Category: Reversing Damage

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Deodorant



[1] National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

[2] Ye, X., Bishop, A. M., Reidy, J. A., Needham, L. L., & Calafat, A. M. (2006, December). Parabens as Urinary Biomarkers of Exposure in Humans. Retrieved from

[3] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2007, October 3). Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol Toxicity. Retrieved from

[4] Braun, J. M., Sathyanarayana, S., & Hauser, R. (2013, April). Phthalate Exposure and Children’s Health. Retrieved from

[5] Steckelberg, J. M., M.D. (2017, March 09). Triclosan: Is it safe? Retrieved from

Admin – Cymantra  May 29, 2017

Coconut Oil & Alzheimer’s Disease

Admin Cymantra

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers

What do you know about Oil Pulling ?

10 Good Reasons Why You Should Immediately Start Cleaning Your Teeth With Coconut Oil

About two weeks ago, I wrote an article about coconut oil  an awesome tropical oil with many health benefits.

A few people commented that they use coconut oil for something called ‘Oil Pulling’  which is kind of like using an oil as mouthwash.

Apparently, there are quite a few studies that support this process and a lot of people on blogs and discussion boards swear by it.

I have now been doing this every morning for about 10 days and I am impressed.

What is Oil Pulling and How Does it Work?

Oil pulling has been used for thousands of years as an Indian folk remedy.

It involves putting about a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, then swishing it around your teeth for 10-20 minutes.

There are thousands of different types of bacteria in the mouth. Some of them are friendly, others are not.

Certain bacteria can cause harm, such as Streptococcus Mutans, which is the main culprit behind plaque buildup, gingivitis and cavities.

The bacteria in the mouth create a “biofilm” on the teeth  a thin layer that they use to adhere to the surface. This is what we know as “plaque.”

Having some plaque on your teeth is normal, but if it gets out of hand it can cause all sorts of problems.

The way oil pulling works is simple. When you swish the oil around your mouth, the bacteria “get stuck” in it and dissolve in the liquid oil.

Basically, you remove a large amount of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth each time you do this.

I Personally Prefer Coconut Oil

Traditionally, the Indians used other oils such as sesame oil or sunflower oil.

Oil pulling should work with pretty much any oil you choose.

I prefer coconut oil because Lauric Acid (about half of the fats in coconut oil) is proven to be antimicrobial it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi (1, 2).

The taste of coconut oil is also fairly pleasant compared to other oils. I found it rather disgusting at first having my mouth full of oil, but I got used to it after a few days.

Now let’s look at a few studies on oil pulling

Oil Pulling and Streptococcus Mutans

Streptococcus Mutans is one of the main bacteria in the mouth and a key player in plaque buildup and tooth decay.

In a study published in 2008 with 20 adolescent boys, oil pulling (using sesame oil) caused a reduction in the number of Streptococcus Mutans in the plaque in as little as 2 weeks.

It was not as effective as a Chlorhexidine mouthwash, but much cheaper and MUCH less nasty.

Oil Pulling Can Reduce Plaque and Gingivitis

Gingivitis is caused by inflammation of the gums and happens when the immune system starts attacking the bacteria in the plaque.

Another study compared oil pulling and chlorhexidine in adolescents with plaque-induced gingivitis. Both oil pulling and chlorhexidine mouthwash were effective against gingivitis.

Oil Pulling Can Reduce Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis, is in many cases (not all) caused by the smell of chemicals and gases produced by bacteria in the mouth.

It makes sense that if you get rid of some of these bacteria, you reduce bad breath.

In a third study of 20 adolescents, oil pulling therapy significantly reduced all markers for bad breath and was just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash (5).

How to Oil Pull

Oil pulling is incredibly simple and effective.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Put about a tablespoon of oil in your mouth.
  2. Swish the oil around your mouth for about 10-20 minutes.
  3. Spit out the oil, then brush your teeth.

If you use coconut oil like me, then you may have to chew on the oil for a few seconds for it to melt, because it is solid at room temperature.

It is best to do this on an empty stomach, before you brush your teeth.

I prefer to do it while I take a shower in the morning.

I put the oil in my mouth, swish it around while in the shower and try to “push” and “pull” the oil between my teeth.

When I get out of the shower I spit out the oil, rinse my mouth with water and brush my teeth.

There is no need to use a lot of force here, if doing this causes pain in your facial muscles then just relax a bit. Try using less oil next time and don’t swish it around too forcefully.

It’s important to spit out the oil. You don’t want to swallow it because it is full of bacteria and nasty things.

What to Expect

I’ve been doing this for about 10 days now.

I’ve definitely noticed that my breath is fresher and my teeth look a lot cleaner both whiter and more shiny.

I’ve never had any dental problems, but I can see how this could have benefits for people that have them.

There are a lot of wild claims out there about oil pulling and how it “pulls” toxins out of your bloodstream. I really don’t think that makes a lot of sense.

However, oil pulling IS effective at reducing the harmful bacteria in your mouth and improving oral and dental health.

I have to say that I am really surprised at how effective this is. I plan to continue doing this for a long time.

