Category: Aromatherapy

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Deodorant



[1] National Cancer Institute. (n.d.). Antiperspirants/Deodorants and Breast Cancer. Retrieved from

[2] Ye, X., Bishop, A. M., Reidy, J. A., Needham, L. L., & Calafat, A. M. (2006, December). Parabens as Urinary Biomarkers of Exposure in Humans. Retrieved from

[3] Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2007, October 3). Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol Toxicity. Retrieved from

[4] Braun, J. M., Sathyanarayana, S., & Hauser, R. (2013, April). Phthalate Exposure and Children’s Health. Retrieved from

[5] Steckelberg, J. M., M.D. (2017, March 09). Triclosan: Is it safe? Retrieved from

Admin – Cymantra  May 29, 2017

The Oil that Can Cure Migraines, Anxiety, Depressions, and Even Cancer

Frankincense oil is the King of Oils

Frankincense oil is known as the King of Oils – and it truly deserves this title. I use it daily to promote my health and if I ever had to choose just one oil to have, it would be frankincense. Frankincense has a long history of being used as a prized and precious essential oil. Historically it was used by the Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians in religious ceremonies, and as a resin for balms and salves. And of course, the three wise men brought frankincense to the baby Jesus as an offering.

Frankincense is taken from Boswellias when it is extracted from the bark of the tree. The milky-white sap will quickly harden to a resin and then be scraped off the tree in the form of pear-shaped droplets. The color and quality of this resin varies greatly, from the highest quality (clear and silvery in color) to the lowest (of a brown-yellow hue).

Today, the essential oil, acquired by steam distillation of the resin, is widely used and holds great therapeutic value.

The following uses of Frankincense are based upon my own personal experience.

1. Help with wounds from cuts, scrapes, and burns.  For even greater benefit, apply Lavender essential oil first then layer Frankincense on top.  The combination of these two oils together is amazing when it comes to helping with wounds. (where to find) 

2. Neurological support.

Frankincense is probably the best oil I know of for neurological support. It helps with the function of the central nervous system in particular. Whether it’s helping with clarity of thinking, or balancing the emotions, frankincense has a lot of benefits to offer.

3. Reduce and fade scars.  Just combine 2-3 drops of frankincense oil with coconut oil, and directly apply it on your skin.

4. Foster strong immune system.  Massage a few drops into the balls of your feet daily to boost your immune system. You can also diffuse it throughout your home or in your bedroom at night.

5. Reduce stress and anxious feelings.

Frankincense oil promotes relaxation and feeling of calm. You can simply rub a few drops mixed in a carrier oil on the back of the neck when you feel stressed.

6. Hormones and Memory

Frankincense can help balance hormones and improve memory.

7. Aging skin.   Mix a few drops of the Frankincense with unscented oil (like coconut) and apply to your skin. You can also add a drop of Frank to your daily moisturizer.

8. Head tension.  Frankincense can be used to relieve conditions where pain and tension are present.

9. Congestion.  Put up to six drops in a sink or bowl filled with very hot water then bend over the sink with a towel draped over your head to contain the steam. Breathe in the vapors for at least five minutes, adding more hot water as needed.  Be careful not to scald yourself; the water should be hot, not boiling.

10. Relieve itching.  A single drop applied to the affected area will bring immediate relief.

11. Relieve joint pain and swelling.  Mix with a carrier and rub into aching joints at night before bed and throughout the day,

12. Clear up problem skin.  Dab one drop on stubborn spots morning and night.

13. Relaxation.  Add 5 or 6 drops to a diffuser and breath in the oil to open the senses and create a calming atmosphere. To elevate your mood a few drops – as a perfume – works well.

14. Remove moles, skin tags, and warts.  Apply a single drop 3 or 4 times a day until gone.

15. Enhance vision.  Put 1-2 drops of Frankincense in your hand and then  rub your index finger in the oil and rub it onto each of your temple.  It can provide greater clarity to your vision and bring everything into greater focus.

