting enough. You can base this off your symptoms. Also, one sign to watch for, while you increase your magnesium, is diarrhea, if you’re getting too much this will occur.