Original Source: Anya V Authority Nutrition

The Benefits of Fasting for 16 Hours

For example, recent research has shown that cycles of prolonged fasting protect against immune system damage and induce immune system regeneration. Researchers concluded that fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.  (source)Fasting also has shown to have remarkable effects 0n the brain. Here is a TEDx talk given by Mark Mattson about it, the current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging.  Mark and his team have published several papers that discuss how fasting twice a week could significantly lower the risk of developing both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. You can find some of those papers sourced within this article.Another great place to start if you are looking for an introduction to the science behind fasting is the BBC documentary Eat Fast and Live Longer. It also features more of the world’s top researchers in the field.

Related: What Fasting Does for the Brain


Arjun Walia

Alzheimer’s & Coconut Oil

natural coconut walnut oil

Image courtesy of

People across the country recently became captivated by  the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge” to raise money for ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease, awareness, but what if there was a simple solution available right now to help sufferers?

While there is currently a lack of “official scientific research” on using coconut oil to heal symptoms of degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and ALS, there is a ton of anecdotal evidence that it really can have a dramatic effect on improving the quality of life of many people, or even to reverse these diseases entirely as part of a regular routine.

Coconut oil is seen as so promising for these patients that a $250,000 grant was given by a private donor to the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute in Florida recently to study its beneficial effects.

Doctor Sees Incredible Changes with ALS Thanks to Coconut Oil

Dr. Mary Newport’s husband Steve suffered from Alzheimer’s Disease, so much so that he could barely make a simple drawing of a clock when asked to do so, as the picture below shows.

Mary Newport's husband Steve drew the following pictures of a clock; at right is the one drawn after taking coconut oil for Alzheimer's symptoms. PHOTO:

Mary Newport’s husband Steve drew the following pictures of a clock; at right is the one drawn after taking coconut oil for Alzheimer’s symptoms. PHOTO:

But after just two weeks of being given coconut oil by his wife, Steve’s symptoms began to dissipate and “the fog was lifted,” as Dr. Mary Newport told

Since then, Mary Newport has gone on to author the book ‘Alzheimer’s Disease: What If There Was a Cure?’ and to blog about coconut oil, neurological disease healing, and other holistic health topics.

She posted the story of one person who was diagnosed with ALS in 2007, and since then has battled the disease with the help of coconut oil and a magnesium chloride solution (at least 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day is recommended if not more; Dr. Bruce Fife recommends 6-8).

In her personal blog on the subject, Mary details the changes that have taken place in the person’s ALS thanks to these supplements, including the following:

-Gained the ability to raise her toes in front of her foot upward and to tap her right foot along with music

-Normal feelings restored to her right leg

Increased muscle strength and size in the her upper right leg, as well as her left leg

She now has the ability to pivot her right foot forward and inward

-Bruising in her right ankle has been reduced

…and much more. The full list of changes they’ve  experienced since adding coconut oil and Mg chloride to her routine can be viewed here. These changes may seem relatively minor but just imagine how difficult everyday life tasks could be without them.

Coconut oil is thought to help sufferers of neurological diseases by providing an alternate source of fuel to the brain, ketones, which helps fill the gaps when not enough glucose is being supplied or absorbed by the brain for use as fuel. Coconut oil has also been shown to aid metabolism, assist in killing viruses, and to be excellent for cooking at high temperatures compared with vegetable oils that are often genetically modified and not capable of standing up to high temperatures safely.

Man Reverses ALS with Coconut Oil in Video

Butch Matchlin, an American man who lives in Mexico City, was recently one of three people suffering from neurological diseases profiled by CBN for a segment on how they’ve been healing since adding coconut oil to their daily routines.

In the video below, Matchin demonstrates how he is now able to pick up objects, such as the snow globe you’ll see in the video, and fully grasp them with ease in a way he couldn’t in the past. Matchlin has been suffering from ALS for over five years, but as shown in the video (from 2013), his symptoms have reversed. A report on coconut oil for use in such diseases was seen by over 5 million people on CBN’s website.

You can help spread the message by sharing this post and tagging it #ALSicebucketchallenge on Facebook to get the word out and help more ALS sufferers (disclaimer: this post is for informational purposes and not medical purposes). The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is currently being used to raise awareness for research, but this potential natural solution is one that more people should know about.

Watch the video below to find out more (and please note that I personally don’t recommend microwaving the coconut oil at all).

P.S. This was shared on March Against Monsanto, a non-religious movement that welcomes people of all faiths.

Cymantra – Admin

You Can Have Up To 30 Pounds Of Poison In Your Colon. Here is What You Can Do

colon cleanseThe colon is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body. It plays a role in digestion, in your immune system, and in maintaining the water balance in your body. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. A colon that is not working properly will hold toxic waste longer than is good for you. An unhealthy colon is one that does not move the waste along efficiently enough. It  results in this toxic waste being absorbed by the wall of the colon and into the bloodstream. For a healthy colon, it takes less than 24 hours for food to transit through our body. But with modern eating habits (processed food that lacks enzymes, fibers and nutrients) the transit time slows down to 70 hours.  This results in a toxic colon and up to 30 pounds of accumulated waste.

And the most common sign of having a toxic colon is a condition called constipation.   Constipation occurs when waste materials move too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and/or painful elimination.

