Admin – Cymantra April 2017
The 7 Medicinal Benefits of Cinnamon
Alzheimer's Blood Sugar Brain Function Brain Function Cancer Cancer Cures Cardiovascular Disease Cinnamon Cleansing Colon Diabetes Heart Disease Low Energy Parkinson's Disease
Alzheimer's Blood Sugar Brain Function Brain Function Cancer Cancer Cures Cardiovascular Disease Cinnamon Cleansing Colon Diabetes Heart Disease Low Energy Parkinson's Disease
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing when it overlooks all the details of the complete picture. There are claims that pop in on the internet that garlic is a poisonous plant food. The disinformation fear mongers or muddled misinformation mentors should all be ignored.
But, there is some truth about toxic garlic if you buy conventionally raised imported garlic. Over half of conventionally grown garlic comes from China. Almost all the rest comes from Mexico and some Central and South American nations.
Some of that garlic in China is grown in human feces, according to an Australian report. After having several large shipments detained in the USA due to mold and insect infestation, China and other nations have resorted to bleaching and fumigating their garlic with methyl bromide, a highly toxic pesticide that has been banned in some areas.
Institutional interventions that tend to ruin natural food benefits is what makes some garlic toxic. But there is an option. Pay slightly more to purchase locally or domestically grown organic garlic bulbs.
That’s what I do and I have been consuming at least two cloves of raw garlic daily for a couple of years. I don’t bother with chewing parsley to minimize garlic breath syndrome and I’ve been called on that. But you can if minimizing garlic breath is important to you.
An Obscure Garlic Brain Cancer Study
There’s more to garlic than simply “Russian penicillin”, the tag used for its microbe killing potential that leaves beneficial bacteria unharmed.
A small group of researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina discovered something else that’s useful for anyone willing to properly consume lots of garlic. They discovered that certain organic sulfur compounds in garlic actually kill brain cancer cells without disturbing healthy cells.
They did this in 2007. It didn’t get much mainstream press, if any. Maybe Big Pharma is trying to figure out how to create those compounds synthetically to get a patent and pay the FDA for approval after offering dubious papers from some sketchy trials and marketing it as the latest cancer cure sure to be a financial blockbuster.
Whether it’s useful for the cancer industry remains to be seen. But the results of this study were ignored by the mainstream press. It’s hard to tell if there was even a ripple within the medical establishment.
Interestingly, what’s implied from the background of the study abstract is that the protection against carcinogenesis provided by these garlic sulfur compounds was already known. The researchers, being curious fellows, were attempting to determine the mechanics of how theses compounds were so protective. That’s usually what in vitro (lab cultures in glass) studies are for.
Apparently they found out how and more. They isolated the exact mechanics, detailed in the full study text, and determined that these compounds are more than protective. They do what currently accepted toxic brain cancer treatments are supposed to do but don’t, while leaving other healthy cells alone which those “standard of care” treatments also don’t.
Three researchers teamed up in South Carolina for an in vitro analysis of what three natural garlic compounds can do to brain cancer cells, specifically glioblastoma, the fastest growing brain cancer tumor common to adults.
Two types of brain cancer cells were cultured, and three sulfur compounds from garlic were administered into the culture.
The compounds were diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS), and diallyl trisulfide (DATS). All three provided cytoxic (cancer killing) effects, especially DATS, which “induced cell death via reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and a mitochondria-mediated pathway”.
These compounds are able to get through the blood brain barrier to induce cancer cell apoptosis (natural cell death) and prevent future cell growth.
It’s recommended to peel open garlic cloves and expose them to air for 15 minutes or so to release those compounds. Some even say crush them for more exposure, then consume them raw to get the full benefits. This may not seem inviting to most.
But is sure beats the agonizing torture of oncology’s “standard of care” procedures that often cause death while attributing those very deaths to the disease and not the treatment.
Sprouted Garlic is Even Better
Sprouted garlic, older garlic bulbs with bright green shoots sprouting from their cloves, are commonly thought to be past their prime and routinely get tossed into the garbage bin without a second thought.
While some aging plant foods that begin to sprout, like potatoes, can actually be dangerous because they release toxic chemicals which can harm the body, that’s not the case with sprouted garlic.