16. Remove musty odors.  Place a couple of drops in a small dish of water and the room will take on a much fresher smell.

17. Oral Health: Useful as preventative measure against oral health problems such as bad breath, toothaches, cavities, canker sores, and other infections. Try mixing with baking soda and coconut oil to make your own toothpaste.

18. Promote sleep  Diffuse frankincense at bedtime to help you slow down your breathing and relieve nervous tension and anxiety.  You will sleep like a baby!

19. Enhance the efficacy of other essential oils.   Layer Frankincense over other essential oil to enhance that oil’s properties and drive the oils deeper into the cells.

July 14, 2016 by

Garlic – Protecting you Against Brain Cancer

Conditions You Can Treat With Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol is just one of the many cannabinoids found in marijuana, however, it is probably the most medically advanced substance in the world. Here’s what CBD can help treatment with…

Conditions You Can Treat With Cannabidiol (CBD)

There are more than 500 cannabinoids currently known to humanity and 1 of them is cannabidiol. It is easily the most interesting of all right next to THC as CBD has a ton of medicinal uses.

Thus, it is slowly becoming a global healing agent, but unlike “modern” drugs it has no negative side effects and can also help treat a number of conditions – some of which are extremely serious ones.

1. Cannabidiol VS Cancer

CBD has been proven to have antineoplastic properties which inhibit cancerous development and tumor growth. The stimulation of apoptotic pathways throughout the body forces the immune system to effectively destroy cancer cells.

2. Cannabidiol VS Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an awful condition which is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking nerve endings. That results in  constant pain throughout the entire day.

However, marijuana is very well know for its pain relieving properties. More specifically, CBD has been found to relieve that exact same pain caused by multiple sclerosis.

Rough statistics show that up to 30% of multiple sclerosis patients in Europe puff weed to ease the symptoms of MS.

3. Cannabidiol VS Epilepsy

This battle is probably what CBD is most famous for currently and we all know who the winner is. There is still much to learn about the way cannabidiol works to stop seizures, but one thing’s for sure – the effects are there and no one can deny their power.

The countless success stories around the Internet of people treating their children’s epilepsy with medical marijuana (like this one) prove just how good of a medicine this plant is.

In the story mentioned above, we have a 9 year old girl with severe epileptic episodes in her earlier years going to 30 or more in a day and some days even more than 100.

However, since here mother started her on cannabis oil treatment, her daughter hasn’t had a single seizure in more than 18 months.

The sad part is that even though the results are too obvious to be true, hospitals are still denying medical marijuana renewals, because of the lack of scientific evidence of marijuana being a safe treatment option.

What a joke. Where’s the scientific evidence that any of the drugs you buy at your local pharmacy are a safe treatment option? There is none, because they aren’t.

They all do more damage than heal and if the same rule was applied to them as is to cannabis, there will be no pharmacies left.

4. Cannabidiol VS Depression

That lame state of mind we’ve all been at one point in our lives should be fought with the mind itself, however, throwing in some CBD in the mix won’t hurt at all.

According to this study, cannabidiol induces anti-depressant effects in mice. THC was also found to have these same anti-depressant properties which is why marijuana is a first choice for anyone feeling blue.

5. Cannabidiol VS Diabetes

CBD has been recently found to significantly reduce the incidence of diabetes in mice. This study showed that with the percentage lowered from 86% for non-treated mice to 30% in mice treated with cannabidiol.

This data proves that CBD can in fact inhibit and delay the destructive insulitis and inflammatory cytokine production.

6. Cannabidiol VS Schizophrenia

Recent research suggested that CBD is also an effective and at the same time safe treatment for patients suffering from schizophrenia – who isn’t right?

Cannabidiol has anxiolytic and anti-psychotic properties that help people with schizophrenia as well as another similar mind condition, namely bipolar disorder.