Toxic colon Symptoms:

-Digestive symptoms
Constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, stomach pain

-General health
Joint pain, muscle pain

-Behavioral symptoms
Depression, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, poor memory

-Immune system
Weak immune system, recurrent vaginal or bladder infections, skin rashes

Bernard Jensen DC, ND, PhD is one of the pioneers who used colon cleansing to improve a person’s quality of life. In his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, he explains the importance of colon cleansing: “the heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of putrefication. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true autointoxication on a physiological level. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.”


The Easiest Homemade Colon Cleanser

Master Cleanse is a 10-16 day cleansing program developed in 1940 by alternative health practitioner, Stanley Burroughs. In 1976, Burroughs presented his cleansing program to the world through a book titled The Master Cleanser.


(single serving):

-2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)

-2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup some use on pancakes) – you can find it here here

-1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder

-Ten ounces of filtered water


Mix everything together. Drink this mixture 5 to 8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days.


Candida: How To Eliminate It Naturally

eliminate candidaaAn imbalance in gut flora can allow specific bacteria and fungi to invade our bodies. Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. When overgrowth overgrowth occurs, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body. This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression and even cancer.


How do you get candida overgrowth?
The healthy bacteria in your gut typically keep your candida levels in check. However, several factors can cause the candida population to get out of hand:


  • -Eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar (which feed the yeast)
  • -Consuming a lot of alcohol
  • -Taking oral contraceptives
  • -Living a high-stress lifestyle
  • -Taking a round of antibiotics that killed too many of those friendly bacteria


Symptoms Caused by Candida Overgrowth

When Candida Albicans is under control it poses no problem, but when it gets out of control it begins to overgrow causing numerous symptoms and health problems from the top of the head to the tips of the toes, from migraines to nail fungus. It can result in symptoms inside (pain and malfunction of organs, even brain lesions) and outside (eczema and hives). It can also cause problems with the mind and emotions. Here are many of the symptoms caused by an overproduction of candida.


  • -Allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that worsen in damp, muggy or moldy places or weather that is damp, muggy, humid or rainy.
  • -Hay fever and asthma.
  • -Intolerances or allergies to perfumes, odors, fumes, fabric shop odors, grass, cats, dogs or other animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals, smog, molds, dust mites, dust, pollen, and other airborne substances.
  • -Athletes’ foot.
  • -Babies – colic, diaper rash, thrush (coated white tongue), and cradle cap.
  • -Bruising easily.
  • -Cheekbone or forehead tenderness, pain.
  • -Cold hands or feet, low body temperature.
  • -Cold-like symptoms – excessive mucus in the sinuses, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs.
  • -Cravings or addictions for sugar, bread, pasta and other high carb foods, and also alcohol.
  • -Cysts, abnormal formation of, in different parts of the body, especially around the neck, throat, and ovaries, and in the bladder or scrotum.
  • -Digestive problems – diarrhea, constipation, abdominal distention, bloating or pain, gas, mucus in the stools, hiatal hernia, ulcers, suffering from bacteria, i.e. salmonella, E. coli, h. pylori, etc.
  • -Ears – ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sounds in the ears, ear infections, dryness, itchiness, ear pain, ear aches, ear discharges, fluid in ears, deafness, abnormal wax build-up.
  • -Eyes – erratic vision, spots in front of eyes (eye floaters) and flashing lights; redness, dryness, itching, excessive tearing, inability to tear, etc.
  • -Fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome or Epstein Barr or a feeling of being drained of energy, lethargy, drowsiness.
  • -Flu-like symptoms.
  • -Glands swollen, too little saliva (dryness in the mouth), blocked salivary glands, swollen lymph nodes.
  • -Hair loss, scum on the scalp, dandruff, itchy scalp, scalp sores and dryness.
  • -Heart palpitations and irregular heart beat.
  • -Headaches, migraines, brain fog, dizziness, etc.
  • -Hemorrhoids, and rectal itching, rash, irritation and redness.
  • -Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and diabetes.
  • -Hypothyroidism, Wilson’s Thyroid Syndrome, Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, erratic thyroid function, etc.
  • -Irritability, nervousness, jitteriness and panic attacks.
  • -Lesions on the skin, and inside the body, i.e. the brain.
  • -Male associated problems – jock itch, loss of sex drive, impotence, prostitis, penis infections, difficulty urinating, urinary frequency or urgency, painful intercourse, swollen scrotum, etc.
  • -Female health problems – infertility, vaginitis, unusual odors, endometriosis (irregular or painful menstruation), cramps, menstrual irregularities, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), discharge, painful intercourse, loss of sexual drive, redness or swelling of the vulva and surrounding area, vaginal itching or thrush, burning or redness, or persistent infections.
  • -Fungal infections of the skin or nails, i.e. ringworm, saborrheic dermatitis, dark and light patches on the skin (tinea versicolor), etc.
  • -Joint pain, stiffness or swelling (arthritis).
  • -Kidney and bladder – infections, cystitis (inflammation of the bladder with possible infection), urinary frequency or urgency, low urine output, smelly urine, difficulty urinating, burning pain when urinating.
  • -Lack of appetite.
  • -Mind and Mood – anxiety attacks, crying spells, memory loss, feeling spaced out, depression(including suicidal feelings), manic feelings, inability to concentrate, mood swings, irritability, etc.
  • -Mouth sores or blisters, canker sores, dryness, bad breath, a white coating on the tongue (thrush) and blocked salivary glands.
  • -Muscle aches and pain, numbness, burning or tingling, and lack of strength and coordination.
  • -Nasal congestion, postnasal drip, itching, dryness.
  • -Odor of the feet, hair or body not relieved by washing.
  • -Respiratory – cough, bronchitis or pneumonia, pain or tightness in the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma.
  • -Sick all over feeling.
  • -Sinus inflammation, swelling and infections.
  • -Skin – dryness, dry red patches, acne, pimples, hives, rashes, itching skin, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoea, ringworm, contact dermatitis, rosacea, etc.
  • -Stomach – h.pylori bacteria (causes ulcers), heartburn, indigestion, hiatal hernia, acid reflux, belching, vomiting, burning, stomach pains, needle-like pains, food that seems to sit in the stomach like a lump, etc.
  • -Sleep – insomnia, waking up frequently, nightmares, restless sleep, etc.
  • -Sore throat, hoarse voice, constant tickle in the throat, laryngitis (loss of voice), etc.