In fact, a study funded by Korea’s Institute of Planning and Evaluation for Technology, which was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry circa 2014 found that sprouted garlic has even more antioxidant activity than its younger, fresher brethren.
Researcher Jong-Sang Kim explained, “Plants are very susceptible to attack from bacteria, viruses, and insects while sprouting. This causes them to produce a variety of chemicals called phytoalexins to defend themselves. Most of these are toxic to microorganisms and insects, but beneficial to human health.”
Kim’s group postulated that a similar process may be occurring when green shoots grow from older garlic cloves. Extracts from garlic sprouted for five days had the highest antioxidant activity, whereas extracts from fresh raw garlic had lower antioxidant activity. Furthermore, sprouting changed the metabolite profile of garlic.
Sprouted garlic enhances raw garlic’s proven anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, cardiovascular health protection, and its ability to kill 14 types of cancer cells.
So go ahead and grab a few domestic organic garlic bulbs from market shelves or farmers’ market locations and chew them raw in cooked foods and sandwiches, sliced and diced or crushed. Simply allow them to sprout to enhance their antioxidant properties.
Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers.
Image: Flickr
Alzheimer's Brain Function Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Disease & Prevention Essential oils Folklore Garlic Healthy Choices Immune System Inflammation Information Myths Organic Food Personal Health
The balance in life is essential, and this is also true about the diet you consume, and the pH levels in your body.
Namely, in order to maintain health and prevent numerous ailments, the body needs to have balanced ph levels. After the consumption of acid-forming foods, the body releases alkaline-high minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, in the attempt to balance the pH level of the blood.
Therefore, if our diet is poor in these important, alkaline-forming foods, the body will need t use the minerals in our organs, teeth, and bones, and thus lead to exhaustion, and a weakened immune system, making us more susceptible to diseases.
Acid-forming foods are meats, fish, most grains, fast foods, beans, dairy products, and processed foods. Hence, a balanced diet when it comes to Ph consists of 20-40% acid-forming foods and 60-80% alkaline-forming foods.
Here below we reveal some of the best alkaline-forming foods, and you should consider incorporating them into your daily diet in order to strengthen your system and avoid numerous health issues.
The consumption of unripe bananas may lead to acidity in the stomach, constipation, and poor nutrient absorption. On the other hand, ripe bananas with brown spots will provide numerous minerals, vitamins, and will alkalize the body.
Being one of the most potent alkaline-forming foods, with a pH of 8.5, asparagus is also loaded with minerals, vitamins, water, fiber, and antioxidants.
Despite their delicious taste, their pH level is 8.0, so they effectively neutralize acidic foods. They can be added to your salad, guacamole, sandwiches, and much more!
It is a highly alkalizing food, high in important nutrients and fiber, and it will maintain the alkalinity of your body, and will keep you full longer.
Spice your food up and neutralize acidic foods, like eggs, cheese, meat, and fish. In this way, you will also consume numerous nutrients and fiber.
Almonds and almond milk are also one of the best alkaline foods, and they will enhance the function of the brain, help digestion, reduce cholesterol levels and promote a healthy balance in the body.
Even though lemons have an acidic taste, they are powerful alkalizing substances. You can squeeze some lemon juice or add a few slices in your bottle of water and drink it all day long.
With a pH of 9.0, watermelon is also deservedly on this list. It is loaded with minerals, vitamins, and water, which support the balance of electrolytes. Moreover, watermelons are high in fiber, so they are great for detoxification of the body.
Papayas promote a healthy digestion, and they are rich in minerals, water, vitamins, and fiber, so they enhance the overall health. They are also a powerful alkaline-forming food.
Despite its numerous health benefits, it is a potent alkaline-forming ingredient, with a pH of 8.5. Moreover, it lowers blood pressure, detoxifies the body, improves brain function, and stimulates circulation.