It has also been found to help negate some of the more unwanted effects of THC such as paranoia and anxiety. In my opinion, those are caused by the puffer’s mind frame right before they smoke.

7. Cannabidiol VS Cardiovascular Disease

Aside from the aforementioned serious conditions that CBD can help with, it can also help with the number 1 cause of death nowadays – cardiovascular disease.

According to this study, the same effects that cannabidiol exerts which help prevent diabetes are also responsible for its positive effects on cardiovascular disease.

CBD attenuated myocardial dysfunction, cardiac fibrosis, oxidative stress, inflammation, cell death, and interrelated signaling pathways.


Believe it or not, there are even more conditions that CBD can help with (probably even cure on its own), but a lot more research is needed to know.

However, since it acts on the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, which is located everywhere, it’s pretty logical to assume that it can help with almost anything.

The good thing is that CBD at least can be obtained legally much more easily than marijuana as a whole. That is due to the fact that it does not cause a high like THC.

But despite that fact, the decades of being demonized by the “health organizations” around the world have caused immense damage to the plant’s “image” including its underlying cannabinoids.

So, it will take time before marijuana and its substances become a (legal) major part of the medical industry, but once this happens, we will be surely looking at the medical revolution of the millennium.

Admin – February 2, 2016

Essential Oils That Stop Cancer In Its Tracks

essential oil cancerEven scientists now recognize the power agents that exist within some essential oils which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. Their disease-preventing ability is no longer doubted, especially for cancer.  A healthy body, from head to foot, typically has a frequency ranging from 62 to 78 MHz, while disease begins at 58Hz. During some testing with frequency and the frequency of essential oils it was measured that: Holding a cup of coffee dropped one man’s frequency from 66 Hz to 58 MHz in just 3 seconds. It took three days for his frequency to return to normal.

Other studies show that: Negative thoughts lower our frequency on average 12 MHz. Positive thoughts raises our frequency on average 10 MHz.

Studying some of the most popular essential oils in current use, such as mint, ginger, lemon, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, thyme, rose, and cinnamon, researchers sought out to discover how these oils may combat cancer. They did so by testing antibacterial potency as well as in vitro toxicology against human cancer cell lines.

Bruce Tanio, of Tainio Technology and head of the Department of Agriculture at Eastern Washington University, has developed a Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) that has been used to measure the frequencies of essential oils and their effect on human frequencies when applied to the body. Essential Oils laboratory uses a CFM, and another is located at Johns Hopkins University where it is used to study frequency in relationship to disease.

“Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted,” says Immunologist Mahmoud Suhail. It seems some essential oils have a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.

Must Be Therapeutic Grade

There are plenty of essential oils being sold, however most are of poor quality, synthetically produced and diluted with alcohol and other additives. To be effective only 100% pure therapeutic grade quality essential oils must be used, otherwise you will not obtain the health benefits and in addition you need to change the combination every week with the right proportions of each of the oils.

Robert O. Becker, M.D., the author of the book, The Body Electric validates that the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a person’s health can be determined by it. Nikola Tesla said that if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease. Dr. Otto Warburg was a two-time Nobel Laureate and winner of the Nobel Prize for cancer research, for discovering that human cells have an electrical voltage.

Beyond a doubt, certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and other frequencies would destroy diseases. Substances of higher frequency will destroy diseases of lower frequency.

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils begin at 52 and go as high as 320 MHz! For example: Rose 320 MHz, Helichrysum 181 MHz, Frankincense 147 MHz, Ravensara 134 MHz, Lavender 118 MHz, Myrrh 105 MHz, German Camomile 105 MHz, Juniper 98 MHz, Sandalwood 96 MHz, Angelica 85 MHz, Peppermint 78 MHz


Many Healing Abilities

Breast cancer cells are mostly destroyed by cinnamon, thyme, chamomile and jasmine oils, with chamomile killing up to 93% of them in vitro. Even more effective was thyme oil, which led to a 97% kill rate of the MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

Another study published in the journal Industrial Crops and Products found that chamomile oil harnesses powerful antioxidant properties. The research, evaluating 11 essential oils including lavender, thyme, winter savory, rosemary, sage, peppermint, French tarragon, bitter, and sweet fennel, found Roman chamomile to have the highest antioxidant activity.