What Causes Candida to Get Out of Control?
The causes of immune system dysfunction are varied and complex, but antibiotics are the biggest culprits because they wipe out friendly micro-organisms, in the digestive system. Because Candida is resistant to antibiotics the imbalance of micro-organisms allows it to take over. It begins to change its shape and starts to overgrow; raising large families called colonies.Adding to the problem of malabsorption are nutritional deficiencies that also weaken the immune system. Today’s standard diet lacks the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy immune system. It is loaded with sugar, carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils and fats (trans-fats), white flour products, processed foods, food additives, preservatives, pesticides, and heavy metals. This, in addition to foods being irradiated (exposed to high levels of radiation to extend shelf life), and being grown in nutrient depleted soil, long storage and transportation time, and improper handling, cooking and microwaving that goes on in most homes, further depletes nutrients available. All of these factors contribute to a weakened immune system.

Testing for Candida at Home

Your holistic practitioner will have conclusive means of testing for candida, however for a simple at home test try the following. First thing in the morning, before you put anything in your mouth, fill a clear glass with room temperature bottled water.


Work up a bit of saliva, and spit it into the glass of water. Check the water every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour.


If you see strings (fibers) traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, cloudy specks (particles suspended in the water) or cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass you have a candida problem.


The Candida Control Program

In order to get Candida overgrowth under control five things need to be done simultaneously:


1. Eliminate foods that feed Candida

Candida overgrowth is mainly fueled by sugar, refined carbohydrates and gluten. Let’s look at each of these separately so you know what to avoid exactly.

Candida’s main food supply is sugar and all forms of it, such as lactose contained in dairy products, honey, glucose, fructose, and sugar substitutes, i.e. Nutrasweet, aspartame, saccharin. Eliminating sugar is the most important part of the Candida Program. All fruit, except lemons, are also very high in sugar and should be extremely limited during the initial stages of the program, along with some vegetables that are very high in sugar, such as sweet potatoes, parsnips and beets. Sugar also contained is most processed foods such as smoked luncheon meats, ketchup, cereal, and yogurt making it important to read labels carefully.


Most Candida sufferers are gluten intolerant. Gluten is an elastic and gluey protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats [from processing contamination], spelt, kamut, triticale and it is hidden in an endless variety of processed foods. Triticale is a new hybrid grain with the properties of wheat and rye, while spelt and kamut are gluten-containing wheat variants and are likely to cause problems similar to other wheat varieties. Gluten-containing grains have come to be used extensively in breads and other baked goods because of their “glutinous,” sticky consistency.


Gluten grains feed Candida because they have a high glycemic index just like sugar, and like sugar, creates insulin resistance within the cells which leads to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes. The cells become resistant to insulin as they try to protect themselves from the toxic effective of high doses of insulin caused by high intake of sugar and simple carbohydrates. As the cells become insulin resistant, the pancreas produces more insulin which creates a vicious cycle. This exhausts the pancreas eventually leading to its breakdown resulting in diabetes.


Gluten grains contain a protein that is difficult to digest and interferes with mineral absorption and causes intestinal damage. This damage makes the intestines incapable of absorbing nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and even water in some cases. Our grain food supply also contains mycotoxins (a toxin produced by a fungus), especially found in corn and wheat. Mycotoxins can suppress our normal immune function. See the section on Yeast, Mold and Fungus for more information.


2. Build up the immune system


  • -Eating the right foods
  • -Taking essential supplements
  • -Avoiding yeast, mold and fungus

If the wrong diet is constantly consumed, or if yeast overgrowth damage is never reversed from previous drug and antibiotic use, a cure can almost never be achieved. Eating the right foods is the most important aspect of getting Candida under control and building up the immune system. The “Candida Control Diet” is high in protein and good saturated fats and oils, and low in carbohydrates, and contains no sugars, grains or processed foods. All foods must be as fresh and natural as possible, and free of additives, pesticides, heavy metals, irradiation, mycotoxins, etc.


Good Fats and Oils – Good fats and oils are equally important to protein in the diet and they are essential to getting Candida under control. They not only increase the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from the foods eaten but also provide the most efficient source of energy. They also provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. Good fats act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption and for a host of other processes. The kinds of fats consumed greatly influence the assimilation and utilization of vitamin D.