Source/Reference:David Wolfe
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May 25, 2016
Anitoxidants Asparagas Avocados Bannanas Brain Function Brain Function Broccoli Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Coconut Oil Diabetes Digestion Folklore Fruits Ginger Heart Disease Information Kidney Health Life Hacks Lowering Cholesterol Natural Cures Organic Food Organic Foods Personal Health pH Balance Pomegranate Vitamins Watermelon Well Being Your Body
We all enjoy consuming watermelon. But, we throw out the tiny seeds without to realize their health advantages.
These seeds consist of nutrients like fatty acids, essential proteins, minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and are full of vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate. Also, they offer 600grams of calories.
Watermelon seeds have citrulline substance which acts an antioxidant, which has a positive effect in the case of arteriosclerosis, hypertension, angina and erectile dysfunction, thus promoting the expansion of blood vessels.
Cook, grind or bake them in order to take the maximum advantage of its medicinal properties.
You need 20-30 watermelon seeds. Grind and boil them for 15minutes in 2l water. Consume this for 2 days and make a pause the third day.
The procedure needs to be repeated for several weeks but is very important to pause every third day.
The seeds which are full of magnesium save the heart so it could work normally. Also, they maintain the blood pressure level and enhance the metabolism process. They are amazing to avoid heart diseases and hypertension.
The seeds have antioxidant content which helps you to avoid aging, strengthen your skin, and keep it healthier and young.
Clean your acne, dirt, and dead skin cells by taking a cotton bud and dipping it in watermelon seed oil. This oil is suitable for every kind of skin and will help you to deal with the aliment of skin.
These seeds have high protein and amino acid content which will easily strengthen your hair. Also, roasted watermelon seeds will make your hair shiny because of the copper they contain which produce melanin – a pigment that gives color to your hair.
Watermelon seed oil has a mild texture which can be absorbed easily. You can use the oil as a moisturizer for dried, itchy scalp.
The seed has essential fatty acids which will help to avoid hair damage.
Arginine will help you to deal with coronary heart disease and will balance the blood pressure. Arginine also helps in preventing narrowing of blood vessels. Tryptophan and lysine are other amino acids which are present in these types of seeds.
The advantages of consuming watermelon seeds make a lot of supply of magnesium which is present in food like wheat, rice, oat and cocoa powder. Pantothenic acid is known as vitamin B5 which is essential for breaking down carbohydrates into energy.
The deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause a condition referred to as Beriberi. B6 is a complex vitamin B which helps to convert carbohydrate into energy.
The body needs amino acids as argnine and lysine to perform in the perfect way. The latter is effective for the assimilation of calcium for strengthening the bones and the tissues.
80% of the watermelon seeds fats are unsaturated and healthy fats with an addition of omega 3 acids. These seeds are a great source of energy to the body with no additional calories and they will fulfill half of the needed health fats per day.
The seeds include a good amount of protein which keeps our hair healthy and glossy, and our fingernails long and robust.
The seeds have a great amount of magnesium which is well for maintaining the functions of the body in a perfect manner. It strikes a balance between the blood pressure levels and helps in the perfect functioning of the heart.
Toss a teaspoon of dry and ground watermelon seeds in a teaspoon of honey, and then put it in a ¾ cup of warm water. Mix it well and consume it immediately – 2 times daily. It will help you to control edema problem
Watermelon seeds have lycopene antioxidant which is an excellent and efficient remedial method to boost the male potency levels in men.
If you want to properly recover from an illness, utilize watermelon seeds in the diet. Within a couple of days, you will see the effects. Also, for those who have memory issues, the seeds will help to recover and sharp the memory once again.
To control diabetes, put a handful of watermelon seeds in 1l water for 45minutes. This is a worthy benefit due to the prevalence of diabetes within the population.
The watermelon seeds have fatty acids which are a perfect use for soft, supple and moisturized skin. Also, it helps to prevent skin conditions and acne issues.
The seeds have minerals like copper which helps in promoting the creation of melanin in the body liable for providing color to the hair. Also, it offers the color to the skin.
The watermelon seeds have essential fatty acids which deeply nourish the hair strands. This gives strength to the hair and causes it to be a point that hair breakage is kept at bay. Combine the oil with a carrier oil and massage the scalp once in a week.