Frankincense Oil – A Cancer Killer

“Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes,” says Suhail.

Frankincense oil is effective because it contains monoterpenes, compounds which have the ability to help eradicate cancerous cells at the onset of their development, as well as their progression stages, making it ideal for those who discover their cancer regardless of when it’s found.

Working with frankincense could revolutionise the treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumour to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live.

“There are 17 active agents in frankincense essential oil,” says Dr Suhail

Powerful stories of individuals with cancer and degenerative diseases and their experiences with using essential oils have been promoted at the budwig center.

Terminal liver cancer A woman in Long Beach, said her husband was told to put his affairs in order. His liver cancer had progressed so much so that the tumors were far too large for surgical removal. He was given six months to live. She was introduced to the power of 100% pure frankincense oil shortly following the diagnosis. He applied it topically over his liver and under his tongue daily. On their next visit with his physician, they discovered his tumors were miraculously shrinking. They continued using frankincense. In April, his tumors had shrunk so much so that his physician agreed to surgery. The cancer was removed, taking 3/4 of his liver. Today, he is in good health and enjoying life with his beautiful wife and family.
Five year old with brain cancer
A five year old with brain cancer used just one drop of frankincense , alternated with one drop of sandalwood applied to the bottom of her feet, along with lavender applied to her wrist helped. Now totally in perfect health..!!


Bladder Cancer
When Jackie Hogan was diagnosed with a rare bladder cancer, she was informed by doctors that she’d eventually need to have her bladder removed. She discovered the healing abilities of frankincense oil, which University of Oklahoma researchers have found, especially in conjunction with sandalwood oil, has properties that kill off cancer cells. So effective is the frankincense oil that experts say, “Frankincense essential oil may represent a candidate on a growing list of natural compounds selectively eradicating cancer cells.”

Lung Stage 4 – metastasis to bones, spine, ribs, hips, pelvis
Bebe’s mom had malignant tumors in her lungs, and it spread to her spine, her bones, her ribs, her shoulders, her hips and her pelvis. After starting do the essential oils, four months later, she was thriving and her diseases cells were rapidly dying. She was back home and gardening and planning on going on vacation. Seven months after being told by the doctors that she was would die from her stage 4, the doctors say that she in good health and no more cancer. Bebe recommends: Frankincense : take liberally every 2-3 hours, both topically over affected areas and the bottom of the feet. If you can put numerous drops under the tongue, even better.

Bone Marrow Degeneration
Ellen was diagnosed with bone marrow degeneration and polyscithemiarubravera. “After 3 months my blood tests are showing massive improvements placing most markers into the normal range! I have not had to do 2 of the last 3 phlebotomies that I was having every 2 weeks and are now every month or longer! I am feeling like a million dollars and no longer look like I am at death’s door! Do these oils and have faith that this will work. It does.”

Breast Cancer
I used frankincense to shrink a breast tumor. When I went for surgery, they couldn’t find any trace of cancer! I had a breast tumors in Feb. and just had it removed and am doing the oils. I put frankincense and lemongrass on my breast every day and herbal supplements. I had my 6 month check up last month and he said everything looked great. No more cancer! For me I will never do chemo or radiation the side effects are way to bad. He was very surprised I looked so good cause I didn’t have the treatments.