Essential Fatty Acids – There are also two types of essential fatty acids that must be obtained from the diet and these are omega-3s and omega-6s. They are called essential because we have to get them from food because our bodies can’t manufacture them from other fats. Most people’s diets contain an excessive amount of omega 6 fats, therefore it is important to ensure the diet contains more omega 3 rich foods to offset this imbalance.


Avoid all newfangled fats and oils (trans fats) – Candida sufferers cannot afford to jeopardize their health by consuming toxic oils and fats and must avoid all of the newfangled polyunsaturated fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils (margarine, Canola oil, safflower oil, etc.), called trans fats. These newfangled fats and oils are not only toxic and increase the body’s need for vitamin E and other antioxidants, but also depress the immune system. All trans fats, found in margarine and shortenings used in most commercial baked goods and most processed food, should always be avoided even by healthy people.


Coconut Oil – Coconut oil is another healthy saturated fat that contains many properties that are beneficial to Candida sufferers which are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It also kills off yeast overgrowth. Coconut oil supports immune system function, supplies important nutrients necessary for good health and improves digestion and nutrient absorption.


The fat in coconut oil is easily digested and absorbed, unlike the newfangled trans fats that act like plastic in the body. It puts little strain on the digestive system and provides a quick source of energy necessary to promote healing. Coconut oil is absorbed directly from the intestines into the portal vein and sent straight to the liver, whereas other fats require pancreatic enzymes to break them into smaller units.


Avoid Soybean and Soy-based foods – Soybeans contains large quantities of natural toxins or “anti-nutrients,” including potent enzyme inhibitors that block the action of enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking and can produce serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid (proteins) uptake. In test animals, diets high in enzyme inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas, thyroid malfunction and other diseases including cancer. Soybeans also contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together.


Soy also contains one of the highest percentages of pesticides of any of our foods and is 99% genetically modified. Soybeans are also high in phytic acid, present in the bran or hulls of all seeds, which blocks the uptake of essential minerals – calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc – in the intestinal tract. Candida sufferers must avoid soy and all soy products in order to get well.


Taking essential supplements

Candida sufferers need to build up their immune system by supplementing with certain essential vitamins and minerals, that are yeast-free and sugar-free, including:


  • -Chlorella is a whole-food that contains a wide array of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It helps build the immune system, detoxifies heavy metals and other pesticides in the body, improves the digestive system, improves energy levels and normalize blood sugar and blood pressure. Take two capsules three times a day.
  • -Vitamin B Complex (non-yeast), 50 mgs. twice a day.
  • -Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, 1,000 mgs. twice a day.
  • -Vitamin D (with vitamin A) – take 1 teaspoon per 50 lbs. of body weight per day of a high quality cod liver oil or fish oil.
  • -Vitamin E, containing natural alpha tocopherol, (d-alpha tocopherol is synthetic), that is not from a soy source, 400 IU twice a day.
  • -Calcium/Magnesium Citrate, with “elemental amounts” containing 800-1,200 mgs. of calcium with an equal ratio of magnesium.


3. Kill off Candida overgrowth

There are many anti-fungal agents that kill off Candida overgrowth, including raw garlic, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract and Pau d’arco.


Garlic – Garlic contains a large number of sulphur containing compounds that exhibit very potent broad-spectrum anti-fungal properties. Among the most studied are allicin, alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine.


Fresh garlic is significantly more potent against Candida albicans than any other form, including tablets, oils and pills. Fresh garlic is also a suitable alternative to drugs for serious systemic yeast infections in patients with severe immune suppression. Adding fresh garlic to food (raw and crushed), or crushing and swallowing raw clove is a cheap and powerful anti-fungal treatment. Garlic also stimulates the immune system, improves circulation, lowers high blood pressure, kills intestinal parasites, and is a powerful antioxidant and antibiotic, in addition to many other health benefits.


To obtain the most benefit from garlic buy certified organic garlic and crush it. Crushing breaks the cell walls releasing garlic’s beneficial properties. To kill off Candida overgrowth take 4-5 average sized cloves per day mixed in foods or with meals. Another alternative is to drink 3-4 cups of garlic tea per day.


Raw apple cider vinegar – Raw apple cider vinegar and Candida do not get along. Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a glass of water and drink before every meal. The apple cider vinegar helps to fight off the intestinal yeast overgrowth by actually killing the yeast, creating a die off reaction. Raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar creates an unfriendly environment for the yeast, while helping create a good environment for friendly gut flora.


Olive Leaf Extract – Olive leaf extract can kill invading fungus rather than just inhibiting its growth. It contains a a phenolic compound called oleuropein, which has antiviral, anti-fungal, antiprotozoal, and antibacterial properties. Take as directed on the product label.


Pau d’arco –
 Pau d’arco is the bark of a rainforest tree which is inherently anti-fungal (also known as Taheebo or Lepacho tea). Pau d’arco may be taken in a capsule or a tea. Take capsules as directed on the product label or drink 3 cups of tea per day.


4. Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract

As the yeast overgrowth is being killed off by anti-fungal agents it is important to ingest a constant supply of probiotics. These are the ‘friendly’ or ‘beneficial’ bacteria, or micro organisms, that live in the digestive tract.As yeast colonies are reduced space becomes available for colonizing the other healthy bacteria. The most numerous bacteria found in the small intestines are species of Lactobacilli. In the colon the majority are mainly Bifidobacteria.