Source: Family Health Freedom Network
Blood Pressure Blood Sugar Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Cleansing Diabetes Eating Healthy Edema Fingernails Healthy Techniques Magnesium Magnesium Deficiency Managing Diabetes Skin Health Watermelon Your Body
Cannabidiol is just one of the many cannabinoids found in marijuana, however, it is probably the most medically advanced substance in the world. Here’s what CBD can help treatment with…
There are more than 500 cannabinoids currently known to humanity and 1 of them is cannabidiol. It is easily the most interesting of all right next to THC as CBD has a ton of medicinal uses.
Thus, it is slowly becoming a global healing agent, but unlike “modern” drugs it has no negative side effects and can also help treat a number of conditions – some of which are extremely serious ones.
CBD has been proven to have antineoplastic properties which inhibit cancerous development and tumor growth. The stimulation of apoptotic pathways throughout the body forces the immune system to effectively destroy cancer cells.
Multiple sclerosis is an awful condition which is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking nerve endings. That results in constant pain throughout the entire day.
However, marijuana is very well know for its pain relieving properties. More specifically, CBD has been found to relieve that exact same pain caused by multiple sclerosis.
Rough statistics show that up to 30% of multiple sclerosis patients in Europe puff weed to ease the symptoms of MS.
This battle is probably what CBD is most famous for currently and we all know who the winner is. There is still much to learn about the way cannabidiol works to stop seizures, but one thing’s for sure – the effects are there and no one can deny their power.
The countless success stories around the Internet of people treating their children’s epilepsy with medical marijuana (like this one) prove just how good of a medicine this plant is.
In the story mentioned above, we have a 9 year old girl with severe epileptic episodes in her earlier years going to 30 or more in a day and some days even more than 100.
However, since here mother started her on cannabis oil treatment, her daughter hasn’t had a single seizure in more than 18 months.
The sad part is that even though the results are too obvious to be true, hospitals are still denying medical marijuana renewals, because of the lack of scientific evidence of marijuana being a safe treatment option.
What a joke. Where’s the scientific evidence that any of the drugs you buy at your local pharmacy are a safe treatment option? There is none, because they aren’t.
They all do more damage than heal and if the same rule was applied to them as is to cannabis, there will be no pharmacies left.
That lame state of mind we’ve all been at one point in our lives should be fought with the mind itself, however, throwing in some CBD in the mix won’t hurt at all.
According to this study, cannabidiol induces anti-depressant effects in mice. THC was also found to have these same anti-depressant properties which is why marijuana is a first choice for anyone feeling blue.
CBD has been recently found to significantly reduce the incidence of diabetes in mice. This study showed that with the percentage lowered from 86% for non-treated mice to 30% in mice treated with cannabidiol.
This data proves that CBD can in fact inhibit and delay the destructive insulitis and inflammatory cytokine production.
Recent research suggested that CBD is also an effective and at the same time safe treatment for patients suffering from schizophrenia – who isn’t right?
Cannabidiol has anxiolytic and anti-psychotic properties that help people with schizophrenia as well as another similar mind condition, namely bipolar disorder.
It has also been found to help negate some of the more unwanted effects of THC such as paranoia and anxiety. In my opinion, those are caused by the puffer’s mind frame right before they smoke.
Aside from the aforementioned serious conditions that CBD can help with, it can also help with the number 1 cause of death nowadays – cardiovascular disease.
According to this study, the same effects that cannabidiol exerts which help prevent diabetes are also responsible for its positive effects on cardiovascular disease.
CBD attenuated myocardial dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways.
Believe it or not, there are even more conditions that CBD can help with (probably even cure on its own), but a lot more research is needed to know.
However, since it acts on the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, which is located everywhere, it’s pretty logical to assume that it can help with almost anything.
The good thing is that CBD at least can be obtained legally much more easily than marijuana as a whole. That is due to the fact that it does not cause a high like THC.
But despite that fact, the decades of being demonized by the “health organizations” around the world have caused immense damage to the plant’s “image” including its underlying cannabinoids.
So, it will take time before marijuana and its substances become a (legal) major part of the medical industry, but once this happens, we will be surely looking at the medical revolution of the millennium.