Cervical Cancer
My good friend just called to tell me that she found out that her sister’s cervical cancer came back for the 2nd time. She was scheduled today to have her uterus removed. When she found out, she sent her sister wintergreen and frankincense. She instructed her mother to make sure she applied the wintergreen and frankincense on the bottoms of feet every 3 to 4 hours for the pain along with applying directly on her abdomen.. A week ago, the diseased cells were still showing up in her blood work. Today [less than a month after first starting the oils] was her surgery to remove her uterus removed and they couldn’t find any cancer.

My brother’s son, who had a second reoccurrence of leukemia…was taking essential oils as well as the chemo & went into remission much quicker than the doctor had advised, and didn’t have any of the nasty side-effects.

My mom’s dear friend has been battling throat degeneration that was spreading to other areas of his body. Last October, he started using the oils! Frankincense and natural remedies. Today he went from an MRI and he was given a true miracle.

A friend had pancreatic degeneration and was given 3-4 weeks. He did the following, 3 drops frankincense, 1 drop each lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, sandalwood and natural remedies. He is now in great health…It’s been 8 months now.

This morning I got a call from a good friend of ours who has been battling prostate cancer. For the last 3-4 months, he has been taking the essential oils. Today he called to say that at his doctor appointment yesterday, he was told that he is totally clear!

Basal cell
My friends dad had Basal cell growths on his nose. It had gone through the thickness of his nostril and the oncologist wanted to remove a big section of the nostril, down to his upper lip and over a finger width into his cheek, by the time he contacted me. I hadn’t worked with cancer before with the oils and wanted to help as much as possible. He also eliminated sugar from his diet, increased water intake, ate more raw foods and believed he could beat this. Within a couple weeks it appeared closed, another week and the weeping stopped completely and the redness around the area started lightening. After six weeks, that side of his nose looked healthier than the other unaffected side!! That was 15 months ago and he has had no signs of it coming back.

“I went for a routine eye exam in Feb 2013. The Dr told me the growth over my eye is what I had suspected a form of skin degeneration: basil cell cancer. Yikes! One year prior to that eye exam I was at the Dermatologist office to have a few suspicious spots removed from my face, neck and back. Having gone through that invasive experience lead me to ask is there a safer way to remove this spot (mind you this spot is right above my eye). I did a bit of reading about essential oil use for skin cancer and it seemed less invasive than dermatologist plus I did not have to miss time from work. So I got a bottle of Frankincense and applied it as recommended topically 3 times a day and did 2 drops under my tongue morning and night. The first week no real significant change just a tingling sensation in that area after applying topically and taking it internally. The second week I did notice it getting smaller. During the third week the spot started to ooze a bit but it was getting smaller. The fourth week is when it seemed to IMPLODE on itself and oozed more but still it was getting smaller. The fifth week it was much, much smaller and formed a scab. Week six the scab fell off while washing my face and was the size of a tiny whitehead. In 6 weeks a gigantic spot was reduced to the size of a pin head all from applying and ingesting an essential oil – Frankincense. I was ASTOUNDED, AMAZED & THRILLED!!!! Essential oils worked for me!!!”

I applied frankincense morning and night and covered with a band aid. In 3 days the mole had shrunk. Day 5 it bled a little and half fell off. Day 7, gone! I had a little bit of pink skin and I worried it was a scar. A few days later, totally gone! My husband had a stage 4 malignant melanoma removed last year from his back…another melanoma came up on his nose…before we started using essential oils we did radiation on that one. It has since grown back…and we have since become educated using essential oils. He started using lavender frankincense, and Immortelle on the melanoma and it is SHRINKING!



Got Health Problems? Drink Frankincense Water. Here is How to Make It.

PicMonkey Collage

Frankincense water has been a traditional drink in the Middle East for Centuries. People in Oman and Yemen usually soak 4 or 5 pieces of this resin in water overnight and drink the water. According to their doctors, only few people over there have cancer.

Frankincense is a fragrant plant resin that comes from the Boswelllia sacra tree found in Africa and the Arabian peninsula, including Yemen and Oman.  Frankincense possesses analgesic, anti-arthritic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, tonic, vulnerary properties.