The easiest and least expensive way to plant healthy bacteria in the digestive tract is to take Cabbage Rejuvelac. But probiotic supplements can also plant good bacteria in the digestive tract. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as just buying the first probiotic supplement and assuming it will do the job. The best probiotic supplements will contain specific strains of bacteria that have been studied and verified as effective, and they will identified on the bottle as a series of letters or numbers after the name of the bacteria to indicate a specific strain. Some of the most studied strains include Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and Lactobacillus GG. Probiotic supplements should be at least 500 billion organisms per gram, contained in dark bottles to avoid deterioration by heat and light, and kept refrigerated, even in the store. Take according to instructions on the bottle.


5. Manage the healing crisis

The Healing Crisis is brought about when the body becomes overcrowded with waste and toxins
. Cells and tissues begin to throw off the waste and carry it from the bloodstream to various eliminating organs including the bowels, kidneys, lungs, skin, nasal passages, ears, throat, and genital organs. These organs in turn become congested and irritated producing symptoms such as colds, boils, kidney and bladder infections, headaches, open sores, diarrhea and fevers.


Die-off symptoms are caused by high numbers of yeast being killed off which releases a high number toxins into the system. In medical terms this is called the Herxheimer’s reaction, or yeast die-off phenomenon. Die-off symptoms resembles the flu and can be very uncomfortable. They can be alleviated by:


  • -Taking 1,000 mgs of Vitamin C (preferably in powdered form in pure water) several times a day or whenever needed.
  • -Taking an Epsom salts bath also draws toxins out through the skin and helps minimized die-off symptoms (add two cups, or 500 grams, of Epsom salts to warm bath water).


The most important aspect of the healing crisis is to never go to extremes in making changes to your diet or lifestyle. It is important to gradually introduce changes one at a time, allowing the body to adapt to the changes and adjust itself. The keys to successfully overcoming Candida are: 1) sticking to the Candida Control Program, 2) being patient, and 3) being persistent. You will get well.




Healing Cancer by Reducing Acidity

Your Body is Acidic. Here is what you NEED to Do

Noble prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg , who discovered the real cause of cancer, has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency. Oxygen deficiency leads to an acidic state in the human body.  Dr. Warburg also found that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”
Our diet plays a vital role in maintaining proper pH levels in the body. PH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells throughout your body. Your body must balance the blood’s pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive. Unfortunately,  the typical American diet consists primarily of toxic and acid-forming foods like processed sugars, refined grains,  genetically modified organisms, and etc. This  leads to unhealthy acidic pH. An imbalanced pH can interrupt cellular activities and functions. Excessively acidic pH can lead to many  serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. If you keep your body  in an acidic state for a long period of time, it can drastically accelerate aging. Robert O. Young   in The pH Miracle, says, that most health problems arise from being acidic. This is because parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and candida overgrowth thrive in acidic environments.  But an alkaline environment neutralizes bacteria and  other pathogens.

Home remedies for acidity

1/3 tsp. baking soda
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar
Mix everything together.  The acid/base combination will immediately begin to fizz. Keep adding baking soda until the fizz stops and then fill the glass with  8 oz. water.

Drink all at once. This home remedy will help neutralizes the pH and create  an alkaline-forming environment in your body.  It will help with  stomach acid and reduce acidosis.

August 24, 2015

What Can Magic Mushrooms Do To Heal Cancer Patients

How has the Western world only just started to pay attention to this truly awesome medicinal combination?


Recently we reported the amazing story of an Australian woman who cured her stage 4 terminal lung cancer with cannabis oil.  The doctors had said nothing could save her life, and didn´t offer any hope at all. Chemotherapy would only buy her a few extra months, which they predicted would end within six months of the devastating diagnosis. But cannabis caused the aggressive tumors to disappear, and she´s living proof that chemo isn´t always the best option (and it certainly shouldn´t be the last). Hers is just one of thousands of inspirational stories about how cannabis has miraculous properties, and science is proving it kills cancer time and time again.

But what about the emotional trauma of a terminal illness? How can a person deal with the shock, fear, grief and hopelessness of a terminal illness? The terror of saying goodbye to your loved ones, the worry of how they will cope without you, fear of the unknown after death (or fear of worms eating at your eye sockets if you´re an atheist)? How can cancer patients possibly stay strong enough to keep fighting when internally, they are in pieces?

For that, Mother nature gave us psilocybin. This natural compound is the active ingredient of magic mushrooms, and is found in around 700 species. Psilocybin has hallucinogenic, entheogenic (“God-Like”) properties: the psychedelic traveller is transported to internal worlds of heaven or hell, which often manifest on a physical level. It can be a terrifying or awe-inspiring experience, and as the lady in this video testifies, it can be both all in one trip.

Sixty four year-old Estelyn Walcoff has been suffering from a rare and incurable type of lymphoma for five years. She decided to take part in a scientific study on the psychotropic healing powers of psilocybin on emotional trauma. This was carried out under strict scientific testing (but with a cozy living room and built-up trust between staff and volunteers) by researchers at NYU, giving volunteers two sessions of therapy after intensive psychotherapy beforehand. After taking the psilocybin (in pill form) Estelyn experienced “great anxiety” (which she later realized was a “level of my mind”), and she directly connected with and experienced the “suffering of the people on Earth, and of the Earth itself.” She had a profound spiritual experience which has to be heard to be believed, and as a therapist Estelyn says she hopes that in future magic mushroom therapy will be on offer for all her clients.