Admin – February 2, 2016
Bone Health Cancer Cancer Cells Cancer Cures Cannabidiol Cannabis Cannabis Cannabis Oil Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Cleansing Crystals Depression Depression Diabetes Epilepsy Essential oils Folklore Healthy Techniques Immune System Insomnia Insomnia Medical Marijuana Multiple Sclerosis Myths Natural Cures Pain Relief Personal Health Well Being Your Memory
Aloe plants naturally grow in tropical areas, but you can bring tropics in your own home, and grow the plant in your garden. There is no fuss regarding the growing process, and you should follow only a few simple rules.
Aloe vera plant requires little care. It likes warm weather, occasional watering, and slight fertilization.
Keeping an aloe vera plant in the house will make you feel like a herbalist. Wonder why? Aloe vera is known for its amazing healing properties. They are concentrated in the thick, meaty leaves, right in the oozing gel.Aloe vera juice is available in every healthy food store, but making your own is a lot cheaper and safer. Always cut of the largest leaves, as they have the highest concentration of gel.
The plant has derived from Northern Africa, and the first known records of its healing power are 12 distinctive recipes using aloe vera. They are provided in ebers, the ancient Egyptian Papyrus. This marked the new era of natural healing, and since this period aloe vera was used as decorative plant and herbal remedy.
1. Strengthens heart, and improves blood count
2. Relieves heart burn and treats indigestion
3. Relieves arthritis-induced inflammation
4. Enhances the function of the urinary tract
5. Strengthens and heals gums
6. Increases immunity
7. Stimulates the production of leukocytes and healthy cells in patients diagnosed with cancer
8. Regulates blood sugar
9. Treats digestive disorders, including upset stomach, constipation, IBS, colitis, and bloating
1. Relieves itching caused by bug bites
2. Heals burns and sunburns
3. Moisturizes and nourishes skin
4. Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
5. Shampoo substitute
6. Shaving gel substitute
7. Speeds up the healing of wounds
8. Soothes rashes, boils, and similar skin problems
9. Treats acne and eczema
Admin – Caymantra
Aloe Vera Arthritis Blood Sugar Cancer Cancer Cures Cardiovascular Disease Disease & Prevention Eating Healthy Folklore General Health Inflammation Kidney Health Mysteries Natural Cures Recipes Sugars
Ginger is in the same plant family (Zingiberacea) that includes the medicinal powerhouse turmeric, and which only recently was proven to be 100% effective in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes in prediabetics, according to a study published in the American Diabetes Association’s own journal Diabetes Care.
In the new ginger study, titled “The effect of ginger consumption of glycemic status, lipid profile and some inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,”[i] 70 type 2 diabetic patients were enrolled in a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the objective of which was to assess the effect of ginger consumption on glycemic status, lipid profile and some common inflammatory markers associated with the condition.
The trial participants were divided randomly into a ginger group and control group, receiving either 1600 mg ginger or a 1600 mg placebo daily for 12 weeks. The patients were measured before and after the intervention for blood sugar levels, blood lipids, C-reactive protein, prostaglandin E2 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα).
No significant differences in HDL, LDL and TNFα between two groups (p > 0.05).
The researchers concluded:
This is, of course, not the first study to establish the value of ginger for diabetes. Simply dropping the two search terms “diabetes” and “ginger” into will draw up 63 results. Our database of abstracts on ginger contains a number of gems on its benefit for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes which can be viewed here: Ginger Health Benefits.
Additionally, the research on turmeric (and its primarily polyphenol curcumin) as a diabetes aid is far more plentiful, with 123 results for the search terms “turmeric” and “diabetes,” and 252 for “curcumin” and “diabetes,” on the National Library of Medicine’s database. To view our curated research on turmeric’s diabetes benefits (as well as for 600 other disorders), view our page on the topic: Turmeric Health Benefits.
The amount of ginger used in the study amounted to 1.6 grams, which is a non-heroic, ‘culinary’ dose of approximately a quarter of a teaspoon. In the study, participants were given two doses of 800 mg, delivered twice daily, orally through capsules. This dose scheme points to the fact that higher doses does of complex plant extracts within the spice category are not necessarily better, and in fact, in some cases, may actually have effects opposite to the expectation. This study, for instance, found that rosemary at a lower dose (750 mg) improved cognition whereas a higher dose (6,000 mg) interfered with it. The point is that lower doses, as used traditionally in culinary applications, passed down to us through previous generations as ‘recipes’ (literally: ‘medical prescriptions’), may be more effective than higher ones; a perspective that obviously turns conventional pharmacological wisdom and practice on its head. Learn more here.