Scientists have found that there is some agent within frankincense which helps stop spreading of cancer. It induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. According to the latest studies,

“Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted. It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. “Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.”]

Benefits of Frankincense Resin Water

  • Prevents digestive problems
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Works As A Natural Diuretic
  • Strengthens, tones, and lifts the skin, muscles, and internal organs
  • Promotes skin and tissue regeneration
  • Helps the body to read of  toxins
  • Helps with stress relief and inflammation
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Eases Fever And Headaches
  • Penetrates the blood-brain barrier
  • Helps with bronchitis
  • Helps relieve sore throats

How to Make Frankincense Water


One bag Frankincense resin (where to find)

One quarter of clean purified water

A one quarter glass jar



Place Frankincense Resin in the bottom of the jar. Boil Water. Pour water over resin until the jar is full. Cover with a glass plate or towel. Let the water sit overnight.

How to Use it

Drink a few ounces throughout the day.  If it’s your first time drinking the water, make sure to introduce this drink to your body slowly.
Madina-frankincense-1 Lb


Frankincense Essential Oil

One of the oldest known medical records from the sixteenth century B.C., the Ebers Papyrus, mentions frankincense oil. The ancient Egyptians listed the oil on hundreds of prescriptions and recipes.

Frankincense oil is one of the most highly prized essential oils in the world and one of the best oils you can use for your health.  The astringent property of frankincense oil can help strengthen gums, stop the bleeding from wounds and cuts, help with skin health, reverse signs of aging, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars. Frankincense oil can break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract and lungs, and can relieve bronchitis-related congestion. It can suppress the production of key inflammatory cells, helping to prevent the breakdown of cartilage tissue in patients with arthritis.


Quality frankincense oil is hard to find.  Make sure you are getting the real oil. This is why I recommend Doterra Essential oils. (where to find)


The Real Truth About Essential Oils that Nobody Talks About

essential oils

Essential oils are becoming more popular as time goes on. But, what are we not being told about our favorite oils.

Essential oils contain physical properties from flowers and plants in a concentrated form. The volatile constituents of the plant’s oil are extracted from the flowers, leaves, branches, or roots. They carry biologically active volatile compounds that are concentrated from that exhibit therapeutic benefits in small amounts.

The most common chemical components found in essential oils are terpenes, alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, and phenols. Most of them are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. The antioxidant value of some oils is amazing. There are three types of terpenes that are found in essential oils.

– Phenylpropanoids: this type of terpene creates conditions that are unfriendly to bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are found in clove, cassia, basil, cinnamon, oregano, anise, peppermint.
– Monoterpenes: It can reprogram miswritten information in the cellular memory.
– Sesquiterpenes: It can be found in cedarwood, vetiver, spikenard, sandalwood, black pepper, patchouli, myrrh, and ginger.

Essential oils have antiseptic properties against properties against drug-resistant bacteria. Essential oils of thyme and cinnamon are efficient antibacterial agents against a range of drug-resistant Staphylococcus species which are extremely difficult to treat. Essential oils can be used to treat E. coli, Salmonella, MRSA and flesh-eating bacteria.

Essential oils can penetrate the cellular wall and dispel viruses, where antibiotics that can only kill bacteria outside the cellular wall. Just a drop of essential oils contains enough molecules to cover every cell in the body. There are 40 million trillion molecules in just one drop of essential oil. They have the ability to enter the body through the lungs and disperse throughout the body in a way that other medicines are unable to achieve.

Inhaling essential oils can modulate the sympathetic nervous system activity. Certain oils have been found to be stimulating while others were found to be calming. When you go to purchase essential oils, just remember they’re not the same as synthetic fragrance oils. Many oils should be diluted if you plan to put them onto the skin.