“I wish I could put it into words”, she says of her brief meeting the immense source of all that is. “Oh my Gosh, I can´t believe I wouldn´t have known it,” she says. “The strength of it. The power of it. It would make for a much happier world.”

This is a truly amazing and inspirational story. The evidence for psilocybin and cannabis as treatment for cancer´s physical, mental, and emotional devastation is growing by the day. Please share if you know anyone who this video could help.

Photo: Scientific image of how psilocybin connects our brains neurons in a holistic way that is not displayed in ordinary states of consciousness.

by Sophie McAdam

How to Combine Foods for Optimal Health


By Dr. Mercola

Dr. Wayne Pickering is a naturopathic physician on the East Coast of Florida, and was a good friend of fitness legend Jack Lalanne. He gave a beautiful eulogy at Jack’s funeral. At the age of 67, he swims several miles a week in addition to extensive biking and a wide variety of calisthenics, pushups and pull ups.

He has quite an impressive exercise regimen and is a personal inspiration to me as I hope to be in as good a shape as he as that age. He also has one of the most positive attitudes of anyone I know.

He eats plenty of fruit and caused me to seriously reevaluate my position on consuming fruits and I have gradually been increasing my intake of them, especially mangoes, which is his pseudonym (Mango Man). He even has a variety of mangoes named after him. I actually have two of the Pickering mangoes growing in my yard.

But one of the things he’s known for in the nutrition world is food combining—and he is truly like a walking billboard for his program. The man looks about 20-30 years younger than his calendar age.

“Age is not a matter of years; it’s a matter of condition. You can keep your health up until you die because you have 75 to 90 trillion cells in your body that work symbiotically on your behalf striving towards health. You cut yourself? It’s going to heal without a thought. It just does,” he says.

Improper food combining is one of the primary factors that cause gas, flatulence, heartburn, and upset stomach. What’s worse, poor digestion can also contribute to malnutrition, even if you think you’re eating a decent diet.

In his youth, Dr. Pickering was no different from most Americans today—severely overweight, out of shape, and eating the wrong foods. He recalls the key moment that turned his life around:

“I was in Illinois when I came back from Vietnam. I stayed up there for a year in Rockford. A little lady found me one day in a distraught situation. She owned a health food store. I went in there, and I bought a bottle of vitamins and a little book, How to Be Healthy with Natural Foods, by Edward E. Marsh.”

He also found a postcard-sized food combining chart. He’d had frequent stomach pains for years, and was absolutely shocked when 24-hours after putting the information into practice, he didn’t suffer with indigestion anymore.

Since then, Dr. Pickering has become an avid teacher of natural health, in which health and longevity is the natural outgrowth of proper nutrition—which also encompasses proper food combining, to optimize digestion.


Three Principles of Health


Many are under the mistaken belief that the human body is a frail instrument, prone to disease and pre-programmed to decay. Dr. Pickering wholeheartedly disagrees, and I second that motion. The truth is, your body is infinitely wise, with a natural inborn “instinct” toward health, and by following certain natural principles, you allow your body to do what it does best, which is to maintain an equilibrium of health. Dr. Pickering’s three basic principles of health are:

  1. You are automatically healthy, by design, and sick only by default
  2. You don’t catch disease; you “earn” it, as it stems from “crud in the blood from being drunk with junk,” as he says
  3. You get well by what comes out of you, not by what goes into you

In essence, health is as much based on getting rid of toxins and other harmful substances as it is based on optimizing your nutrition. Part and parcel of this philosophy is that food is your number one ally. And while certain nutritional supplements can be beneficial, they will not allow you to circumvent a poor diet. They can only complement your diet; they cannot take the place of a meal.

“Nutrition doesn’t heal. It doesn’t cure. It doesn’t do anything,” Dr. Pickering says. “It’s a science though and it never changes... Here’s what nutrition is: it’s a series of four processes that your body employs to make food materials for the body to use.”

Those four processes are the following:

  1. Digestion
  2. Absorption
  3. Assimilation
  4. Elimination

Four Principles of Wholesome Nutrition

According to Dr. Pickering, one of the most important factors when it comes to healthful eating is to make sure you’re eating foods that are in season. Your constitution changes with the seasons of your local climate, and eating local foods when they’re in season is a natural way to harness that intrinsic relationship your body has with the Earth.

Seasonal foods will typically be at their cheapest when they’re in season, and will be readily available in most stores and farmers markets. Dr. Pickering’s food combining guide1 can also help you determine which foods are in season, in addition to how to combine them for optimal health.

Next, Dr. Pickering advises eating foods that are indigenous to your area. Eskimos, for example, are not going to reap the same nutritional rewards from watermelon as someone living in the American South where watermelons grow naturally. The climate itself makes nutritional demands on your body.

Third, you also want to select foods according to the type and amount of physical activity you’re involved in (an office worker, for example, will not benefit from the diet of a triathlete), and lastly, you want to choose foods according to your body’s digestive chemistry. As a side note, albeit an important one, Dr. Pickering also points out the importance of your thoughts.