The database now contains 350 abstracts on 180 natural substances that have been researched to have potential value in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes, and which can be viewed on our Type 2 Diabetes Research page. The resource also includes Problem Substances (e.g. fructose, BPA), Therapeutic Actions (e.g. yoga, low carb diets) and Problematic Actions (e.g. vaccination, microwave cooking) linked to this condition in the published research. We also have a curated health portal on Blood Sugar Problems (click hyperlink to view) which aggregates both our research sections on type 1 and type 2 diabetes and our reporting on various studies related to these conditions in greater depth.
[i] Tahereh Arablou, Naheed Aryaeian, Majid Valizadeh, Faranak Sharifi, Aghafatemeh Hosseini, Mahmoud Djalali. The effect of ginger consumption on glycemic status, lipid profile and some inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014 Feb 4. Epub 2014 Feb 4. PMID: 24490949
This article was republished with permission from
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Blood Sugar Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Cleansing Diabetes Disease & Prevention Eating Healthy Folklore Food Ginger Lowering Cholesterol Natural Antibiotics Natural Cures Personal Health Well Being Your Body
The future of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment will not be found in your medicine cabinet, rather in your kitchen cupboard or in your back yard growing on a tree.
A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis confirms that pomegranate extract may prevent and/or reverse the primary pathology associated with cardiac mortality: the progressive thickening of the coronary arteries caused by the accumulation of fatty materials known as atherosclerosis.
Mice with a genetic susceptibility towards spontaneous coronary artery blockages were given pomegranate extract via their drinking water for two weeks, beginning at three weeks of age. Despite the fact that pomegranate treatment actually increased cholesterol levels associated with very low density lipoprotein-sized particles, the treatment both reduced the size of the atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic sinus (the dilated opening above the aortic valve) and reduced the proportion of coronary arteries with occlusive atherosclerotic plaques.
Remarkably, the researchers also found that pomegranate extract treatment resulted in the following beneficial effects:
How can something as benign and commonplace as a fruit extract reverse so many aspects of coronary artery disease, simultaneously, as evidenced by the study above? The answer may lie in the fact that our ancestors co-evolved with certain foods (fruits in particular) for so long that a lack of adequate quantities of these foods may directly result in deteriorating organ function. Indeed, two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling argued that vitamin C deficiency is a fundamental cause of cardiovascular disease, owing to the fact that our hominid primate ancestors once had year-round access to fruits, and as a result lost the ability to synthesize it. [see Linus Pauling vitamin C lecture on GreenMedTV]
This study adds to the already extant body of clinical research indicating that pomegranate can help unclog your arteries. For instance, back in 2004, the journal Clinical Nutrition published the results of a three year clinical trial in an Israeli population, finding that the daily consumption of pomegranate juice reversed carotid artery stenosis by up to 29% within 1 year. Remarkably, the blockages in the control group increased 9%, indicating that pomegranate’s artery unblocking effects were even greater than at first apparent.
Pomegranate’s value in cardiovascular disease is quite broad, as evidenced by the following experimentally confirmed properties:
Source: GreenMedInfo
by Sayer Ji
Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Eating Healthy Kidney Health Natural Cures Organic Food Personal Health Pomegranate Well Being Your Body
Guess what, despite cancer concerns, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death by disease in America, including both heart attacks and strokes, in men and women. But it’s wise to stay away from statin drugs if you have any of the “considered” warning signs of poor heart or cardiovascular health.
Daily low dose aspirin has mixed results: Slightly less heart attacks with a higher incidence of fatal attacks; higher stroke events; lots of gastrointestinal side effects.
So here are three proven herbal approaches for maintaining cardiovascular health and a vitamin C with an essential amino acid formulation from Linus Pauling that has proven to help even those who have had heart attacks. I’m sure the name Linus Pauling will attract Big Pharma shills to troll and attack this article.