The Power of Aromatherapy

bottles of essence oil with pink flowers - beauty treatment

Aromatherapy. You may not know exactly what it is, but you can’t escape it. Everywhere you turn, there is a plethora of scented candles, oils, sprays and incense all claiming to be good for your health and well-being. “Smell this and feel calm!” “Light this, and light his fire!” “Rub this scented lotion on your skin and re-energize your spirit!” Sounds like a bunch of nonsense just to sell products, doesn’t it?

Strangely enough, it’s not nonsense. In fact, there is more to aromatherapy than meets the nose. The use of scent to alter health and well-being for the better has been around for centuries. Now, science has confirmed what men and women have practiced for generations: scents have the ability to promote good physical, mental, and spiritual health. But how do you include aromatherapy in your everyday life? Is it easy? Does it make sense? And what exactly is it, anyway? This book will answer those questions, and more. Armed with the answers, you can change your life – and your health – for the better!

The Power of Aromatherapy

Have you ever been in a funk and then smelled something wonderful, like lavender or citrus, and suddenly felt better? That’s the basis of aromatherapy. Essentially aromatherapy is a gentle, non-invasive, natural healing art that utilizes the scents of essential oils to promote general well-being. While essential oils do, in fact, have medicinal properties, the simple act of smelling an essential oil can uplift the spirit, which can positively change feelings and outlook.

The power of aromatherapy lies in its ability to stimulate the imagination and to generate an almost instant sense of joy or peace. And, unlike other therapies, such as acupuncture or traditional Western methods, aromatherapy is non-invasive. That means, nothing to take internally, no needles, no pain. It’s also portable, so if you have recurring problems with stress, anxiety, migraines and the like, just take the applicable essential oil with you, and you have help right at the tip of your nose at all times.

Don’t let all that New Age talk fool you: aromatherapy is not just a touchy-feely, warm fuzzy type of practice; there is most definitely science behind it. Aromatherapy falls under a fairly new science called psychoneuroimmunology, which studies the interaction among the psychological, neurological and immunological systems. In layman’s terms, psychoneuroimmunology looks at the effects of both positive and negative experiences on the immune system and the psyche. Science has confirmed that pleasurable experiences like breathing in pleasant aromas or receiving a pampering massage actually strengthens the body’s immune system and uplifts the spirit. Conversely, things like unhappiness, lack of touch and stale air lowers the body’s resistance to disease and also dulls the spirit. So, incorporating aromatherapy into your daily activities can actually help bolster your immune system and promote a positive, clear outlook on life.

You may have heard of holistic medicine, which looks at the causes and prevention of illness, and not just the symptoms. It’s a whole-body approach to health, one which gives you responsibility and a certain amount of control over your health. Aromatherapy is part of holistic medicine. When married to a healthy diet and lifestyle, it’s a fabulous, sensual and creative way to keep on top of your health.

When did Aromatherapy arrive on the scene?

The way aromatherapy is all the talk these days, you’d think it was a brand new concept in health and wellness. It’s not. It’s almost as old as time itself.

While there is reason to believe that the use of aromatics has been in place since the dawn of mankind, physical evidence dates back to the ancient Egyptians. Clay tablets have been found that record the importation of cedar wood and cypress into Egypt and confirms the role essential oils played in international trade. Egyptian high priests also recorded the many uses of essential oils on to papyrus. One intriguing fact is that Imhotep, King Zoser’s chief architect, renowned physician and astronomer, is also known as “the grandfather of aromatherapy-” This great physician is credited with significant advances in medical knowledge. He regularly incorporated the use of aromatics into his practice.

Other cultures have used aromatics as well. The Chinese used aromatic herbs and massage well before the birth of Christ. The Indian therapy known as Ayurvedic medicine utilizes massage techniques, pressure points and essential oils to bring about good health. Hippocrates, the Greek physician known as “The Father of Medicine,” also promoted the daily use of aromatic baths and massage. These are just a few historical examples; the list also includes ancient Romans, various religious orders in the Middle Ages and continues through the centuries to these modern times.