“Your thoughts, you see, help to govern chemistry,” he explains. “When you sit down to eat, it’s crucial to not talk about problems at the dinner table; talk about joyous things just because it gives you a chance to get together [with each other].”

Recent research has even confirmed that if you want to make your food taste better, and more thoroughly enjoy the experience of a meal, perform a ritual first. One of the most rewarding rituals you can do before a meal is to stop and give thanks for your food.

Not only might this make your food taste better, but also people who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, have more positive emotions, and are better able to reach their goals. People who give thanks before they eat also tend to eat more slowly and savor the meal more so than those who do not, lending a natural transition to mindful eating, which has a direct and beneficial impact on digestion.


Why Food Combining Matters

Wayne is probably best known for promoting the importance of food combining. If the food you eat is not digesting properly, not only can painful gas, heart burn, acid reflux and other stomach problems arise, but your body will also be deprived of critical nutrients.

The short definition of digestion is: you put food or liquid into your mouth, swallow it, and then your body breaks these molecules down into a size it can absorb. What your body doesn’t use is excreted as waste. These are the four processes listed above—digestion, absorption, assimilation and elimination. But food is actually broken down in a number of different areas, including in your mouth, stomach, and the first and middle sections of your small intestine, called the duodenum and jejunum respectively. Furthermore, you have two kinds of digestion:

  1. Mechanical (chewing and churning) digestion
  2. Chemical digestion

Food combination takes into account the area and complexity of digestion of each food, to ensure it goes through your entire digestive system with ease. Dr. Pickering explains:

“There’s only one food that chemically breaks down in the stomach and that’s protein. Proteins require pepsin, a very highly acidic [enzyme] in conjunction with hydrochloric acid. But the hydrochloric acid doesn’t have the ability to break the food down. It just sets the medium for the concentration of the amount of pepsin that’s poured into the stomach to digest whatever food that’s in there. The intelligence of this human body is phenomenal.”

There are three primary categories of food: proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Proteins, again, begin their digestion chemically in your stomach. Carbohydrates are divided into two categories: fruits and starches. While fruits pass through your digestive system with relative ease, starches require three levels of breakdown; the very first stage is in your mouth. That’s why it’s crucial to carefully chew starchy foods.

According to the rules of food combination, you do not want to mix proteins and starches in the same meal. This means, no bun with your hamburger, no meatballs if you have pasta, no potatoes with your meat… Why is that? Dr. Pickering explains:

“Starches require an alkaline digestive medium to digest. If you put your fist in your stomach while it’s digesting steaks and all that, chances are, you wouldn’t have a hand anymore. The acid is intense… When you mix them both together – an acid-type of food and an alkaline – basic chemistry shows that they don’t digest. They neutralize. Then what happens? If the food is not digesting… it’s going through your body [undigested], throwing it into all kinds of turmoil.”

Related Article: What Happens to your body when you eat Meat & Potatoes Together

The Three Commandments of Food Combination

Dr. Pickering lays out three basic commandments of eating that he recommends you not deviate from:

    1. No proteins and starches at the same meal, as they neutralize each other and prevent proper digestion of either food. To ensure proper digestion of each food, wait two hours after eating a starch before eating protein. And wait three hours after eating protein before eating a starch.
    2. No fruits and vegetables at the same meal. Fruits are either a single or double sugar, whereas the starches are a triple sugar. Fruits mechanically break down in your stomach, but chemically, they don’t break down until they reach the third and fourth stage of your digestive system, which are in your small intestine. Starches, again, are broken down in three different stages, starting in your mouth.

According to Dr. Pickering, this is also why it’s crucial to not eat dessert after a meal. When you do, it gets trapped in your stomach with all that other food, where it starts to rot as it’s not being chemically digested there. Therefore, eat fruit 30-60 minutes before dinner. The same applies if you want to eat another piece of fruit. Acidic fruits, such as lemons for example, also do not combine well with starches. Lemon and banana is but one example of a combination that is sure to lead to gastrointestinal upset…

Many people consider tomatoes a fruit, yet it’s commonly added to salad. Dr. Pickering classifies tomatoes as a “fruit-vegetable,” because even though they don’t have the sugar like most fruits, they’re still an acidic fruit-vegetable. As such they’re okay to combine with other vegetables. He suggests the following recipe for an excellent salad:

“Any kind of vegetable that has seed in it; for example summer squash, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, bell peppers, and okra—those are all fruit-vegetables. Your tomatoes go well with those. And since lettuce and celery have a neutral effect, as far as the breakdown of food, the celery and the lettuce combine very well with all of that. You can also add avocados.”

  1. “Eat melon alone, or leave it alone, or your stomach will moan.” In short, melons do not digest well with other foods and will frequently cause problems unless consumed by itself.

The When and What of Eating

According to Dr. Pickering, the amount and sequencing of the foods you eat can also make a difference. He recommends the following eating schedule:

  • Morning meal: The least concentrated foods, in the greatest amount. Ideal food choice: fruits
  • Middle of the day: More complex foods, but in a smaller amount than your first meal. Ideal food choice: starchy carbs
  • Evening: The most concentrated foods, but in the least abundant amount. Ideal food choice: protein