This is my current favorite because it’s so easy to use, the ingredients are very accessible, and lots of daily vitamin C is beneficial for overall health. Linus Pauling recommends high daily doses of Vitamin C as ascorbic acid with lysine or L-lysine, an essential amino acid.
Vitamin C is a source of collagen, a vital building block for arterial walls strength and flexibility. There is a certain type of lipoprotein that is never screened with normal cholesterol tests, it’s lipoprotein or Lpa, which is sticker, smaller, and denser than LDL. Some experts believe this Lpa is a derivative of heavy sugar and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) consumption, not healthy saturated fats.
Either way, it’s small and heavy enough to borough into the outer layers inside arteries and create arterial fractures. The other cholesterol tries to patch up those fractures and then plaque builds up. Since Lpa molecules have lysine receptors, enough lysine in the blood can remove them.
But that’s like ripping off the scab on a wound before it heals. You need an abundant amount of vitamin C with its collagen production to heal the arterial wall itself. I use 3,000 to 6,000 mgs of China free, GMO free, corn free ascorbic acid with 1500 mgs of lysine daily.
The Vitamin C Foundation has a product called Cardio-C which contains the mixture, but I prefer using their pure powder with L-lysine capsules. I am not an affiliate, just a happy customer. You can explore more details on the Linus Pauling approach from the sources below.
Hawthorn Berry has been used as a tonic for the heart and cardiovascular system for quite some time. It is used considerably as a heart condition remedy in Europe, and the tea has been used in China or by Chinese families elsewhere as a heart tonic.
The New York Heart Association has had success with using Hawthorn for functional congestive type two heart failure (CHF) in clinical trials. Hawthorn Berry tea has been a bedrock of heart tonics for many years. If there is a Chinese food market nearby, it may have Hawthorn Berry tea available.
But for therapeutic doses tinctures or extracts are recommended. Those forms are available from health food stores, herbalists, or online. For realized heart conditions, consult with a holistic health practitioner or herbalist for proper dosage.
The famous herbalist Dr. John R. Christopher, was nicknamed Dr. Cayenne because of the extent that he had advocated cayenne. He even declared that by using large doses of cayenne, he had stopped heart attacks in progress! There are other health benefits as well, including even aiding the digestive system!
Dr. Christopher recommended one teaspoonful of cayenne powder in warm water taken three times a day. Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulz recommends a half teaspoon twice a day with a higher heat rating. I was using a heat rating of 40 SHU (Scoville Heat Units), but Schulz recommends 90 SHU. These Scoville heat ratings are important. Anything under 35 SHU is useless.
Capsaicin is the essential ingredient of cayenne. You may be able to acquire capsaicin in a supplemental form by itself. Capsaicin is considered a powerful overall immune system stimulant, along with its well established effects on cardiovascular activity and its unfailing ability to revive organ secretion.
Served cold, this is the ideal chaser for that hot cayenne pepper solution. This inexpensive flower tea is popular in Mexico, the Caribbean, and throughout the Philippines and Southeast Asia, including Taiwan. It’s very easy to purchase the dried flower leaves used to make the brew here from Mexican stores, but you may have to go online to order online.
Simply fill the bottom of a pan or pot liberally with the dried leaves, add hot water and let it steep for several minutes. It’s a good idea to make two quarts or liters (or more) at a time and refrigerate. It tastes somewhat like cranberry juice, though not nearly as bitter. The stronger the brew, the better the benefits. Make it so it turns out a deep, dark red brew. Sweeten with honey or real grade A or B maple syrup if desired.
The American Heart Association’s research has concluded that natural anthocyanins, which help strengthen collagen and improve capillary function are present in this brew. Jamaica or Hibiscus tea aids in the removal of triglycerides, which contribute to high blood pressure, blood clotting or blockage, and subsequent heart problems.
Any combination, even just one of the described tonics will give you a substantial cardiovascular health boost if you are consistent with them or it.
Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are world renowned.
Sources for more information:
Cardiovascular Disease Cleansing Disease & Prevention Healthy Techniques Herbs Natural Cures Organic Foods Personal Health Statins