Why do aromatics work?

It’s not enough to know that aromatherapy has been around for ages, we also want to know why aromatics work. It doesn’t seem possible that something as simple as the soothing smell of an essential oil could work wonders on health and well-being, yet it is not only possible, it happens because it utilizes our strongest sense: our sense of smell.

Of all five senses, sense of smell hits the brain first. Faster than a speeding bullet, it’s the “Superman of Senses” with a direct path to the brain. Unlike many of our other senses, the olfactory system’s nerve fibers do not pass through the “switching station,” known as the dorsal thalmus. Instead, these nerve fibers run directly to the limbic area of the brain, which connects to the thalmus and neo-cortex. While these words may not have any meaning to you, this bit of information is important because it’s how aromas are able to affect conscious thought and reactions. The limbic system links directly to our memories, stored learned responses, emotions and feelings.

Even though the olfactory system is linked directly to the brain, olfactory also involves other body systems as well. For example, someone breathing in an essential oil like peppermint not only absorbs it through the nasal cavity, but may also absorb it through the bronchial tract or lungs. This causes the essential oil molecules to pass into the body’s circulatory system, increasing its benefits.

There is also an additional, and sensual, way to engage in aromatherapy: through the skin. This is done usually through massage, which has three very distinct benefits: that of touch, smell, and absorption. Essential oils can also be used in the bathtub, another relaxing and pampering activity. Besides being able to smell the essential oils being used on the skin, the extremely small molecules pass through the epidermis to the dermis, the layer of the skin that gives it its pliability. From there, the oil molecules pass into capillaries and into the rest of the circulatory system.

The body is not harmed by absorbing essential oils. The oils are expelled from the body in a variety of natural ways, like sweat, exhalation and so on. The length of time it takes to expel these oils varies from 3-14 hours, depending on the health of the body.

Essential oils do come with some warnings. One is do not use them directly on the eyes or the delicate mucous membranes of the body.

How do I use essential oils?

Aromatherapy is user-friendly, so there is no excuse to shy away from it. Once you understand a few basics, the use of essential oils for a healthier, happier you is easy. While we touched on a few ways essential oils can be used, in the following chapters you’ll discover how to get the most out of aromatherapy.

For solo artists (those of you who like to do things on your own), aromatherapy through scent is the way to go. For example, we know that peppermint is good for the digestive system, but did you know that if you smell it you will get quicker relief than if you ingest it? It’s true! A 1963 Japanese experiment discovered this result. There are several ways to use scent, and one of the best and most common ways is through a diffuser. So, while opening a bottle of essential oil and taking a big whiff can be of some help, a diffuser emits the scent continually, creating a pleasant, aromatic, healing environment.

However, some benefits are best received through skin application. For instance, ginger oil, known for its bone healing properties, can be applied directly to a small broken appendage like a toe. (Of course, this is in addition to Western therapy, which may include a splint of some sort.) Keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated oils. Make sure you carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions for proper usage. Very few essential oils should be applied to the skin or ingested at full strength. Most require dilution, and some should not to be used on the skin or ingested at all.

For those who like to share everything with family, friends, and loved ones, massage may be the therapy you are most drawn to. Touch itself is healing and, when coupled with essential oils, massage can be doubly nurturing. When using essential oils during massage, it’s important to add it to what’s known as a carrier oil. This dilutes the essential oil somewhat, and makes it go farther. The general rule is to add anywhere from 10-30 drops into an ounce of quality carrier oil.

Inhalation, direct application and massage are among the most common ways to use essential oils, but there are many other ways as well. Some, other uses for essential oils include, but aren’t limited to, facial tonics, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, potpourri, humidifiers, mouthwash, perfume, sitz baths, face and body spray, and in creams and lotions. Once you start using aromatherapy, you’ll find that it fits into many different aspects of your lifestyle!